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A Few Loose Theological Threads in the Untied Church of Canada. Berwick Camp Theology for Today 2013 Rev Dr Rob Fennell Atlantic School of Theology. Monday. A Prayer to Begin (VU 573).
A Few Loose Theological Threads in the Untied Church of Canada
Berwick CampTheology for Today 2013Rev Dr Rob FennellAtlantic School of Theology
A Prayer to Begin (VU 573) Eternal Spirit of the living Christ, I know not how to ask or what to say; I only know my need, as deep as life, and only you can teach me how to pray. Amen. - Frank von Christierson
Theology for Today 2013 5 loose threads in the Untied Church ecclesiology (what’s up with the church?) anthropology (what does it mean to be human?) discipleship (calling? what calling?) atonement (what’s to be done about sin?) ministry (gifts of the Spirit? seriously?)
ecclesiology one big mess? four marks, six functions, two awesome promises …and the Blues Brothers
“Blues Brothers” video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4YrCFz0Kfc
ecclesiology EK + KLESIA + LOGOS
“the church doesn’t have a mission … the mission has a church”
God raises up: communities of faith, communities of disciples, communities of service, communities of resistance
God raises up: communities of faith, communities of disciples, communities of service, communities of resistance … to accomplish peace, justice, joy, bread for all
four marks of the church as named in the Nicene Creed: one holy catholic apostolic
six functions of the church as named in the New Testament: didache (teaching the faith) kerygma (proclaiming the faith) diakonia (serving others) marturia (bearing witness in public) koinonia (being a community) leiturgia (worshipping)
A Song of Faith (2006) With the Church through the ages, we speak of God as one and triune … the One on whom our hearts rely
We sing of a church seeking to continue the story of Jesus by embodying Christ’s presence in the world. We are called together by Christ as acommunity of broken but hopeful believers, loving what he loved, living what he taught, striving to be faithful servants of God in our time and place.
Our ancestors in faith bequeath to us experiences of their faithful living; upon their lives our lives are built. Our living of the gospel makes us a part of this communion of saints, experiencing the fulfillment of God’s reign even as we actively anticipate a new heaven and a new earth.
The church has not always lived up to its vision. It requires the Spirit to reorient it, helping it to live an emerging faith while honouring tradition, challenging it to live by grace rather than entitlement, for we are called to be a blessing to the earth.
We sing of God’s good news lived out, a church with purpose: faith nurtured and hearts comforted, gifts shared for the good of all, resistance to the forces that exploit and marginalize, fierce love in the face of violence, human dignity defended, members of a community held and inspired by God, corrected and comforted, instrument of the loving Spirit of Christ, creation’s mending. We sing of God’s mission.
Baptism by water in the name of the Holy Trinity is the means by which we are received, at any age, into the covenanted community of the church.
Can you offer a positive example of one of the six functions in your local context? didache (teaching the faith) kerygma (proclaiming the faith) diakonia (serving others) marturia (bearing witness in public) koinonia (being a community) leiturgia (worshipping)
two promises Matthew 16:18 Upon this rock (Peter), I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
two promises Matthew 16:18 Upon this rock (Peter), I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Matthew 28:20 I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
A Prayer to Close (VU 576) Almighty God, whose son Jesus Christ has taught us that what we do for the least of our brothers and sisters we do also for him; give us the will to be the servants of others as he was the servant of all, who gave up his life and died for us, but is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. - Augustine of Hippo (354-430)
ecclesiology one big mess? four marks, six functions, two awesome promises …and the Blues Brothers
A Few Loose Theological Threads in the Untied Church of Canada
Theology for Today 2013 5 loose threads in the Untied Church ecclesiology (what’s up with the church?) anthropology (what does it mean to be human?) discipleship (calling? what calling?) atonement (what’s to be done about sin?) ministry (gifts of the Spirit? seriously?)
A Prayer to Begin (VU 490) Loving God, within Christ’s body may we find our best and truest selves revealed, called forth, supported by its love to live at peace, made whole and healed. Amen. - Joy F. Patterson
anthropology (what does it mean to be human?) anthropos [human being] + logos
clip from “Wall Street” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF_iorX_MAw
anthropology (what does it mean to be human?)
4 distortions worth-less divine consumers atomized
4 distortions4 alternatives worth-less beloved creature-spirit divine servant consumers steward atomized member of the Body
#1 distortion: worth-less paradigm: merely carbon & water temptation: rejection alternative: beloved creature with a spirit virtue: charity
#2 distortion: self-divinity paradigm: emperorship temptation: domination alternative: servant virtue: humility
#3 distortion: consumer paradigm: I shop therefore I am temptation: insatiability alternative: steward virtue: generosity
#4 distortion: atomized/private individual paradigm: me against the world temptation: despair alternative: member of the Body virtue: solidarity
4 distortions4 alternatives worth-less beloved creature-spirit divine servant consumers steward atomized member of the Body
A Few Loose Theological Threads in the Untied Church of Canada
Theology for Today 2013 5 loose threads in the Untied Church ecclesiology (what’s up with the church?) anthropology (what does it mean to be human?) discipleship (calling? what calling?) atonement (what’s to be done about sin?) ministry (gifts of the Spirit? seriously?)
A Prayer to Begin (VU 569) You call us out to praise you, the God who gives us birth; to gather in communion, and treasure your whole earth. We are your living story, to hear and to be heard. We praise your name, who writes us: the Author and the Word. Amen. - Anna Briggs