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Discover the universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity for all. Learn about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how you can take local action to contribute to a sustainable future. Join the movement and be part of the solution!
Global Goals – Local Action Michael Ewing – Development Officer Envionmental Pillar
What do we mean by a Sustainable Future? Human Society emerged from, and is entirely reliant for its survival on, the natural environment. Economic systems are created to serve society and can be changed by society. Human society on its present course, with a rapidly growing population, and with an economic system based on an ever increasing use and abuse of natural resources, is destined to destroy the natural systems on which it relies for its survival. Envionmental Pillar
So what is the Problem? Envionmental Pillar
Population ofHomo sapienson Planet Earth Envionmental Pillar
Species on the verge of mass extinction Envionmental Pillar
So what is the Plan? Envionmental Pillar
“Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. A universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. Agreed by 193 countries at the United Nations in September 2015. Result of several years of inclusive consultations and negotiations between UN Member States, civil society and engaged citizens around the world. Key cross-cutting objectives • Intergenerational equity • Leave No-one behind Envionmental Pillar
17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) • At the heart of the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development • Overlapping and integrated • Provide a new policy framework worldwide towards ending all forms of poverty, fighting inequalities protecting the environment and tackling climate change • While ensuring that • no one is left behind, and that • future generations are cared for • 169 targets Envionmental Pillar
59 environmental targets out of 169 Envionmental Pillar
Essential For Success of SDGs • Partnership between • Civil Society • Government • The Public • Leaving no-one behind Envionmental Pillar
Local Action 1 • Individual • Talk to people about Climate Change • Avoid all Fossil Fuel intensive activities and products • Consume less • Find out where your savings/pension are invested. Is your money doing good or harm? • Support young people in their activism • Support each other • Stop Food WasteWww.StopFoodWaste.ie • All-island Pollinator Plan https://pollinators.ie/ • Reduce grass cutting and change mowing regimes to increase biodiversity • Get involved in Citizen Science • Hold a film screening Envionmental Pillar
Local Action II • Working with Groups • Existing groups • Join an IEN Member organisation www.ien.ie • Join a Local Environmental Network https://environmentalpillar.ie/ppn/local-environmental-networks/ • New Group eg • Plastic Free Roscommon • Transition Towns • Sustainable Energy Communities • Get your group to join your local Public Participation Network (PPN) (See slide 33) • Join/support Extinction rebellion • Get your group to Join Coalition 2030 https://www.ireland2030.org/ Envionmental Pillar
Comprised of international and domestic civil societyorganisations, includingenvironmental, anti-poverty and social inclusion groups, academics, and trade unions whoseexpertise ranges from children and youth rights to environmental sustainability andfrom humanitarian relief to long term sustainable development https://www.ireland2030.org/ Envionmental Pillar
Coalition 2030 working to leave no-one behind Envionmental Pillar
Local Action III Expanding the Conversation Reach out to other stakeholders personally; schools, churches, parish council, Eco-Congregation, book clubs, Tidy Towns , fishermen, farmers, Residents Associations, women’s groups, Men’s Sheds, Community Development groups and any others you can think of. Your actions work best when more people are invited to take part. Envionmental Pillar
Local Action IV • Political • Get nominated through the PPN to a Local Authority Strategic Policy Committees • Join a party • Persuade election candidates to adopt environmental policies • Adopt a politician • Attend their meetings and clinics • Invite them to your meetings Envionmental Pillar
Why Join a PPN? Envionmental Pillar
Public Participation Networks • Facilitate the participation and representation of communities in a fair, equitable and transparent manner through the environmental, social inclusion, community and voluntary sectors on decision making bodies • Strengthen the capacity of communities and of the environmental, social inclusion, community and voluntary groups to contribute positively to the community in which they reside/participate • Provides information relevant to the environmental, social inclusion, community and voluntary sector and acts as a hub around which information is distributed and received. Envionmental Pillar
Electoral Colleges • When community groups join their local PPN they elect to join one of the three Electoral Colleges which are: • Community & Voluntary - voluntary groups working in our communities, like sports clubs, cultural societies, Meals on Wheels or the Scouts • Environmental - local organisations formed to protect the environment, like An Taisce or BirdWatch Ireland • Social Inclusion - groups representing people who are socially excluded and whose voices are not heard in our society, such as people with disabilities, migrants or Travellers Envionmental Pillar
Find your Public Participation Network • https://www.leitrimppn.ie/ • http://roscommonppn.ie/ • http://www.sligoppn.com/ • http://www.donegalcoco.ie/community/supportingcommunities/donegalpublicparticipationnetworkppn/ Envionmental Pillar
Community Well-Being A society’s well-being requires that economic, political, environmental, cultural and social developments all be sustainable. It also requires a focus on inter-generational justice to ensure the well-being of future generations is promoted. Every PPN will develop A Vision for the Well-being of the Community for this and Future Generations This vision becomes the bible for the PPN Envionmental Pillar
Vision for Community Wellbeing https://www.communitywellbeing.ie/wp/ Envionmental Pillar
Envionmental Pillar https://www.communitywellbeing.ie/wp/
Thank you for your attention Envionmental Pillar
Resources you may find useful • To be launched soon, a national map of all environmental groups across the country, and repository for best practice etc: • www.len.ie • Lots of action ideas here • https://files.constantcontact.com/4a14a939001/824b15a1-00c5-45e7-a12d-bf8ef885fe40.pdf • Useful Documents for local environmental groups • https://environmentalpillar.ie/ppn/useful-documents/ • How to talk about Climate Change • https://climateoutreach.org/resources/how-to-have-a-climate-change-conversation-talking-climate/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwivbsBRDsARIsADyISJ8g8N8Pe-r8-9guk_Hbz0m3MKm2nMkKIBYNT5UVQ0iduFzzpP-NiF4aAk-ZEALw_wcB • SDG Stakeholder Forum • https://www.dccae.gov.ie/en-ie/environment/topics/sustainable-development/sustainable-development-goals/stakeholder-forum--/2019-forums/Pages/October-Forum.aspx Envionmental Pillar