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Descriptomatic Review – What isDescriptomatic? Have you ever seen a system, tutorial or clever piece of software and thought, "I wish I'd thought ofthat"?
I know I have and this is one of thosetimes. It's called 'Descriptomatic'and it really helps you bang out highly search engine optimized video descriptions fast - not just for Youtube but all the video platforms and, of course, Google. it's built around smart SEO thinking, combined with step by step reminders to make sure that not only are your video descriptions going to be loved by YouTube and Google but you will be able to create them superfast. The 'Descriptomatic' software is, simply put, the fastest and easiest way to create superbly optimized video descriptions with curated content, smart formatting in combination with your input ( which is optionalBTW!). What is super smart about this is that it adds keyword related, curated content from authority sites like Wikipedia plus related search terms, hashtags and walks you through adding your own content too - more text, your social media links and all that cool SEOstuff. The result? Better rankings! A perfectly formatted and optimized video description that will boost your videorankings. Cliff's software is the result of his 'brain storming' with the top SEO guys who know how to rank videos in YouTube and Google and 'Descriptomatic'automates much of that process. Descriptomatic Review – Special Features ofDescriptomatic? So What Does This Mean ForYou?
No more confusion! Simply MAX OUT your VideoSEO SPEED!Test out video ranking opportunitiesFAST! BOOSTexisting rankings with smarterSEO Push Button- 1 Click Implementation Software They built the software to help automate theprocess! Completely 'White Hat' and within YouTube's Terms ofService Works with anyVideo Hosting site - YouTube, Vimeo, Daily Motion. Metacafe This means that you have to convince Google that your video page is worthy ofa page #1 ranking - the same reason they rank the content of a GREAT Blogpost! Add as much, or as little, of your own content as you want Use for new videos or to resurrectold non-rankingvideos You'll be knocking out superbly optimizedvideo descriptions in just minutes! Complete video tutorialsbuilt into thesoftware It enables you to quickly create a video description that combines all theseelements: Your Search Term related Title and Call ToAction Adds search term related content snippets and links to authority sites suchas Wikipedia Creates bullet point of related search terms Plus clickable#hashtags Automatically adds your 'money' link throughout the Description Prompts you to input your own text, social media links andmore Descriptomatic Review – Why should you get DescriptomaticNow? It's rare that something nobody else has done comes along in ourbusiness. Much of the software products we see for sale are simply different versions or variations on a theme, tweaks of the same idea. Basically most product developers are looking to 'create a better mousetrap' and nothing wrong withthat. But Cliff has created something that I have never seen before with'Descriptomatic': If you want a fast and easy way to ensure your videos are optimized to the 'Max' then you need to check thisout. The brains behind this are guys who know how to SEO the heck out of a video on YouTube (or on Vimeo, DailyMotion, Metacafe etc.) and grab toprankings. The 'dimesale' for Descriptomaticwill kick in shortly so if you want to grab this at a crazy low price then today's the day. I know for a fact that this will only be available at, at least, triple the price on Clickbank later in the year once this pre-launch is over so grab it while youcan
Demo Video OfDescriptomatic .https://vimeo.com/164447996. Descriptomatic Review – How Does DescriptomaticWork? Not many internet marketers know that Google and YouTube regard the page on which your uploaded video sits with as much, if not more, importance than the video itself and this is what Descriptomaticaddresses. In short it creates a perfectly formatted video description that is unique to you and your video. Do you want your videos to rankbetter? Descriptomatic will help you dothat: Use this to update your poorly ranking videos for better results or make sure any new videos are uploaded with perfect SEO in place from the get go. What I particularly like about this is that the curated content is super relevant and, combined with my own input, means that my descriptions are not only optimized to the hilt but they are unique - no worries about duplicate contenthere. Just Give Them The Search Term You Want To RankFor... Enter your basic info into Descriptomatic and pressrun The software goes out and finds search term related content to 'curate' intoyour video description and creates a text file for you to paste into your videopage... Bullet points of related search terms automaticallyadded Your 'money link' automatically added + your Video/Playlist/Channel links too Paste your video script, or any other text, into the software and it willbe • automatically added to your Description output file. As will your Social Media profiles, all neatlyformatted.! • All perfectly laid out for quick 'copy and paste' to your Video Description inside YouTube
Descriptomatic Review – Descriptomatic SpecialBonuses: Our Personal 'Brain Storm' - Convert Your Traffic! Multi Module Training On SmartWays To Monetize Send Your Traffic Straight To The CashLink! How To CloneA Sales Page For Fast Cash Access FreePlugins and Software To Get You UpFAST! This Multi-Module Training will open your eyesas to how to monetizeyour videoclicks!
As Smart Video Marketers we ALL know that 'Tags' are Important too! So they built some extra Software foryou! T-Rex Tags grabs the Tags for every video ranking high for ANY search term so you can rip them off! Works perfectly in tandem withDescriptomatic! CLICK HERE TO GET DESCRIPTOMATICNOW! You will also get 2 giant bonus packs that value over $23,600 fromus.
Hurry Up... Take Action RightNow! But it just limited to the first 20 fastest people! Don't waste your precious time! Take action right now! RightHere!! Click here to see more detailof: Giant Bonus Pack at $12700 Special Bonus Pack at$9700 1. 2. Don't believe us! Here is some kind-truth words we happily got from our customers support along the way...^^!
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