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How Can Partnering with eOrganic Benefit My Project?

Learn how partnering with eOrganic can enhance project management, communication, and collaboration. Discover eOrganic's interactive tools, articles, videos, and webinars. Engage with organic agriculture peers and access resources for stakeholder engagement.

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How Can Partnering with eOrganic Benefit My Project?

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  1. How Can Partnering with eOrganic Benefit My Project? Alexandra Stone,John McQueen, Debra Heleba, and Alice Formiga January 10, 2011

  2. Alexandra Stone, OSU Project Leader John McQueen, OSU Technology Coordinator Debra Heleba, UVM Dairy Team Coordinator Alice Formiga, OSU Webinar, Outreach, Membership Coordinator

  3. Contact Information: Alex Stone: stonea@hort.oregonstate.edu Find this information at: http://eorganic.info/proposal

  4. What is eOrganic? • How eOrganic.info's group workspaces support project management, communication, and publication to eXtension • eOrganic's articles and videos • eOrganic's interactive content: Ask-an-Expert and webinars • eOrganic's new interactive tools: short courses, broadcasting, interactive websites • How eOrganic can help you and your group network with your peers • How to write eOrganic into your project plan of work and budget. • We will then open it up for questions – all participants will be able to talk by phone.

  5. eOrganic Goals • To engage farmers, agricultural professionals and other members of the organic agriculture community with timely and relevant science-, experience-, and regulation-based information in a variety of media and educational formats • To support organic research/outreach project management, communication, and collaborator and stakeholder engagement • To foster a national organic research and outreach community

  6. http://www.extension.org

  7. http://www.extension.org/organic_production

  8. http://eorganic.info

  9. http://eorganic.info = Private web community and workspace http://extension.org/organic_production = National public website

  10. How eOrganic.info's group workspaces support project management, communication, and publication to eXtension

  11. http://eorganic.info

  12. project management and communication….

  13. project management and collaboration….

  14. project communication & decision making….….

  15. project publication….

  16. all here in YOUR project-specific workspace…..

  17. Publish Articles and Videos to eXtension

  18. Articles eOrganic’s articles cover everything from the nuts and bolts of organic production for beginners to the latest information and technology for advanced producers. http://www.extension.org/organic_production Review policy • two reviewer, anonymous peer review • certification review (compliance with NOP regulations)  Formatting Guidelines • Authors and institutions • Introduction • References John and Heather

  19. Videos Because a moving picture is worth a thousand words, short video segments highlighting the practices of organic agriculture are featured at eOrganic. Producers and researchers demonstrate innovative forage management, cover cropping, reduced tillage, cultivation, and marketing strategies.  You can find eOrganic’s videos at eXtensionhttp://extension.org/article/18726 and at eOrganic’s YouTube site http://www.youtube.com/eOrganic. Example from the eOrganic Dairy Team http://www.youtube.com/user/eOrganic#p/u/8/bSYflqjP6B0 John and Heather

  20. How eOrganic can help you engage your stakeholders WEB 2.0!Ask an ExpertWebinarsand more

  21. Ask-an-Expert

  22. Webinars  • A webinar is a seminar delivered via the web.  • eOrganic offers an organic farming or research webinar approximately every week from October through March • Webinars can be targeted primarily to farmers, extension professionals or other specific audiences • Webinar Series • Organic Agriculture and Climate Change Series • Cover Crop Series

  23. Winter 2010-2010 Webinar Schedule

  24. Webinars are a great way to directly connect your OREI project with stakeholders • Project information is shared with a larger audience • Webinars can be broadcast to an in-person gathering  • Recorded webinars (esp short clips) can be used in other training materials • Evaluation • webinar participants are surveyed immediately after the webinar to evaluate quality and utility • webinar participants can be surveyed one year later to evaluate changes in practices • Easy to do • eOrganic provides the support, training, and evaluation tools and data

  25. Webinar Recordings • Webinars are recorded and archived for free viewing anytime. • Webinars can be delivered in short topical segments, which can be uploaded to Youtube. Youtube clips are viewed more often than entire webinars and can be embedded into articles.

  26. Find our archived webinars and upcoming webinar information at www.extension.org/organic_production

  27. Other engagement tools • Short courses • synchronous (live) or asynchronous (archived, viewed at any time) • certificate- and/or fee-based • Broadcasting of meetings or workshops • Public, interactive websites eOrganic can help you document impact of these content types; participants must provide contact info to register for these interactive content types - eOrganic follows up with quality and impact surveys alex

  28. Short Courses: Dairy Group Example eOrganic Dairy Group: • Current content Plans for new OREI grant: • Solely focused on creating train-the-trainer internet only tools. • Creating two courses: an introduction and a more advanced class, each one having 10 lessons. Use cases would be Universities, inspector training, vets professional development. The lessons contain elements of other content already created by the Dairy group. 


  30. Long-Term Goal Build a network of agricultural service providers knowledgeable and confident about organic dairy production systems who are better able to provide direct assistance to current and/or aspiring organic dairy farmers. Develop Train-the-Trainer Certificate Program.

  31. Develop training materials. • Ask an Expert • Managed by NODPA • 20 FAQs • 24 Articles and Bulletins • Videos • 10 instructional video clips on equipment use and production methods • 6 whole farm case study videos • 20 Narrated PowerPoint Presentations • 30 Webinars • Introductory series: Critical issues for organic dairy farmers • Advanced series: Herd health and nutrition • 2 Online, Asynchronous Moodle Courses • An Introduction to Organic Dairy Production Systems • Advanced Organic Dairy Production

  32. 24 New Articles/Bulletins (with existing articles) 30 archived webinars 10 instructional video clips on equipment use/production methods 6 whole farm case study videos 20 Narrated PowerPoint Presentations 2 2 Online, Asynchronous Moodle Courses

  33. Course 2: Advanced Organic Dairy Production Moodle Courses Course 1: Intro to Organic Dairy Production Systems Module 1: Fundamentals of a sustainable program. Module 2: Soil biology. Module 3: Growing organic forages. Module 4: Pasture management . Module 5: Integrated Pest Management. Module 6: Principles of managing calves. Module 7: Holistic Herd Health. Module 8: Effective business planning. Module 9: Direct marketing case studies. Module 10: Certification & inspection. Module 11: Course eval. and discussion. Module 1: Systems in review. Module 2: Evaluating your soil analysis. Module 3: Matching forages to your resource base. Module 4: Managed Intensive Grazing (MIG). Module 5: Herd Health Programming. Module 6: Mineral nutrition. Module 7: Managing your herd data. Module 8: Financial planning. Module 9: Transitioning farms. Module 10: Course eval. and discussion.

  34. Facilitate service provider-farmer networks. • 4 regional learning hubs: • Gathering place for farmers and service providers to view webinars as co-learners. • Provide info access for farmers who do not have high-speed Internet. • Focus groups to receive feedback on webinars. • Act as local support groups. • Where “Internet life” and “real life” intersect. • Develop / adapt info to region.

  35. Regional Learning Hub Concept with Webinars Learning Hub Learning Hub Webinar Presenter Learning Hub Learning Hub Focus Group On-farm activity

  36. Broadcast(and archive)meetings and workshops • extend your in-person meetings or workshops through webconferencing and broadcasting tools supported by eOrganic • coordinate an in-person meeting or workshop • broadcast it live to individuals or groups - virtual participants can ask questions and join discussion (BOPS project example) publish longer video segments through eXtension publish short clips to Youtube incorporate clips into articles, short courses, or conference presentations john

  37. Interactive website example: NOVIC(OREI-funded Northern Organic Variety Improvement Cooperative) NOVIC PUBLIC WEBSITE john

  38. How eOrganic works to foster an Organic Research/Outreach Communityhow eOrganic can help you and your group network with your peers at eOrganic.info! alex

  39. http://eorganic.info

  40. Learn about other members (new search tools coming in 2011)

  41. Describe yourself on your personal page at eOrganic.info

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