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Islam?. A Guide to Islamic Pillars of Belief By Fateha Rahman. Introduction. Have you ever wondered what Islam is and what Muslims follow? Are you afraid of Muslims and is Islamophobia on your mind ? Go through this Presentation to find out more about Islam.
Islam? A Guide to Islamic Pillars of Belief By Fateha Rahman
Introduction • Have you ever wondered what Islam is and what Muslims follow? • Are you afraid of Muslims and is Islamophobia on your mind ? • Go through this Presentation to find out more about Islam.
What do I have to believe to become Muslim? • There are 6 pillars of a Muslim’s faith. • Without any of these pillars a Muslim’s faith would crumble. • It looks something like this: • The pillars of faith are: • Believing in Allah • Believing in His Angles • Believing in the Revelations of Old • Believing in the Prophets and Messengers PBUT • Believing in the Last Day • Believing in the Divine Destiny (Qadr)
Contents Credits The Prophets and Messengers Qadr (Destiny) The Angels Click on any of the Following The Last Day The Books and Scriptures Allah
Believe in Allah • Believing in Allah Alone, is called Tawheed. • There 3 sections within Tawheed: • 1. Tawheed Ar-Rububiyah, knowing that Allah is the Lord and Cherisher of all things. • 2. Tawheed Al-Uluwiyah, knowing that Allah is One and Alone. Knowing that He is to be worshipped Alone. • 3. Tawheed Al-Asma’ Wassifat, Knowing, understanding, and calling Allah by His ninety-nine names and attributes. Contents Page
Believe In the Angels Contents Page • The Angels of Allah, are part of ﻋﻟﻤﻝ ﻏﻴﺐ or Knowledge of the unseen. • We cannot see them and cannot describe them. All we know of their description is that they have wings and the number of wings on each angel varies. • Some of the names that we know of angels are: Jibraeel (Gabriel), Meka’eel (Michael), Israfeel (Job: The Blower of the Horn), Malak Al-Mawt (Job: The Angel of Death), Kiraaman Kaatibeen (Job: Writes the deeds of Humans), Munkar and Nakeer (Job:They will question us in the grave), Malik (Job: The Keeper of Hell), and Harut and Marut (Job: They Tested the people of Babylon.)
Believe in the Books • Down the ages past, Allah has sent books and revelation to every messenger that has set foot on this planet. • There are for of these books that are mentioned in the Quran: • Az-Zaboor (The Psalms) – Given to Dawud PBUH (David) • At-Tawrah (The Torah) – Given to Musa PBUH (Moses) • Al-Injeel (The Gospels) – Given to Isa PBUH (Jesus) • And The Quran – which of course was given to Muhammed PBUH • The books that were sent before the Quran are not to be believed nor disbelieved. This is because over time people have changed the books for their own personal gain (which is to be disregarded), but some of the true text remains (which is to be believed and have no controversy over) • The images are not the original texts, but the corrupted and fabricated texts other than the Quran. E.g. THE BIBLE IS NOT THE INJEEL! Contents Page
Believe In the Messengers and Prophets • Allah has sent Messengers and Prophets PBUTA to all nations and places, so that there will be no excuse to why they have not accepted the true religion. • According to a Hadith, in all there have been 124, 000 Prophets and 315 Messengers. • A Messenger is: a person sent By Allah with a New Revelation e.g. Musa PBUH (Moses) • A Prophet is: one who is appointed by Allah as a Prophet, but is not given a new message or revelation, but is teaching/preaching the previous messenger's Revelation. E.g. Haroon PBUH (Aaron) • Every Messenger is a Prophet, but not every Prophet is a Messenger. • There are 25 Prophets mentioned in the Quran and 2 which are mentioned in the Hadith (these 2 are not mentioned in the Quran by name) Please proceed to the next slide
The Names of the Prophets Contents Page • 1) Aadam PBUH (Adam) • 2) Idrees PBUH (referred to as Enoch) • 3) Nooh PBUH (Noah) • 4) Hood PBUH (no Biblical reference) • 5) Saalih PBUH (no Biblical reference) • 6) Ibraheem PBUH (Abraham) • 7) Loot PBUH (Lot) • 8) Isma’eel PBUH (Ishmael) • 9) Is-haaq PBUH (Isaac) • 10) Ya’qoob PBUH (Jacob) • 11) Yoosuf PBUH (Joseph) • 12) Shu’auyb PBUH (no Biblical reference) • 13) Ayyoob PBUH (Job) • 14) Dhul Kifl PBUH (referred to as Isaiah) • 15) Moosaa PBUH (Moses) • 16) Khadir PBUH (no Biblical reference) • 17) Haaroon PBUH (Aaron) • 18) Yoosha’ PBUH (Joshua) • 19) Daawood PBUH (David) • 20) Sulaymaan PBUH (Solomon) • 21) Ilyaas PBUH (Elias) • 22) Al-Yasa’ PBUH (Elisha) • 23) Yoonus PBUH (Jonah) • 24) Zakariyyah PBUH (Zechariah) • 25) Yahyaa PBUH (John) • 26) ‘Isa PBUH (Jesus) • 27) Muhammed PBUH (no Biblical reference) • 1)ﺁﺪﻢ • 2) ﺇﺪﺮﻴﺲ • 3) ﻨﻮﺡ • 4) ﻫﻮﺪ • 5) ﺼﺎﻠﺢ • 6) ﺇﺒﺮﺍﻫﻴﻢ • 7) ﻠﻮﻄ • 8) ﺇﺴﻤﺎﻋﻴﻞ • 9) ﺇﺴﺤﺎﻖ • 10) ﻴﻌﻘﻮﺐ • 11) ﻴﻮﺴﻒ • 12) ﺸﻌﻴﺐ • 13) ﺃﻴﻮﺐ • 14) ﺬﻮ ﺍﻠﻜﻔﻞ • 15) ﻤﻮﺴﻰ • 16) ﺨﻀﺮ • 17) ﻫﺎﺮﻮﻦ • 18) ﻴﻮﺸﻊ • 19) ﺪﺍﻮﻮﺪ • 20) ﺴﻠﻴﻤﺎﻦ • 21) ﺇﻠﻴﺎﺲ • 22) ﺍﻠﻴﺴﻊ • 23) ﻴﻮﻨﺲ • 24) ﺰﻜﺮﻴﺎ • 25) ﻴﺤﻲ • 26) ﻋﻴﺴﻰ • 27) ﻤﺤﻤﺪ
Believe in the Last Day Contents Page • This will be Explicitly explained by the following video:
Believe in Fate and Destiny • This topic Will be Explained by the famous speaker, Sheikh Salem Al Amry: Please proceed to the next slide
Believe in Fate and Destiny (Continued) Contents Page
Contents Page CreditsProducer: Fateha RahmanExclusive Reviewer:Miss Nilofar PathanInformation :Eeman Made Easy- Part 4: Knowing Allah’s Prophets and MessengersPicture Websites:http://www.abc.net.au/reslib/200703/r132871_443973.jpg http://goatmilk.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/jihad.jpg http://rlv.zcache.com/shahadah_sticker-p217476816071620835qjcl_400.jpg http://img103.imageshack.us/i/kalimah66ud.jpg/ http://brianakira.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/islam-jihad-flag-al-rayajpg.jpg http://zawaj.worldsingles.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/quran-boy-reading.jpg http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumb_189/1190716985u445S8.jpg http://amayelsnotes.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/hijab3.jpg http://www.mihan.net/98/images/AksHafteh01.jpg http://dlibrary.acu.edu.au/research/theology/ejournal/Issue2/images/psalms.jpg http://www.gaychristian101.com/images/TorahScroll.jpg http://www.fellowshipchurch.ca/FCKeditor/UserFiles/image/Bible.jpghttp://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u266/zazhewanz/QURAN.jpg http://thecorner.files.wordpress.com/2006/12/ya-rahim.jpg http://www.faisalmb.com/scrd/religious/Islamic_Caligraphy/islamic%20caligraphy%20Allah%2013.jpg http://www.atouchofgrace.us/images/BlankAngelWing.png http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs17/f/2007/135/4/8/the_holy_Quran_by_amarx.jpg http://www.islamispeace.org.uk/uploads/images/12_Prophets.jpg http://www.kenmusgrave.com/hell2.jpg http://www.vivaolinux.com.br/wallpapers/comunidade/Night.jpgVideo:Featuring: SaedRagheeh Salem Al Amry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccQBC6SKWZs&feature=PlayList&p=2E19451C78A6CBF6&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=31 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGvIvwXpHqI&feature=related Many Thanks to: Allah Muhammed Al-Jibaly (the Author of the ‘Eeman Made Easy Series) www.hearislam.wordpress.com YouTube Sheikh SaedRagheeh Sheikh Salem Al Amry Zain Bhikha (His song: Zambilooni) Dawud Whansby Ali (His song: The veil) Native Deen (Their song: Deen You Know and Zambilooni) Mishary Rashid Al –Afasy (His song: La IlahaIlla Allah)