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This article discusses the emergence of "drug-fattened chickens" in Hong Kong and the need for a food safety platform to enhance monitoring and information dissemination. It explores the reasons behind this issue and identifies the major responsibility for its occurrence. The feasibility, opportunities, and challenges of developing an information platform on food safety in mainland China are also addressed.
HOT ISSUE 熱點事件 “Drug-fattened Chicken” 熱點事件 –醫療美容事件 肥胖人口 回到通識教育科網上資源平台 瀏覽內容
Introduction As the food supply of Hong Kong relies mainly on imports from the mainland and other districts, people’s concern on food safety is once again aroused after a series of media exposé. “Drug-fattened chickens” emerge because some chicken farmers have fed their chickens excessive antibiotics and hormones to speed up the farming process in order to increase their profits. To account for the case, some people suggest that it is due to the loopholes in the food safety monitoring system. (Continued on Next Page)
Introduction The failure of some government regulators to abide by law in the clearance process is also partly to blame. In addition, some people would put the blame on restaurants and food caterers for their inability to strictly select food suppliers, resulting in the use of problematic ingredients in their food products. Besides, media comments point out that the “drug-fattened chicken” case has exposed the lack of transparency of information on food safety monitoring on the mainland. This “information asymmetry” has inadvertently placed the rights of consumers, who are at the end of the chain of food production, processing and sales, at stake. (Continued on Next Page)
Introduction To enhance the dissemination of mainland’s information on food safety, some suggest that different mainland official organizations should establish an information platform to share and exchange relevant information. This platform should also operate well in alignment with a continuous information dissemination system so as to ensure that consumers could obtain accurate information. Nonetheless, how to put these suggestions in place is worthy of enquiry.
請按下方圖片瀏覽相關資料 Background Information Enquiry Questions 1. What are the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case? Who should bear the major responsibility? Why? 2. Is it feasible to develop an information platform on food safety? If it is established on the mainland, what are the opportunities and the challenges? (Continued on Next Page)
Background Information 3. What measures could mainland China adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety? Enquiry Questions
Reference Background Information (Last modified date: 2013/1/31) >More Information Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety <山東雞農禁藥養雞供大集團>(2012),《明報》,12月18日。(另見:http://hk.news.yahoo.com/山東雞農禁藥養雞供大集團-114802010.html;_ylt=ArrJbki7d420LHs7_jGckBDEVsd_;_ylu=X3oDMTM4a2I4dnVmBG1pdANJbmZpbml0ZSBCcm93c2UgTGlzdARwa2cDMzRiNmZiNWEtODQ4My0zYWUxLTk0ZjctM2YyMjJlNWQ0MGFiBHBvcwNsNQRzZWMDbWVkaWFpbmZpbml0ZWJyb3dzZWxpc3R0ZW1w;_ylg=X3oDMTM1djkydXRzBGludGwDaGsEbGFuZwN6aC1oYW50LWhrBHBzdGFpZANkZGY5MzhkYy00ZjJmLTNiZjEtYmQ3NC1kOTM1MDk5OTNhMmMEcHN0Y2F0A.Wci.mam3zlhanlsrgEcHQDc3RvcnlwYWdl;_ylv=3) 華夏經緯網(2012年12月20日)<速生雞還能不能吃 >(取自:http://big5.huaxia.com/xw/rmdjwz/2012/12/3136813.html)
Reference Background Information (Last modified date: 2013/1/31) • <肯德基就「速生雞」言論道歉>(2012),《星島日報》,12月29日。(另見:http://hk.news.yahoo.com/肯德基就-速生雞-言論道歉-083700333.html) • <「速成雞」公司致歉>(2012),《星島日報》,12月30日。(另見:http://hk.news.yahoo.com/速成雞-公司致歉-220521428.html;_ylt=AsrSyMYEET5I1WjWtwGhxsXEVsd_;_ylu=X3oDMTM4aW12cHNzBG1pdANJbmZpbml0ZSBCcm93c2UgTGlzdARwa2cDNmJlNzcwYzktMTJhNS0zZjdlLThhMTMtODgwMTVmOTUzZTEzBHBvcwNsMwRzZWMDbWVkaWFpbmZpbml0ZWJyb3dzZWxpc3R0ZW1w;_ylg=X3oDMTM1djkydXRzBGludGwDaGsEbGFuZwN6aC1oYW50LWhrBHBzdGFpZANkZGY5MzhkYy00ZjJmLTNiZjEtYmQ3NC1kOTM1MDk5OTNhMmMEcHN0Y2F0A.Wci.mam3zlhanlsrgEcHQDc3RvcnlwYWdl;_ylv=3) >More Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety Background Information
Reference Background Information (Last modified date: 2013/1/31) • 華夏經緯網(2012年12月27日)<麥當勞承認採購六和雞 上海食藥監局將追查問責瞞報>(取自:http://big5.huaxia.com/xw/zhxw/2012/12/3144590.html) • <三速食集團認採購速成雞>(2012),《星島日報》,12月28日。(另見:http://hk.news.yahoo.com/三速食集團認採購速成雞-220512692.html;_ylt=AhAqwJQJ9VhihiYqLE_pe5LEVsd_;_ylu=X3oDMTM4cWMzdmlqBG1pdANJbmZpbml0ZSBCcm93c2UgTGlzdARwa2cDY2E3NjM5YmMtNzA4YS0zM2MyLThlODYtZTBlZTBiMDExMmJjBHBvcwNsMgRzZWMDbWVkaWFpbmZpbml0ZWJyb3dzZWxpc3R0ZW1w;_ylg=X3oDMTM1NHQxcWZqBGludGwDaGsEbGFuZwN6aC1oYW50LWhrBHBzdGFpZAM3MWVhYmQ1YS0wYWUyLTNkNGEtODc5Yy1jZGJjNGVjMDM5NTgEcHN0Y2F0A.Wci.mam3zlhanlsrgEcHQDc3RvcnlwYWdl;_ylv=3) >More Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety Background Information
Reference Background Information (Last modified date: 2013/1/31) • CCTV report says KFC chickens are being fattened with illegal drugs, 2012, South China Morning Post, 19th December. (Refer to: http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1107804/cctv-report-says-kfc-chickens-are-being-fattened-illegal-drugs) • China Closes chicken farm supplying KFC, McDonald’s after chemicals report, 2012, South China Morning Post, 20th December. (Refer to: http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1109051/china-closes-chicken-farm-supplying-kfc-mcdonalds-after-chemicals-report) • Drug-fattened chicken report stings chains, CCTV exposé prompts host of questions about checks on suppliers of KFC, McDonald's, 2012, South China Morning Post, 23th December. (Refer to http://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/1110931/drug-fattened-chicken-report-stings-chains) >More Information Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
Reference Background Information (Last modified date: 2013/1/31) >More Information Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety <山東8批雞產品抗生素超標>(2012),《明報》,12月20日。(另見:http://hk.news.yahoo.com/山東8批雞產品抗生素超標-083808263.html;_ylt=Arh_m4AHbdnWhnqfPzamHJzEVsd_;_ylu=X3oDMTM4bzdsNzBiBG1pdANJbmZpbml0ZSBCcm93c2UgTGlzdARwa2cDYTY1NmMzMDItZWFmZi0zN2FkLWFkZDktZGU4MTcyNzYwMWJiBHBvcwNsNwRzZWMDbWVkaWFpbmZpbml0ZWJyb3dzZWxpc3R0ZW1w;_ylg=X3oDMTM1bDJpbDNrBGludGwDaGsEbGFuZwN6aC1oYW50LWhrBHBzdGFpZAM2YmU3NzBjOS0xMmE1LTNmN2UtOGExMy04ODAxNWY5NTNlMTMEcHN0Y2F0A.Wci.mam3zlhanlsrgEcHQDc3RvcnlwYWdl;_ylv=3) 搜狐健康(2013年1月4日)<速生雞引恐慌 專家稱長期食用含激素食品或不孕>(取自:http://health.sohu.com/20130104/n362303666.shtml)
Reference-What are the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case? 1. What are the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case? Who should bear the major responsibility? Why? (Last modified date: 2013/1/31) • <餵藥「速成雞」流入肯德基 >(2012),《東方日報》,11月24日(另見:http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20121124/00178_001.html) • 香港電台(2012年12月18日)<山東雞場抗生素飼雞「速生」供大型食肆 >(取自:http://hk.news.yahoo.com/山東雞場抗生素飼雞-速生-供大型食肆-112200852.html;_ylt=AnkH5D3kLimW0UxEjDO0pgrEVsd_;_ylu=X3oDMTM4ZDh2ZzA4BG1pdANJbmZpbml0ZSBCcm93c2UgTGlzdARwa2cDZDViZGNhYjktMWQ4ZS0zMDMyLWJlMzktODBkMGFjODFlMWNjBHBvcwNsMQRzZWMDbWVkaWFpbmZpbml0ZWJyb3dzZWxpc3R0ZW1w;_ylg=X3oDMTM1NHQxcWZqBGludGwDaGsEbGFuZwN6aC1oYW50LWhrBHBzdGFpZAM3MWVhYmQ1YS0wYWUyLTNkNGEtODc5Yy1jZGJjNGVjMDM5NTgEcHN0Y2F0A.Wci.mam3zlhanlsrgEcHQDc3RvcnlwYWdl;_ylv=3) >More Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety Background Information
Reference-What are the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case? 1. What are the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case? Who should bear the major responsibility? Why? (Last modified date: 2013/1/31) • <山東速生雞 餵抗生素激素>(2012),《星島日報》,12月19日(另見:http://hk.news.yahoo.com/山東速生雞-餵抗生素激素-220509740.html;_ylt=AjDHOpUP6iMHKQJnazzxg2bEVsd_;_ylu=X3oDMTM4aGszdDgzBG1pdANJbmZpbml0ZSBCcm93c2UgTGlzdARwa2cDYzk4MDAwNzgtYTNhZC0zMTAzLTlhNWMtYjBmNWYzYjcyYThkBHBvcwNsNgRzZWMDbWVkaWFpbmZpbml0ZWJyb3dzZWxpc3R0ZW1w;_ylg=X3oDMTM1bDJpbDNrBGludGwDaGsEbGFuZwN6aC1oYW50LWhrBHBzdGFpZAM2YmU3NzBjOS0xMmE1LTNmN2UtOGExMy04ODAxNWY5NTNlMTMEcHN0Y2F0A.Wci.mam3zlhanlsrgEcHQDc3RvcnlwYWdl;_ylv=3) • 金融界-評論頻道(2012年12月19日)<“速生雞”是“市場失靈”養大的 >(取自:http://big5.jrj.com.cn/gate/big5/finance.jrj.com.cn/opinion/2012/12/19170414845730.shtml) >More Information Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
Reference-What are the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case? 1. What are the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case? Who should bear the major responsibility? Why? (Last modified date: 2013/1/31) • <速成雞餵禁藥供肯德基麥當勞>(2012),《明報》,12月19日。(另見:http://www.mingpaohealth.com/cfm/news3.cfm?File=20121219/news/hcca1.txt) • 華夏經緯網(2012年12月20日)<是誰催肥了病態“速生雞”>(取自:http://big5.huaxia.com/xw/rmdjwz/2012/12/3136863.html) • 華夏經緯網(2012年12月20日)<“速生雞”部分養殖場3年未抽檢>(取自:http://big5.huaxia.com/xw/rmdjwz/2012/12/3136855.html) • 香港電台(2012年12月23日)<北京市當局封存山東「速生雞」檢驗>(取自:http://hk.news.yahoo.com/%e5%8c%97%e4%ba%ac%e5%b8%82%e7%95%b6%e5%b1%80%e5%b0%81%e5%ad%98%e5%b1%b1%e6%9d%b1-%e9%80%9f%e7%94%9f%e9%9b%9e-%e6%aa%a2%e9%a9%97-045600027.html) >More Information Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
Reference-What are the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case? 1. What are the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case? Who should bear the major responsibility? Why? (Last modified date: 2013/1/31) • Drug-fattened chicken report stings chains, 2012, South China Morning Post, 23rd December. (Refer to: http://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/1110931/drug-fattened-chicken-report-stings-chains) • 華夏經緯網(2012年12月20日)<速生雞被曝激素增肥 至少吃18種抗生素>(取自:http://big5.huaxia.com/xw/rmdjwz/2012/12/3136871.html) • 華夏經緯網(2012年12月21日)<用藥難監管檢測走過場 速生雞折射養殖模式弊端>(取自:http://big5.huaxia.com/xw/zhxw/2012/12/3137224.html) >More Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety Background Information
Reference-What are the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case? 1. What are the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case? Who should bear the major responsibility? Why? (Last modified date: 2013/1/31) • 華夏經緯網(2012年12月20日)<速生雞之禍全在肯德基麥當勞嗎?>(取自:http://big5.huaxia.com/xw/rmdjwz/2012/12/3136734.html) • 華夏經緯網(2012年12月20日)<食用速生雞 或致免疫力下降>(取自:http://big5.huaxia.com/xw/rmdjwz/2012/12/3136744.html) • 華夏經緯網(2012年11月26日)<“45天速成雞”的關鍵在於是否有害健康>(取自:http://big5.huaxia.com/xw/mttt/2012/11/3099537.html) >More Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety Background Information
Reference- Is it feasible to develop an information platform on food safety? • Is it feasible to develop an information platform on food safety? If it is established on the mainland, what are the opportunities and the challenges? • (Last modified date: 2013/1/31) • <“速生雞”事件引發新一輪洋品牌信任危機土雞產業發展現生機>(2012),《慧聰網》,12月26日。(取自:http://info.finance.hc360.com/2012/12/261600240596.shtml) • 新浪網-財經(2012年12月26日)<速生雞讓食品企業年關難過>(取自:http://finance.sina.com.hk/news/-28-5523031/1.html) • 華夏經緯網(2012年12月20日)<“速生雞”事件肆虐“家禽股”留下一地雞毛>(取自:http://big5.huaxia.com/xw/zhxw/2012/12/3135407.html) • 新浪新聞中心(2012年12月26日)<“速生雞”陰影下的烏魯木齊米東區養雞戶 >(取自:http://news.sina.com.tw/article/20121226/8638861.html) >More Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety Background Information
Reference- Is it feasible to develop an information platform on food safety? • Is it feasible to develop an information platform on food safety? If it is established on the mainland, what are the opportunities and the challenges? • (Last modified date: 2013/1/31) • 國際在線(2012年12月31日)<“六和雞”進過麥當勞廚房 養雞模式待整改> (取自:http://gb.cri.cn/27824/2012/12/31/5190s3976390.htm) • 中國經濟網(2012年12月19日)<肯德基“速生雞”背後站著“速富官”?>(取自:http://big5.ce.cn/gate/big5/views.ce.cn/view/ent/201212/19/t20121219_23955166.shtml) • 中國經濟網(2012年12月19日)<吃肯德基,是吃藥還是吃雞?>(取自:http://big5.ce.cn/gate/big5/views.ce.cn/view/ent/201212/19/t20121219_23953434.shtml) >More Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety Background Information
Reference- Is it feasible to develop an information platform on food safety? • Is it feasible to develop an information platform on food safety? If it is established on the mainland, what are the opportunities and the challenges? • (Last modified date: 2013/1/31) • 華夏經緯網(2012年11月26日)<廓清“速成雞”疑雲還需權威發聲>(取自:http://big5.huaxia.com/xw/mttt/2012/11/3099542.html) • 人民網(2012年12月19日)<從速生雞事件看國人速成心態 >(取自:http://finance.people.com.cn/BIG5/n/2012/1219/c70846-19945102.html) • 華夏經緯網(2012年12月20日)<人民日報:雞吃藥人有權知道>(取自:http://big5.huaxia.com/xw/rmdjwz/2012/12/3136790.html) >More Information Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
Reference-What measures could Mainland China adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety? 3. What measures could Mainland China adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety (Last modified date: 2013/1/31) • 慧聰食品工業網(2013年1月4日)<加強食品安全“一把手”負責制>(取自:http://info.food.hc360.com/2013/01/041032681293.shtml) • 和訊(2012年12月31日)<產銷“速生雞”可否構成食品安全犯罪>(取自:http://news.hexun.com/2012-12-31/149653938.html) • 蒼南新聞網(2012年12月30日)<質監專項檢查“速生雞”原料 >(取自:http://www.wzrb.com.cn/article437970show.html) • 國際在線(2012年12月20日)<專家稱“速成”無危險 濫用藥的“速成雞”有害>(取自:http://big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/27824/2012/12/20/5951s3965078.htm) >More Information Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
Reference- What measures could Mainland China adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety? 3. What measures could Mainland China adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety? (Last modified date: 2013/1/31) • 國際在線(2012年12月19日)<肯德基麥當勞否認“速成雞” 洋速食陷信任危機>(取自:http://big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/27824/2012/12/19/5311s3964178.htm) • 國際在線(2012年12月7日)<美媒:肯德基在華快速增長或終結 > (取自:http://big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/27824/2012/12/07/6011s3951413.htm) • 呼倫貝爾日報(2012年12月31日)<受“速生雞”事件影響海區現買現殺活雞賣的好> (取自:http://www.hlbrdaily.com.cn/news/45/html/160244.html) • 人民網江蘇視窗(2012年12月31日)<速生雞風波波及如東肉雞行業 不少養殖戶虧本> (取自:http://js.people.com.cn/html/2012/12/31/197596.html) • 國際在線(2012年12月24日)<北京:吉野家等23家單位速成雞被封存>(取自:http://gb.cri.cn/42291/2012/12/24/421s3968292.htm) >More Information Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
Reference- What measures could Mainland China adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety? 3 What measures could Mainland China adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety? (Last modified date: 2013/1/31) • 華夏經緯網(2012年11月26日)<張永軍:速成雞是否安全權威聲音不該缺席>(取自:http://big5.huaxia.com/xw/rmpl/2012/11/3099633.html) • 金融界-評論頻道(2012年12月19日)<一隻“速生雞”致人類的信 >(取自:http://big5.jrj.com.cn/gate/big5/finance.jrj.com.cn/opinion/2012/12/19170214845719.shtml) • 人民網(2012年12月19日)<食品行業自律是關鍵:食品安全向善計劃又填新招 >(取自:http://finance.people.com.cn/BIG5/n/2012/1219/c70846-19946819.html) • 華夏經緯網(2012年12月20日)<“速生雞”事件曝光是一面“鏡子”>(取自:http://big5.huaxia.com/xw/rmdjwz/2012/12/3136795.html) >More Information Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
Reference- What measures could Mainland China adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety? 3. What measures could Mainland China adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety? (Last modified date: 2013/1/31) • 華夏經緯網(2012年12月20日)<“解決“速生雞”問題當堵疏並舉 >(取自:http://big5.huaxia.com/xw/rmdjwz/2012/12/3136890.html) • 聯合新聞網(2012年12月24日)<速生雞事件 凸顯陸用藥泛濫 >(取自:http://udn.com/NEWS/BREAKINGNEWS/BREAKINGNEWS4/7588076.shtml) • 國際在線(2012年12月9日)<河北承德回應“速成雞每3天喂1次藥” 稱檢疫程式嚴格>(取自:http://big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/27824/2012/12/09/2625s3952808.htm) • 國際在線(2012年12月5日)<山西稱肯德基“速成雞”抽檢結果均達標仍存疑>(取自:http://big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/27824/2012/12/05/5951s3948837.htm) • 國際在線(2012年11月30日)<肯德基回應45天養成雞:係因選育良種科學養殖>(取自:http://big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/27824/2012/11/30/2225s3943148.htm) Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety