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Sustainable Industrial Buildings: A Mediterranean guideline

Sustainable Industrial Buildings: A Mediterranean guideline . M. T arantini. What do we mean with sustainable buildings ?.

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Sustainable Industrial Buildings: A Mediterranean guideline

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  1. Sustainable Industrial Buildings: A Mediterranean guideline

    M. Tarantini Faro, April 1st, 2014
  2. What do wemean with sustainablebuildings? “But our definition is making buildings that work. And green buildings are buildings that work better than normal. They work well. They’re more durable, they’re more energy efficient, they’re more comfortable, they’re more healthy, they are more flexible and adaptable. They just do a good job of being an industrial building. Improving our buildings is the cheapest way to deal with pollution, energy, and resource issues” From http://www.greenbuildingadvisor.com/blogs/dept/building-science/why-does-green-building-matter-part-2-building-science-podcast Sustainable Industrial Buildings A Mediterranean guideline
  3. Spreading of building rating systems Many rating toolshavebeenmodified and adopted from earliermodelsthatwereoriginallydeveloped in othercountries. For example, itispossible to trace manysystems back to the LEED and BREEAM rating systems. Source: R. Reed et alii, “A Comparison of International Sustainable Building Tools – An Update” The 17th Annual Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference, Gold Coast, 16-19 January 2011 Sustainable Industrial Buildings A Mediterranean guideline
  4. Benefits of Sustainable building rating systems Provide a common set of criteria and targets and a verifiable method and framework that can help professionals to design, construct and managebuildingsmore sustainably; Encourage best practices and stimulate the market for sustainableconstruction. Help in raisingawareness of environmentalissues and standards; Sustainable Industrial Buildings A Mediterranean guideline
  5. Sustainable industrial buildings: a comparison of the criteria adopted by different schemes Sustainable Industrial Buildings A Mediterranean guideline
  6. Diffusion of Sustainablebuildings rating systems in MED countries Sustainable Industrial Buildings A Mediterranean guideline
  7. MEID guide for eco-efficient industrial buildings Reference document: “Guias de edificationambientalmente sostenibile Edificiosindustriales” edited by Ihobe and Sprilur MEID activities: Use of Life CycleAssessment (LCA) to support the weighting of differentaspects; adapt the content of the guide to the Mediterraneancontext Aim: - Encouragebest practices and stimulate the market. - Raisingawareness on environmentalissues and standards; . http://www.medmeid.eu/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/MEID_guide_electronic.pdf Sustainable Industrial Buildings A Mediterranean guideline
  8. Organization of the guide: 10 areas of action, 88 measures Sustainable Industrial Buildings A Mediterranean guideline
  9. Classificationcriteria of the measures of the Guide Agent implied in the implementation of the measure: Public Administration The Developer Project team The construction company or contractor (includes subcontractors) Manufacturers (suppliers of materials, products and machinery (either owned or rented) Person(s) in charge of maintenance. Chapter: Planning and design (General issues ) Materials (general issues) Previouswork and earthworks Foundation and structure Roofing Externalwalls (Facades) Partitionwalls Woodwork Paving Equipmentand fittings Building process stage: Urban planning Design Construction Use and maintenance End-of-life Sustainable Industrial Buildings A Mediterranean guideline
  10. Assessmentprocess of the measures Example: measure I-045 “Cover the building with a green roof” Maximum scores Possibility of evaluatingpartialresults Sustainable Industrial Buildings A Mediterranean guideline
  11. Example: Measure I–011: Reuse collected rainwater for the irrigation of green spaces and other uses MAXIMUM RATING: DESCRIPTION: ….. SCOPE OF APPLICATION: (Stakeholder involved: Project team, Head of maintenance; Stage: Urban planning, Design; Chapter: Planning and design) TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: ….. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF THE MEASURE: …… RELATED MEASURES: I-070; I-071; I-075 REQUIREMENTS FOR DEMONSTRATING COMPLIANCE WITH THE MEASURE: Construction project, Work completion QUANTIFICATION OF THE MEASURE: see the following slide Sustainable Industrial Buildings A Mediterranean guideline
  12. Quantification of measure I–011 Reuse collected rainwater for the irrigation of green spaces and other uses Sustainable Industrial Buildings A Mediterranean guideline
  13. Weightingfactors: A unique score for the entire building Sustainable Industrial Buildings A Mediterranean guideline
  14. Areas of actionsand weightfactors of MEID guideline Contents 88 goodpracticesdivided in 10 evaluationcategories; A weightingsystemwhichallows to get a unique score for the whole building Sustainable Industrial Buildings A Mediterranean guideline
  15. Life cycle assessment framework Goal and scope definition Direct applications: Product development and improvement Strategic planning Public policy making Marketing Other Interpretation Inventory analysis Impact assessment Life CycleAssessmentdefinition and phases LCA is a technique for assessing the environmental aspects and potential impacts associated with a product or system (ISO 14040-14044) Sustainable Industrial Buildings A Mediterranean guideline
  16. Impact assessment and interpretationphases of LCA Inventory Classification Caracterization Evaluation CO2 CH4 CFC N2O GWP Global warming Selection of a indicator which defines the environmental characteristics of a product or system Ozone depletion CH3Br ODP NH3 NOx SOx Acidification AP NH4+ Eutrophication NP Results interpretation
  17. Eco-efficient = Energy efficient? From: EnvironmentalImprovementPotentials of ResidentialBuildings (IMPRO-Building) Environmental impact of building life cyclephases (EU25)
  18. LCA case studies on industrial buildings Sustainable Industrial Buildings A Mediterranean guideline
  19. 2° LCA study (“Eurofly” building, Sgarioto company, Ragusa, Italy) Net Area 1500 m2 Roof: concrete tiles External walls: precast concrete panels Structure: precast concrete Use phase: Lighting energy estimated (LENI index UNI 15193 Class 1 37,5 kWh/m2y) Use phase: neither heated nor cooled
  20. System boundariesof the LCA study
  21. Contribution of shed life cycle to Greenhouse Effects Concrete Steel 5% 3% 1% 1% Transfer to recovery 90% Electricity in use phase
  22. Contribution of shed life cycle to AP, POCP, EP Acidification Main LCA results Upstream Construction phase Downstream 4% 1% Photochemicaloxidant formation 95% Eutrophication 9% 9% 3% 4% 88% 87%
  23. Conclusions With the most common constructionstandards the mainenvironmentalimpacts are due to the use phase of the sheds (energy production impacts); Weneed to design buildingsaccording to the expectedworking life increasingthereforeflexibility and adaptability; Thereis a strong need to raiseawareness on environmentalissues and standards and encourage best practices Sustainable Industrial Buildings A Mediterranean guideline
  24. Thank You for your attention mario.tarantini@enea.it http://www.merproject.eu/ Sustainable Industrial Buildings A Mediterranean guideline
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