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Student Success Career & Life Pathways. Greater Essex County Parent Involvement Committee Tuesday, January 28 th , 2014 Tecumseh Vista Academy. Focus this year…. 36% gap. 28% gap. Education & Career/ Life Planning. Vision
Student SuccessCareer & Life Pathways Greater Essex County Parent Involvement Committee Tuesday, January 28th, 2014 Tecumseh Vista Academy
Focus this year… 36% gap 28% gap
Education & Career/Life Planning • Vision • ‘…all students leave secondary school with a clear plan for their initial postsecondary destination.’ (p. 8) • Core Beliefs • all students can be successful; • success comes in many forms; • there are many pathways to success. (p. 9) Four step inquiry-based framework to guide schools in the delivery of K-12 education & career/life planning program
Knowing the Learner Individual Pathways Plan (IPP) Grades 7 – 12 • supporting students in identifying their personal interests, strengths, needs, and aspirations and in using this knowledge of themselves to inform their …learning opportunities • The IPP can provide … additional insight into the students particular learning strengths, needs, interests, and aspirations. This understanding can inform the teacher’s work in developing the student profile Creating Pathways to Success Student Engagement
Knowing the Learner Knowing Yourself To help answer the question “Who am I?”, students will: identify the characteristics that describe who they are (e.g., interests, strengths, intelligences, accomplishments, values, and skills, which include the learning skills and work habits evaluated on the provincial report cards …) Student Engagement
Transition to High School • Transition process is starts in grade 7 and continues to grade 9. • Grade 7 classes meet with Student Success Teacher from their feeder schools and begin the discussion about expectations for high school • Grade 8 classes take part in transition activities that vary from school to school. Activities include: fun days, bottle rockets, visits grade 11 leadership students, Pathways Games and visits from Guidance Counsellors
Transition to High School • Transitioning continues once Grade 9 students get to high school to help smooth the transition • Activities vary depending on the school and include: Grade 9 Orientation, Grade 9 Day, Grade 9 & 12 Retreat, Breakfast Buddy Program to pair grade 9s with a grade 12 mentor, welcome assembly and also Grade 9 Meet the Teacher to help parents with the transition.
Our students are provided opportunities to prepare for the transition to their initial post-secondary destination • Presentations by organizations such as: St. Clair Society of Architects, Skills Canada, Chartered Professional Accountants • In school University & College Visits • Skilled Trades Women’s Dinner • College Information Program and University Information Program • Take Our Kids to Work Day • Manufacturing Day • Individual Academic and Career Counselling • Classroom Guest speakers
Individual Pathways Plan • Requirement for all students in grades 7-12 • Must be reviewed at least twice a year • Documentation of career/life exploration will be web-based using Career Cruising • Integrate the web-based IPP with the Student Information System (SIS) • Career/Life Planning & the IPP becomes a shared responsibility between teachers, Student Success Teachers and Guidance Counsellors
Individual Pathways Plan (IPP) Introduced to all grade 10 students within the system (GLC 20) Piloted in three (3) Family of Schools within the system
Career Cruising • Acts as the electronic portfolio of the IPP. • This data collection warehouse stores the evidence of our students’ career/life exploration based on the four guiding inquiry questions. • Students complete assessments to determine a career or career sector match based on interest and skill. • Students are able to explore careers and sectors that interest them and research post-secondary education or training program requirements. • Research colleges, apprenticeship or universities and their specific programs. • Develop a resume for job searches.
The IPP could be used to generate other communication products or tools. Under Construction/ Development
The Specialist High Skills Major • opportunity to customize the high school experience • focus on skills relevant to the world of work • targets all 4 pathways • student success initiative • 1,604 programs provincially • 661 secondary schools with at least one SHSM • 10.5% of the students in the province in a SHSM
SHSM Components 1. Bundled Credits • 4 “major” credits, 2-4 “other” credits, co-op 2. Certification and Training 3. Experiential Learning and Career Exploration Activities 4. Reach Ahead Experiences 5. Essential Skills and Work Habits
SHSM Sectors Non-GECDSB Sectors Aviation & Aerospace Forestry Horticulture & Landscaping Justice, Community Safety, and Emergency Services Mining Non-profit Sports GECDSB Sectors • Agriculture • Arts & Culture • Business • Construction • Energy • Environment • Health & Wellness • Hospitality and Tourism • ICT • Manufacturing • Transportation
Benefits of the Program • promotes multiple pathways for success • SHSM students are more successful in all pathways in terms of marks and credits than those not in the SHSM program • students are more marketable in a very competitive workplace • allows students to gain work experience • Youth Unemployment Rate in Ontario in July – 20.1% (HRSDC, 2013)
OYAP • ONTARIO YOUTH APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM TWO CHOICES: • OYAP STUDENT- a student that is completing their co-op placement in an apprenticeable trade. • This is available for any Grade 11 or 12 student at any secondary school in the system. • OYAP PROGRAMS- these 2 year programs are available at specific secondary schools • and follow the schedule shown below (except Leamington Cook) KEY POINTS: Students must have 14 credits (including Math and English) before entering an OYAP Program. All OYAP students must be 16 years old and have 16 credits before their co-op placement begins. Transportation to OYAP schools is available in most cases. Students must provide their own transportation to the work placement. Some placements are paid (Herman, General Amherst, Sandwich). Previous OYAP students have earned as much as $35,000 Students can become REGISTERED apprentices with the MTCU (Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities)
OYAP: MOVING FORWARD - Development of a new OYAP Policy and Procedure manual for teachers. - Creation of a Trevlac Data Management system for OYAP students. - Marketing/Promotion: Development of new OYAP flyers for all programs Bus shelter advertisements Windsor Magazine advertisement 18 OYAP, Co-op, Guidance teachers to OYAP conference Oct 17,18 Manufacturing Day, October 4 - Girls/Women in Trades MTCU Grant ($17,000) (new this year) 1) “Reach Ahead” field trip for Grade 8 students to local secondary school Technical Departments 2)“Reach Ahead” field trip for secondary school girls enrolled in technical classes to local manufacturing, automotive and construction facilities and St. Clair College FCEM, CCIP 3) Skills Canada Networking Dinner for Women, Nov.26, St. Clair College for the Arts 4) Development of a OYAP Task Force to advance girls/women in technical classes/trades.
OYAPCOMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS - SYNERGISTIC ALLIANCES • WFWE – Workforce Windsor Essex • WEST – Women’s Enterprise Skills Training • MTCU – Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities • SWOIEC – South Western Industry Education Council • WEEDC – Windsor Essex Economic Development Corp. • Skills Ontario • St. Clair College • Local Industry • Brentwood Home Builder • Plentiful Harvest - Unemployment Help Center Community Kitchen
GREAT TO EXCELLENT(TECHNICAL STUDIES DRIVING THE CURRICULUM) TARGET AUDIENCE: GRADE 9 AND 10, MATH, SCIENCE AND ENGLISH STUDENTS KEY OBJECTIVES: • 1) HOW TO FULLY UTILIZE THE TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS. • 2) HOW TO USE CROSS CURRICULAR INTEGRATION TO INCREASE STUDENT ENGAGEMENT AND CURRICULUM RELEVANCE. • 3)HOW TO PROVIDE STRUCTURES THAT WILL ENABLE GREATER PEER-TO-PEER COLLABORATION. TEACHER SUPPORT: • RELEASE TIME: Release time is available for teachers to pre-plan, develop and conduct activities. • FUNDING: Funding is available to purchase technical and academic supplies needed for activities. PROGRAM STATUS - project introduced to all technical teachers at subject specific P.D. day last year - developed, streamlines and implemented at Herman last year - introduced at Western and Belle River last year - project introduction and expansion planned at Kingsville, General Amherst and others this year
Co-operative Education What is co-op • Co-operative (co-op) is a unique program that extends classroom learning into business, industry and the community. • Students "test drive" a career that interests them. Benefits of co-op • Network with employers. • Gain valuable work experience and develop a skills set they can use in the future. • Earn credits toward their diploma. • Make a smooth transition to life after high school . Our Board Data • The number of students taking co-op in the last 4 years has increased by 68% • (2010/11=894 student 2013/14=1598 students)
Community Kitchen • The Community Kitchen Program provides career preparation for students with an interest in food service and hospitality. • Students have the opportunity to work with a Chef in a “state of the art” commercial kitchen. • Students are preparing food for VON Meals on Wheels, Student Nutrition Program, The UHC Food Banks and Special events. • We provide flexible timetables. • Student are eligible to take certifications at the UHC • Lift-truck • WHMIS • CPR and First Aid • Smart Serve
Re-engagement Initiative For students who have left the system, we: • Find them • Provide them with information • Provide appropriate programs for them so that they will re-engage • Mentor them into these programs • Monitor them • Intervene & counsel when necessary
Re-engagement InitiativeCredits Achieved Total number of re-engaged students who returned and graduated
SWAC (School Within a College) • This program provides students (18-21 years old) considered to be ‘in risk’ or at risk of not graduating an opportunity to experience success in a college environment under the direction of a secondary school teacher. • September 2013 - 26 students started the SWAC program. • The SWAC program is located at the main campus of St. Clair College
What is SWAC? • Each semester, students will take two (2) college dual credit courses including: • one mandatory dual credit course each semester (Self-Management and Self-Direction/Interpersonal Violence in Canadian Society); • one optional dual credit course each semester among the seventeen (17) courses offered by St. Clair College • Students will enroll in additional high school credits through independent study facilitated by a full time secondary school teacher. • The college will offer support and assistance for students in completing their community service hours, provide access to college facilities and resources, engage students with guest speakers and team/leadership building activities;