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GeoADE - Geometric Algorithm Development Environment

GeoADE - Geometric Algorithm Development Environment. Tsai-Yeh Tung 2010/3/9. Web-based Collaboratory Lab, IIS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan Algorithmic Theory and Applications Lab, CSIE, NTU, Taiwan. Outline. Configurations of Geo metric A lgorithm D evelopment E nvironment (GeoADE)

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GeoADE - Geometric Algorithm Development Environment

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  1. GeoADE - Geometric Algorithm Development Environment Tsai-Yeh Tung 2010/3/9 Web-based Collaboratory Lab, IIS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan Algorithmic Theory and Applications Lab, CSIE, NTU, Taiwan

  2. Outline • Configurations of Geometric Algorithm Development Environment (GeoADE) • What is GeoADE Virtual Machine? • Getting Started with GeoADE Virtual Machine

  3. Configurations of Geometric Algorithm Development Environment (GeoADE) • Ubuntu Desktop: • The most popular linux distribution • Eclipse CDT: • Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers • LEDA: • C++ library • GeoLEDA: • C++ library • Geometry Viewer: • a visualization tool providing support for geometric algorithm animation

  4. Setup Your Own GeoADE • Install the 32-bit Ubuntu Desktop 9.10 • Install the g++ and Java SE (JDK) 6 • Download and setup the LEDA Free Edition 6.2 • Download and setup the GeoLEDA • Download and setup the Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers (for 32bit Linux) • Download and setup the GeoDrawClipse • Done and good luck. Source: http://code.google.com/p/ntu-csie-geometry/wiki/HowToSetupGeoADEOnUbuntu

  5. Outline • Configurations of Geometric Algorithm Development Environment (GeoADE) • What is GeoADE Virtual Machine? • Getting Started with GeoADE Virtual Machine

  6. What is GeoADE Virtual Machine? • A virtual machine (VM) is a software implementation of a machine (i.e. a computer) that executes programs like a physical machine. • GeoADE Virtual Machine is our pre-configured Virtual Machine of Geometric Algorithm Development Environment on Ubuntu Linux • forconveniently learning geometric algorithm and programming via our visualization tool named Geometry Viewer.

  7. Geometry Viewer GeoLEDA LEDA Geometry Viewer • Geometry Viewer is our visualization tool providing support for geometric algorithm animation based on GeoLEDA. • GeoLEDA is a C++ library for remotely visualizing the LEDA data structure. • LEDA is a C++ class library for efficient data types and algorithms. • LEDA provides algorithmic in-depth knowledge in the field of graph- and network problems, geometric computations, combinatorial optimization and others.

  8. Screenshot of Geometry Viewer

  9. Installed OS and Software in our GeoADE Virtual Machine

  10. Outline • Configurations of Geometric Algorithm Development Environment (GeoADE) • What is GeoADE Virtual Machine? • Getting Started with GeoADE Virtual Machine

  11. Getting Started with GeoADE Virtual Machine • Install VMware Player 3.0.1 • Download VMware Player for Windows or Linux from the VMware website. • Download VMware Player for Windows from the FileHippo website. • Download and extract our pre-configured GeoADE VM image: Ubuntu-9.10_GeoADE-VM_20100228.7z • Double click Ubuntu.vmx to startup the virtual machine (i.e. Ubuntu Linux). • Answer “I copied it” when prompted a question. • Double click Eclipse CDT from the Ubuntu desktop. • Play and enjoy! Source: http://code.google.com/p/ntu-csie-geometry/wiki/GeoADEVirtualMachine#Getting_Started

  12. VMware Player 3.0 Ubuntu.vmx

  13. VMware Player 3.0

  14. GeoADE Virtual Machine on VMware Player Ubuntu Desktop Edition 9.10

  15. GeoADE Virtual Machine on VMware Player

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