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FAIR/INFN Meeting for Next Developments of FAIR SIS300 SC Dipoles

Learn about the R&D activities at INFN, ongoing activities for SIS300 at FAIR, discussions on future steps, and plans for new magnet models. Get insights into magnetic design, superconductor performance, insulation schemes, and innovative solutions. Explore advanced constructive solutions and the new R&D program.

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FAIR/INFN Meeting for Next Developments of FAIR SIS300 SC Dipoles

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  1. FAIR/INFN Meeting for Next Developments of FAIR SIS300 SC Dipoles 1- Status of the R&D activities at INFN and possible new developments   P. Fabbricatore 20’ 2- Status of FAIR and ongoing activities for SIS300 FAIR speaker 20’ 3- INFN and FAIR  G. Fortuna 20’ 4- Restricted INFN/FAIR discussion about the next steps  of R&D activities 1:30 Lunch 13:00 - 14:00 5- Visit to the workshop for looking at the cold mass of SIS300 dipole under construction 1:00 6- Conclusions 20’

  2. Status of the R&D activities at INFN and possible new developments  P. Fabbricatore INFN-Genova

  3. INFN-FAIR MoU Since 2006 the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), through groups located in Genova, Frascati and Milano is carrying out R&D activities on SIS300 sc dipoles in the framework of a project called DISCORAP (DIpoli SuperCOnduttori RApidamente Pulsati), according to a specific INFN-FAIR Memorandum of Understanding signed by both institutions in December 2006.

  4. Synopsis Large industrial contracts : 3 M€ for conductor, cold mass construction and cryostat

  5. We are now at a crucial point Once completed this R&D phase, the next activities should be devoted to the development of further models and real prototype magnets preliminary to a pre-series production. In particular the next step should be aimed at constructing and testing a second short dipole cold mass more optimized for SIS300 operations according to a smooth and continuous approach (involving a certain number of models/prototypes) towards the very difficult SIS300 SC dipoles. Considering that for LHC dozens of short models and prototypes were developed, we have to move soon for being ready in some years to face the construction of the 60 dipoles for SIS300

  6. The next step could start just now!!! The main points of the next dipole are related to : i) Magnetic design; ii) Conductor performance; iii) Alternative insulation schemes for the superconductor; iv) Optimised manufacturing. Magnetic Design In few days we will have available the first collared coil and soon after the coil integrated into the iron yoke and finally the complete cold mass. The field quality measurement can be done on these structures obtaining the basic information regarding the geometrical integrated harmonics including the mechanical effects. With this information we could start soon design activities aimed to re-design the coil lay-out with the aim to reduce the geometrical harmonics of one order of magnitude, so moving towards the requirements of the SIS300.

  7. Superconductor functionality & performances -Within one month also two new lengths of superconducting cable will be available. These lengths can be used for collaring tests. -In autumn we will have a further cable with more advanced characteristics, in terms of losses in AC regime. This cable can be used for the construction of an optimized coil. Their superior performances come at the expense of wire stability, and it is important to verify whether and to what extent the magnet functionality is affected - For the end of the year we will have a further sc wire developed at EAS. This wire, once cabled, can be used for further coils or taken as reserve

  8. Insulation scheme The kapton insulation represents a relevant barrier to the heat exchange, which reduces by at least 10 % the temperature margin of the magnet. Any increase of the thermal exchange with the cooling helium would be beneficial for the magnet performances. Studies aiming to develop an insulation scheme with higher thermal conductance, by means of “open channels” structure, have been recently performed by a group at CERN. We could consider the exploitation of a similar solution also in the case of supercritical helium

  9. Exploration of advanced constructive solutions Many constructive solutions of the present dipole were extrapolated from LHC experience. During the manufacture the need of innovative and optimised solutions appeared clearly. In particular the mechanical pre-stress is very critical. On one side if it is too high (110 MPa) the coil can take permanent deformation, if too low (less than 70 MPa) we can have premature quenching. We shall understand much more on this critical operation, through collaring test on a coil done with the real conductor.

  10. Next steps  of R&D activities • Goals • Planning • Costs

  11. The new R&D program The points discussed in the previous presentation suggest the the construction of a second, more optimized model magnet, even before the results of the tests at LASA (end 2010) and the final test at GSI (Spring 2011), are available. As a further (and not to be underevaluated) advantage, this program allows to continue the industrial developments without stopping the connections with industry, which could hardly re-start after one year break. According to this R&D program the collars and the yoke will be not changed. Changes with respect the coil under construction will affect the coil (new optimised lay-out), some materials (the blocks will be done of G11 more resistant to radiations, new ground insulation), the axial pre-stress on the coil, the way to apply the mechanical shims, the external shell (thinner than present one).

  12. An important tool The entire tool used for the construction of the coil under construction will be used, but the collaring press. This tool is property of CERN, who need the press be at CERN next month. A new press, more sized for SIS300 dipoles, is needed. This press is very expensive and in the proposal we circulated 6 months ago the planning was calibrated on the procurement of this tool. During the construction of the present dipole we have indentified a simpler pressing tool not to be used for mass construction but only for models and prototypes. The cost of this press is 1/4 of the envisaged one, making the R&D program more affordable

  13. Planning April 2010 - field quality measurements on present model dipole under construction May 2010 start of the re-design of the coil (number of sectors, turns lay-out and coil ends). Deadline December 2010. October 2010- Construction of two poles with present conductor (June) and extensive pre-stress campaign on short axial length. August 2010. Start the procurement of the press (to be ready in March 2011) November 2010. New lengths of low loss conductors available April 2011. Winding of two poles May 2011. Collaring of the coil June 2011. Integration into the iron yoke September 2011. Completion of the magnet December 2011. Test at LASA

  14. Envisaged costs The total cost of this program is 1.35 M€ according the following breakdown: Collaring press 150 k€ Winding of the test coil 80 k€ Collaring tests on test coil 70 k€ Cabling of EAS wire 50 k€ Winding of the optimized coil 100 k€ Construction of the cold mass 550 k€ Test of the cold mass at LASA 80k€ Mounting and transportations 20 k€ Travels, consumable and software of the INFN groups (10 FTE along 20 months) 250 k€

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