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Welcome Jintan No.1 High School Shi Xinping

Welcome Jintan No.1 High School Shi Xinping 13/12/2007. 15/120 ?. More attention on grammar,special attention on language use! ( 重语法更重应用 ) ——Analyzing and summarizing the Multiple choices. Changes and information :. 语法知识 英语应用

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Welcome Jintan No.1 High School Shi Xinping

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  1. Welcome Jintan No.1 High School Shi Xinping 13/12/2007

  2. 15/120? More attention on grammar,special attention on language use! (重语法更重应用) ——Analyzing and summarizing the Multiple choices

  3. Changes and information : 语法知识 英语应用 (强调交际功能、生活英语)。 十年来高考单项选择试题的分析: 考查内容: 考查重点: 内容细化: 集中 分散 (知识点可谓面面俱到) 1.词法:动词、代词、形容词和副词、名词,冠词(动词的时态、语态、非谓语动词和情态动词是重中之重) 2. 句法:连词和从句 3.其它: 一致,倒装,强调,虚拟等等

  4. 7-8/15? causes of low scores: 1 vovabulary---bottleneck 2 grammar---so weak 单选表层意义,考语法,考运用,深层含义是考语篇的理解!!所以,理解是关键!!!

  5. 常见陷阱题的类型 • 1. 思维定势型 • 2. 规则硬套型 • 3. 母语干扰型 • 4. 插入隔离型 • 5. 借用倒装型

  6. 1. 思维定势型 • 例1 In order not to be disturbed, I spent three hours ______ in my study. • A. locking • B. locked • C. to lock • D. to be locked

  7. 2. 规则硬套型 • 例2 He made up his mind to devote his life ______pollution______ happily. • A. to prevent, to live B. to prevent, from living • C. to preventing, to live D. to preventing, living

  8. 3. 母语干扰型 • 例3I’ll come to see you if______. • A. you’re convenient • B. it is convenient for you • C. you feel convenient • D. it is convenient with you

  9. 4. 插入隔离型 • 例4He ran as fast as he could ______the bus. • A. catch B. to catch C. catchingD. caught

  10. 5. 借用倒装型 • 例5 _______he followed my advice, he would have succeeded. • A. When B. If C. Had D. Has

  11. 解题指导 • 1 宏观---整体把握 注意语境 分析结构 注意句式 领悟句意 感知考点(functions\structure\translation) 2 微观---化繁为简 把握要词 审视考点 (hints\key words\points)

  12. 解题方法和技巧: • 1 简化法 • There is a new problem involved in popularity of private cars___road condition need___. • A that;to be improved B which;to be improved C where;improving • D when;improving

  13. 解题方法和技巧: • 2.还原法 • Who would you rather___with you,Jim or Jack? • A have go B have to go C have gone Dhas to go

  14. 解题方法和技巧: • 3.语境定义法: • ---Good morning,Grand Hotel. • ---Hello, I’d like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19th. • ---_____. • A What can I do for you?B Just a minute,please C What’s the matter • D At your service

  15. 解题方法和技巧: • 4 克服思维定势 • ___general state of his health,it may take him a while to recover from the operation. • A Given B To give C Giving D Having given • 排除法,对比法,习惯思维法‥‥‥

  16. Practice makes perfect!

  17. 100>1000! 1宁精勿滥!! (intensive) 2联想拓展!!(association) 3变通迁移!!(transformation)

  18. More Advice: • 1 技巧只是技巧,非全能(not all-round) • 2 打好英语基础 (3500/400-500) • 3 练好语言(Practice makes perfect) • 4厚积薄发 (accumulation)

  19. Homework: • 1 Finish off the rest multiple choices • 2 Think and write your own feedback about this subject. (150words)

  20. Merry Christmas and Happy the year of 2008!! Thank you!

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