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We will heal - will we ?. Health claims. Krisztina Grimm Hungarian Competition Authority 13 March 2014. The frame. The claims The products The specifics The cases The related topics. The claims. Different products , divergent claims – from cancer to IBS and weight loss
Wewillheal - willwe? Health claims Krisztina Grimm HungarianCompetitionAuthority 13 March 2014
The frame The claims The products The specifics The cases The relatedtopics
The claims Differentproducts, divergentclaims – fromcancerto IBS and weightloss The productdeterminestheapplicablesectoriallaw
The products Pharmaceuticals Food Medicaldevices Cosmetics Others
The specifics - pharmaceuticals • Pharmaceuticalsmaynot be advertised (tothegeneralpublic) iftheycanbedispensedfromthepharmacysolelywith a prescription • OTC pharmaceuticalscan be advertisedaccordigtotheconditionsenumeratedintheAct XCVIII of 2006 Art. 17. • - i.e. itshallnotcontainanyreferenceorexpressionwhichreferstotherecomendationbyscientists, healthprofessionalsorcelebrities • Evaluation of thehealthclaims: • - whethertheadvertisementdemonstratesthepharmaceuticalsbasedonthesummary of theproductcharacteristics (SPC) • - ifyes, butanotherproblemscan be identified: UCP Act, misleading
The cases - pharmaceuticals Vj/77/2012. – Panadol– beginstotakeitseffectsin 5 minutes – notbasedonthe SPC, infringement of sectoriallaw, more specific Vj/82/2012. – Normaflore – eliminatesthesource of diarrhoea, direct link withthe vitamin supply- s. above
The specifics - food Health claims: generallyprohibited , butundercertaincircumstances (enumeratedinRegulation (EC) No 1924/2006) theyareapplicable (Art. 10. 1.) Curingeffect:investigatedonthebasis of theAct No. XLVI. onfoodchain and itscontrol (Éltv.) The GVH paysattentiontotheEFSA consolidatedlist – wordig of theclaims is verystrict The GVH takesinto account thescientificopinions of theothercompetentauthorities
The cases – food 1 • Claimsonweightloss - Vj/26/2012. ( Vital Direkt Ltd. - Cabbage Forte capsules), 98/2012. (Direkt Market Ltd. - Biocaptolcapsules) • - claimswhichrefertotherateoramount of weightloss – UCP ActwithreferencetotheRegulation (EC) No 1924/2006 Art. 12. • - claimsoneasy and fastweightloss - UCP Act, misleadingadvertising
The cases – food 2 General healthclaims, i.e. probiotics – Vj/52/2012. (TEVA – Lactivprobiotics), Vj/12/2013. (Vitaminkosár Ltd. - Protexin IBS Florea)- „Helpsmaintainthehealthygutflora” or „Helpsrestoretheunbalancedgutflora”- UCP Act
The cases – food 3 Curingeffect – Vj/97/2012. (Direkt Market Ltd. - SnailElixir – fromsnailshlimeextract) - statedthattheproduct (a foodsupplement) curesarthritis - sectorial and UCP Act
The specifics – medicaldevices The GVH examinestheclinicalevaluation Iftheclaimsexceedthestatements of theclinicalevaluation: breachofthe UCP Act
The specifics – medicaldevices Vj/1/2012. (Magnetermattress), Vj/15/2012. (Impulser) UCP Act
The specifics - cosmetics Accordingtothespecialprovisionsoncosmeticstherapeuticeffectsareprohibited Thesecommercialsareinvestigatedonthebasis of UCP Act - thegeneralclause of the UCP Actwithreferencetothecosmeticsregulation
The cases - cosmetics Vj/42/2012. (Telemarketing International Ltd. - Abexine) therapeuticeffect – stated, thatthegelcancurearthritis, headache, inflammation, etc. Vj/35/2012. (PSO-ROOZ) therapeuticeffect, statedthattheshampoocanhealpsoriasis (an incureableskindesease) General prohibition of unfairness (UCP Act Art. 3(2)) withreferencetothecosmeticsregulation
The specifics - others Anyotherdevices, clothes, goods, etc., whicharenotcertificatedaspharmaceuticals, foods, cosmeticsormedicaldevices Health claimsareinvestigatedonthebasis of the UCP Act
The cases - others Vj/56/2012. (EnergySpiral)
The relatedtopics Fines Commitments (Vj/18/2013., Teva)
Thankyouforyourattention! grimm.krisztina@gvh.hu