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What Would a Satisfactory Moral Theory Look Like?

What Would a Satisfactory Moral Theory Look Like?. PHIL 2525 Lec 22. Derek Parfit. Some people believe that there cannot be progress in Ethics, since everything has already been said... I believe the opposite. 13.1 Morality without Hubris. Timothy Vermeulen 2002.

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What Would a Satisfactory Moral Theory Look Like?

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  1. What Would a Satisfactory Moral Theory Look Like? PHIL 2525 Lec 22

  2. Derek Parfit Some people believe that there cannot be progress in Ethics, since everything has already been said...I believe the opposite..

  3. 13.1 Morality without Hubris • Timothy Vermeulen 2002

  4. “Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?”

  5. Carl Sagan 1934 - 1996

  6. Carl Sagan’s Cosmic Time ChartsPre December Dates (approximate, of course) January 1 Big BangMay 1 Origin of the Milky WaySeptember 9 Origin of the Solar SystemSeptember 14 Formation of the EarthSeptember 25 Origin of life on EarthOctober 2 Formation of the oldest rocks known on EarthOctober 9 Date of oldest fossils (bacteria and blue-green algaeNovember 1 Invention of sex (by micro-organisms)November 12 Oldest fossil photosynthetic plantsNovember 15 Eukaryotes (first cells with nuclei) flourish From The Dragons of Eden by Carl Sagan

  7. December

  8. “The life of man is of no greater importance to the universe than that of an oyster.” David Hume (1711-1776)

  9. Charles Darwin

  10. We are rational beings... • We consider options • We weigh consequences • We choose to behave one way rather than another • We can articulate the reasons for our choices

  11. Ethical Egoism: prescriptive • Psychological Egoism: descriptive

  12. Rachels says that psychological egoism is not true...we do not always act only for our own self interest.

  13. P 175: Pleasing theoretical fit... • A) What reason requires: impartiality • B) What social living requires: the golden rule • C) Our natural inclination: concern for others Suggests that morality is natural for us...

  14. 13.2 Treating People as They Deserve... • Remember Kant’s ‘respect for persons’ • If we don’t adjust our actions to reflect our judgments of others’ actions we may be denying their status as free agents... • But...

  15. 13.3 Reasons to ignore impartiality • Our lives will go better if...we love our children, enjoy our friends, take pride in our work, keep our promises.....

  16. 13.4 Multiple-Strategies Utilitarianism Human welfare as a moral standard... • Keep your promises (but not always) • Refrain from hurting people (but not always) • Never tell a lie (except sometimes) • Never put yourself first (except sometimes)

  17. 13.4 Multiple-Strategies Utilitarianism Acting in accordance with your best plan... Think about personalizing it: • Motives • Virtues • Decision-making strategies

  18. 13.6 The Moral Community Everyone and everything that can suffer and prefers not to is part of our moral community. Near and far. Present and future.

  19. 13.6 Justice and Fairness The Natural Lottery... Looks, brains, family status How fair is that?

  20. 13.7 Conclusion(s)

  21. Sarah-Anne Goodes • The Downfall of Rick Blaine: Why Casablanca’s Hero Should Have Continued Epoché

  22. The Trolley Problem...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WB3Q5EF4Sg

  23. Neuroethics and the Trolley Problem...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOfKyjyWiU0&feature=related Neurobiology and social science study how humans develop moral awareness

  24. Harvard’s Moral Sense Test

  25. One Nurse’s Story... • “Mercy...please just let me go.” • “Murderer!...God help patients who get you for a nurse!”

  26. The Ethics of Erasing a Bad Memory • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mindhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnSgSe2GzDc

  27. Marc Hauser on Moral Minds • Neuroethics and neuroanthropology

  28. Barry Schwartz on Practical Wisdom • Jonathan Haidt o http://www.ted.com/talks/barry_schwartz_on_our_loss_of_wisdom.html

  29. Jonathan Haidt on the real difference between liberals and conservatives http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vs41JrnGaxc

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