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Company Profile of Europrofessional Hungary E.C.

Company Profile of Europrofessional Hungary E.C. István D. Mikus:. FORESTUR PROJECT First Meeting in Valencia 15-19 november 2006 Florida Centre de Formació, Valencia, Spain. We are an organisation for. EDUCATION CONSULTING RESERCH and DEVELOPMENT WE ARE AN NGO. Our Vision.

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Company Profile of Europrofessional Hungary E.C.

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  1. Company Profile ofEuroprofessional Hungary E.C. István D. Mikus: FORESTUR PROJECT First Meeting in Valencia 15-19 november 2006 Florida Centre de Formació, Valencia, Spain

  2. We are an organisation for ... • EDUCATION • CONSULTING • RESERCH and • DEVELOPMENT • WE ARE AN NGO

  3. Our Vision • Lifelong learning in a changing world … • … increasing the learning on: • low level, SME and high school training • special trainings on higher level including: • adult training and • distance education.

  4. Our Mission Statement - 1 • Close up activitybetween the European projects and Hungary • Matchmaking for Hungarian and other European individuals, organizations and projects. • We train strategy, project development and fundraising for: • Schools, SME-s, • Tourist and Labour Organizations and, • Town Halls.

  5. Our Mission Statement - 2 • Rural and Small Region development on environment friendly base. • Quality is a cornerstone of our success.

  6. Structure of Our Activity - 1 • We form teams from international experts. • We coordinate their work by our secreteriat. • We contract specialized organisations for specialized issues. • Our list of experts and coordinators give us wide angle opportunities to realise high quality products in time.

  7. Structure of Our Activity - 2 • As an NGO we pay very high attention tothe non profit / civil sector and social dialogue.

  8. References - 1 • In the last years we finished three Leonardo da Vinci projects. • One of them was “VITRINE” Virtual Training in the Information Society.(Promoter BDF Palma de Mallorca) • Another was an open vocational education project. • We cooperate in three other projects as well. • Our very first LdV experience was the development of twelve SME Curricula.

  9. References - 2 • Year before we finished the Final Reports oftwo LdV projects • NATURAE: Rural/Eco Tourism (Promoter Univ.of Perugia) • EINET-SME network (Promoter University of Bodo) • We finished a Socrates-Grundtvig project • New TELS - Toward a European Learning Society • We completed a Leonardo Mobility Project • Casa Amica (Promoter Townhall of Lecce)

  10. References - 3 • Separately from this projects we have two Leonardo projects - EU-EQT (recently finished) and Train SME (ongoing now). • We coordinatedTASK Bilateral Project with Flanders. • Recently we have four new projects • Three, mainly SME oriented Leonardo Projects -ELEVATOR, EPMT, FORESTUR • A Socrates-Grundtvig Project - EDURA

  11. Participation in EU-EQT Projects • European supplementary qualification intourism management

  12. Our EPMT participation

  13. Target Groups of EPMT Trainings

  14. EPMT Implementation and Evaluation

  15. EU-EQT Tourism Trainings

  16. Offers ofEU-EQTCompetenceNetwork

  17. Structure ofEU-EQTCompetenceNetwork

  18. Theme of course development • The development and proving of an integrated action and course concept • Course entitled "Establishment and workings of education, communication, information and family centres in rural regions of the EU” • Acronym: EDURA (Education Infrastructure in Rural Areas)

  19. Details of Socrates Programme Grundtvig - EDURA • The need of numerous rural regions of the EU are characterised by • „Exodus” of younger generation • Unfavourable remaining age structure • Lack of education, communication and information opportunities • Decreasing employment opportunities and high unemployment rates • Isolation from the development in more prosperous regions • Disintegration of rural / local infrastructures

  20. Details of Socrates Programme Grundtvig - EDURA • These rural regions need support to build up the necessary infrastructure for education, development of social and economic skills, communication and information. • The results of Grundtvig 3 meeting on Cyprus and contact with other new EU member states have already established and indeed confirmed the need for this type of project and the anticipated project results. • The first EDURA training will realize on Feb. 2007

  21. Aims of Socrates Programme Grundtvig - EDURA • To be a central point for education, information and advice • To enable regional and transnational communication • To offer education and information modules, including business startups • To care for handicapped people • To implement training and coaching programmes for professional orientation and motivation • To arrange social training concepts • To establish social contact • To promote cooperation between all generations • To develop self-help structures • To organise leisure projects.

  22. Long Term Components ofSocrates Programme Grundtvig - EDURA • The education concept should promote the formation and the offer oriented profiling of suitable education, information, communication and family centres as a long term component of the infrastructure. • This should address and improve the occupational and and living prerequisites in rural regions to include all generations.

  23. References - 4 • By the Head of organization there was developed and coordinated 98 training and development projects, financed by USAID in the period 1990-95. • As chairman of our company, I was the evaluator, together with an American expert , of 120 VOCA projects.

  24. References - 5 • I am a former World Bank project developer, coordinator and evaluator as well as former National and International Leonardo expert and evaluator of Project Proposals. • Observer in Geneva at Economic Comission for Europe of UN for SME issues • Observer in AEIAR in Brussels(European Organisations of Rural Development Associations)

  25. References - 6 • I am a Trained Rural Tourism expert by EU • Lecturer and Chair on CEI conferences (Central European Initiative) • National organizer of “Learning Cities” seminars • Adviser of National Adult Education Institute Budapest • Founding Member of ERENET - www.ERENET.org

  26. We Have a Broad Partnership

  27. Our Partnerships - 1 • Europrofessional Hungary EC is partner ofSYNTRA-WEST SME Training Centre and Business School - Brugge, West Flanders • We are “SME National Focal Points in CEI Countries”, registered by U.N.E.C.E. • We are registered member in the Slow Food Budapest Convivium. • Europrofessional Hungary EC is cooperator of Rural Tourism Organization of Hungary.

  28. Our Partnerships - 2 • We are member of various professional networks • EDEN membership (European Distance Education Network) • NAP membership (Network of Academic Professionals) • Membership in ERENET (Enterpreneurship Research and Education Network of Central Europe) • We are inventors, developers and/or partners in new projects. • Within the above mentioned new projects, we cooperate with local governments and colleges, universities, chambers and labour offices.


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