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Creation,. Self Started or God Started?. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1. Scripture sums up the origin of all things. Moses states the first five books of the Bible were authored by God.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Creation, Self Started or God Started?

  2. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 • Scripture sums up the origin of all things. • Moses states the first five books of the Bible were authored by God. • Devout believers in Israel and Christianity accept Genesis creation account as true

  3. Controversy of Creationists and Evolutionists • Other peoples chose to believe a different theory • Many embrace the concept of a self started universe today. • Evolution from non living matter into all life forms living today.

  4. The Creator • More important than the creation is the Creator, God • God is the central figure of creation. • God is mentioned 32 times in the Genesis account of creation

  5. Elohim • Our first introduction to God is by this name: • “The strong One” • “The putter-forth of power” • The power of God is demonstrated in creation.

  6. A Trinity – Three in One • One God, active as three personalities • “EL” in Elohim is singular • “him” is plural, meaning three or more. • Creation was the work of one true God, but all three personalities were active

  7. Three Personalities • God, the Father, Malachi 2:10 • God, the Son, Hebrews, 1:12 • God, the Holy Spirit, Genesis 1:1,2 “By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God…”. Hebrews 11:3

  8. The Beginning… • Of TIME: “In the beginning…” • Of SPACE: “…the heavens…” • Of MATTER: “…and the earth.”

  9. The Creation • Evolutionists believe the universe is billions of years old • Bible scholars estimate the time span back to Adam and Eve at about 10,000 years. • Two primary answers used by scholars: • The Gap Theory • A Recent Creation

  10. The Gap Theory • Holds that there was an indefinite period between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. • Translate “In the [very] beginning God [had] created…. But [as for] the earth…”

  11. Creation With Apparent Age • Man was created fully grown – “in the prime of life”. • All animals, fish and fowls created in same way. • As with living creatures, it is likely the earth was created the same way. • Mt St. Helen’s eruption a prime example

  12. A Recent Creation • Believed by many top rank scientists. • Consider the Gap theory is a concession to evolutionists

  13. Science or Religion? A scientific theory must be: • A controlled experiment that eliminates variable results. • Must produce the same results no matter how many repetitions. • Must have qualified observers

  14. Choose To Believe • The Supreme Court of the United States ruled that belief in evolution is a religion. • Those who believe in creation by God do so by faith in His word.

  15. For Further Study Creation Research Society P.O. Box 28473; Kansas City, MO 64118 Institute For Creation Research P.O. Box 2667; El Cajon, CA 92021 Answers In GenesisP.O. Box 6330; Florence, KY, 41022

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