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NP Medium Energy Perspective. Gulshan Rai Program Manager Office of Nuclear Physics June 2, 2014. Outline. Introduction FY 2014 Appropriation and FY 2015 Request Comparative Research Review Funding Opportunities SC Early Career Award (ECA) Program EPSCoR Award Program
NP Medium Energy Perspective Gulshan Rai Program Manager Office of Nuclear Physics June 2, 2014 JLAB Users Meeting 2014
Outline • Introduction • FY 2014 Appropriation and FY 2015 Request • Comparative Research Review • Funding Opportunities • SC Early Career Award (ECA) Program • EPSCoR Award Program • Innovative Detector R&D (IDRD) Pilot Initiative • Recent Developments • Summary JLAB Users Meeting 2014
The Medium Energy (ME) program • Research groups supported at National Laboratories and Universities • Research in quantum chromodynamics primarily at CEBAF (TJNAF) • Study the internal spin structure of the proton via polarized p-p collisions at RHIC (BNL) • Compelling special focus experiments that require different capabilities are also supported at the High Intensity Gamma Source (HIGS) at Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL), in Europe and Japan. • Laser trapping technology to study fundamental symmetries at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) • Supports the Research and Engineering Center (“Center of Excellence”) at MIT • Research groups at 38 universities (180 scientists +150 graduate students). • Operations of the program’s primary research facility, the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility at Jefferson Laboratory • Provides experimental support to develop, maintain, and operate the large spectrometers at CEBAF, and experimental capital equipment. • 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade Project is under construction/commissioning • Opportunity to explore new regimes of quantum chromodynamics, nuclear forces, and fundamental interactions JLAB Users Meeting 2014
Nuclear PhysicsFY 2015 President’s Request by Subprogram Increase in the FY 2015 budget request for NP is dominated by the construction profile of FRIB
Medium Energy – FY 2015 President’s Request • Research decreases relative to FY 2014. Focus is on the highest priority research preparations for the 12 GeV program and RHIC polarized proton run data. • Supports 45 operations staff FTEs transitioning from the 12 GeV Upgrade project back to the base operations budget as the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade project ramps down. The needed funding has been partially offset by redirecting funds from other activitiessuch as equipment, AIP and GPP projects. • Contributions to the SBIR/STTR programs for the NP program increase from 3.2% of non-capital funding in FY 2014 to 3.3% in FY 2015. • Support is provided for NP’s required contribution to the SBIR/STTR programs. CEBAF - Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab)
Medium Energy Research Historical Trend • Total investments in ME research has been ~flat for 3 years • FY11 as reference, total FY14 investments declined by ~$4.0M (-11%) or effectively (including COI) -20% reduction in research. • There is much to point to in terms of the new state-of-the art capabilities and innovations at JLAB. With the start of commissioning of the upgraded 12 GeVCEBAF, the time is right now to strengthen the research capacity within universities and laboratories.
2013 NP Comparative Research Review (CRR) • Purpose: • To provide independent, expert, peer reviewed comparative evaluations of the competitiveness of NP supported research activitieswithin each programmatic portfolio. • Create flexibility for new opportunities. • The review focused on a retrospective evaluation of the quality and scientific impact of NP supported research conducted between January 1, 2010 and April 30, 2013. • Covered 44 presentations from 38 University research groups and 6 National laboratory groups in the ME Program, all assessed on the same basis. JLAB Users Meeting 2014
2013 CRR Outcome • “Dear Professor Letter” • “… A different procedure will be followed for grants judged to be in approximately the lowest 25% of the competitiveness range, which is intended to enhance the NP portfolio and create the flexibility needed to invest in new ideas and scientific opportunities. Specifically, the project end dates of awards in this category will be adjusted to allow an early, orderly phase-out at the end of a revised project period…” • 10 ME grants fell below 25% percentile in ranking. In terms of funding, ~$2.5M or 14% of the total University research budget • Awards are phased-out (terminated) with the end of FY14 funding. • “…Concurrently, NP will institute a review for all new proposals received prior to May 1, 2014. The results of this review will provide the basis for decisions regarding which new grants will be funded in FY 2015… “ JLAB Users Meeting 2014
2014 Competitive Research Review (CRR) • Large number of applications received for FY15 funding consideration • 81 NP proposals requesting ~$60M over 3 years! • Of these, 16 Medium Energy proposals ~$16M. Over 50% are “new” • Competition is fierce Success rate will be low under flat/COL budgets. • All programs are dealing with the unexpected Forward Funding mandate JLAB Users Meeting 2014
Forward Funding (FF) Mandate Financial Assistance Awards (University Grants) less than $1M will be obligated in full at the time of initiating the award for the duration of the project period (typically 3 years). E.g. a $333k/year award for 3 years (2 years) would be awarded $999k ($666k) in advance. Funding would still be “released” annually by the Program. Good news - the award funds are in the “bank” FF presents an immediate and significant cash flow problem as well as a tricky financial balancing of a program in the out-years. Expect 2 or 3 years grants over the next few years. In the ME program, 3 grants have been renewed and forwarded funded with additional funds taken (sacrifice) from other parts of the NP program. Many awards are up for renewal and competition in FY 2015 and FY 2016. JLAB Users Meeting 2014
Funding Opportunities JLAB Users Meeting 2014
Early Career Award Program - I • Office of Science Early Career Award (ECA) program • Purpose: to support the development of individual research programs of outstanding scientists early in their careers and to stimulate research careers in the disciplines supported by the DOE Office of Science (SC) • Funding Opportunity Announcement issued on July 24, 2013 (Look-out for the 2014 Financial Opportunity Announcement [FOA]) • Application deadline: November 19, 2013 • Programs for both university faculty and laboratory staff • Applicant must have received Ph.D. no earlier than 2003; not more than 2 prior applications • NP received 49 applications (26 University, 23 National Labs) • Applicants’ scopes of research were distributed across all subprogram areas supported by NP • ME program received 5 very good applications (~10%) JLAB Users Meeting 2014
Early Career Award Program - II • 3 Selectees for Negotiation of 2014 Financial Award: • Schenke, Bjoern P. [Nuclear Theory Program] • Brookhaven National Laboratory. “Development of a Comprehensive Description of High‐Energy Nuclear Collisions at RHIC and LHC and Electron‐Ion Collisions at a Future Electron‐Ion‐Collider” • Kaufman, Lisa J. Low [Energy Program: Fundamental Symmetries] • Indiana University. “Characterization of Backgrounds for EXO,” • Li, Wei [Heavy Ion Program] • William Marsh Rice University. “Exploring Novel QCD Matter in Proton‐Proton and • Proton‐Nucleus Collisions at the LHC” • One additional ECA award may be possible. • Approx. $2.0M will be allocated for these NP awards. Success rate ~ 6-7%, very competitive. Lower than previous years because of the FF mandate. • SC-wide: 36 selectees for fiscal year 2014 were chosen based on peer review of about 750 proposals JLAB Users Meeting 2014
Early Career Award Program - III • ECA Nuclear Physics solicitation has two new “cross-cut” areas of research: • (h) Applications of Nuclear Science and Technology • The Nuclear Physics program supports a competitive program of targeted initiatives in Applications of Nuclear Science and Technology (ANS&T), the primary goal of which is to pursue forefront nuclear science research and development important to the NP mission, but which is also inherently relevant to applications. • (i) Advanced Detector Technology Research and Development in Nuclear Physics • This program supports applications for innovative R&D efforts directed at achieving radically new advancements of detector technologies needed to perform or conceive future state-of-the-art nuclear physics experiments at NP’s present, upgraded or planned accelerator facilities, or at non-accelerator research institutions supported by NP. • NP received few applications responsive to these topics. • JLAB Users’ (and others) who qualify are strongly encouraged to apply for the 2015 ECA competition. JLAB Users Meeting 2014
Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (DOE EPSCoR) - I DOE EPSCoR is 1 of 7 National programs authorized by Congress to address the need to improve research competitiveness states and territories that have been less successful in competing for Federal research support. • Fosters competitions for scientific and engineering research in states and territories that have demonstrated a commitment to develop their research bases and to improve the quality of science and engineering research conducted at their universities. • Has a strong science orientation but welcomes applications for research spanning the range of program offices. • Implementation Grants (CURRENT FOA—DE-FOA-0001087) • Maximum funding of $2,500,000 per year for up to six years • Laboratory Partnership Grants (last FOA in 2011) • Promotes research and training collaborations between the EPSCoRcommunity and unique scientific capabilities at the DOE National Laboratories. • Maximum funding $200,000 per year • Early career awards in the DOE EPSCoR portfolio JLAB Users Meeting 2014
EPSCoR Eligibility - II DOE EPSCoR has traditionally followed NSF EPSCoR eligibility determinations while reserving the right to create its own eligibility criteria NSF criteria: 0.75% or less than a running 3 year average of NSF awards—excluding ARRA & large scale logistical operations. Ref.: http://www.nsf.gov/od/iia/programs/epscor/Eligibility_Tables/FY2013_Eligibility.pdf State eligibility changes with time: In FY 2012 Guam and Missouri became eligible to participate in NSF and DOE EPSCoR. Iowa, Tennessee and Utah have all become eligible then ineligible in the past few years. JLAB Users Meeting 2014
DOE EPSCoR Program and Early Career Awards -III • The recent addition of early career awards in the DOE EPSCoR portfolio (FY2011) provides a mechanism to strengthen the attachment of well qualified early career faculty with EPSCoR institutions • DOE EPSCoR participates in the Office of Science Early Career Award process on a funds available basis • Consideration is limited to applications to the DOE Office of Science Early Career Award FOAs received from academic institutions in EPSCoR jurisdictions • The DOE Program Office may nominate meritorious applications that would not have been otherwise funded for joint funding consideration with DOE EPSCoR • DOE EPSCoR supports years 1-4 of the award. Year 5 support is to be provided by the partner DOE Program to start transition to their competitive opportunities for future support Strong incentive for JLAB Users from ESPCoR States to apply for NP ECA program as well as the EPSCoR program itself. JLAB Users Meeting 2014
Special Pilot Program for ME The Innovative Detector R&D program (IDRD) - I • The Innovative Detector R&D program (IDRD)is designed to give University researchers relatively short term (1-2 years) detector development funding. • Peer-reviewed proposals under a special solicitation in late 2014. • Targeted mostly for fundamental and generic R&D on properties of detectors or detector systems. • The IDR program is restricted to Universities since it can be thought of as an analog of National Laboratory LDRD funding. • This funding is NOT intended to support a continuing or extensive program in Detector R&D at a University. • The intention is to set aside $500k of new funding for this program each year (appropriations permitting). • Watch for a FOA over the next 6-months. • The ME program is committed to the IDRD and would like to see it grow, even in a flat budget climate. JLAB Users Meeting 2014
IDR Definition of Generic - II • The Detector R&D Program at DOE is intended to fund the research and development of GENERIC • –sensors • –detector systems • –data acquisition systems • which are likely to be important for research in Medium Energy Physics. • It also provides support for test beams for detector testing and evaluation. • GENERIC is defined here as • Fundamental R&D on properties of particle detectors/sensors. • R&D which is transformative - bold new ideas, not incremental evolution of current technologies. • Not R&D for specific projects or an EIC (program administered BNL/RHIC). • Detector R&D which may be motivated by a specific experiment but which is likely to be of general use to other existing or future ME experiments. • Upgrades to existing detectors which are far enough in the future so that there is no consensus on a single, well defined, technological upgrade path. JLAB Users Meeting 2014
Recent Developments • MUon Scattering Experiment (MUSE) Science Review (NSF-led) • working in partnership with NSF-PHY on current R&D efforts and in coordinating future plans. • MOELLER Science Review planned for August, 2014 (Tentative) • sPHENIX Science Review planned for July, 2014 (Tentative) • Long Range Plan (LRP) exercise underway. JLAB Users Meeting 2014
Defining the Science – Long Range Plans • The Long Range Plans have: • Identified the scientific opportunities • Recommended scientific priorities • Effectively defining the • field of Nuclear Physics for the Nation Last LRP in 2007 1979 1983 1989 1996 2002 2007 Nation’s leadership today is largely a result of responsible and visionary strategic planning, and The Federal Government’s decision to utilize the guidance and provide the needed resources JLAB Users Meeting 2014
Summary NP, DOE, and the Administration has strongly supported the Long Range Implementation Report from NSAC: “… completing and exploiting CEBAF Upgrade under any budget scenario” [Recommendation]. The upgrade of the accelerator beam energy, construction of a new experimental Hall D and substantial instrument upgrades in existing Halls are on schedule to be completed by the end of FY 2017. The increase in beam energy provided by the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade opens up exciting new scientific opportunities, and will secure continued U.S. world leadership in this area of QCD physics. A decade of science experiments at JLAB are already approved. The ME Research budget in FY 2015 is likely to remain very challenging, particularly with the implementation of the Forward Funding mandate. JLAB Users Meeting 2014