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Emotional Intelligence: A Competitive Advantage to Greek Leadership. Dan Bureau, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Marsha Carrasco, DePaul University Kyle Pendleton, Northwestern University. Emotional Intelligence: A Competitive Advantage to Greek Leadership.
Emotional Intelligence: A Competitive Advantage to Greek Leadership Dan Bureau, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Marsha Carrasco, DePaul University Kyle Pendleton, Northwestern University
Emotional Intelligence: A Competitive Advantage to Greek Leadership Resources borrowed from: Marcy Shankman Northwestern Emerging Leaders Course University of Illinois Leadership Center Books related on and related to EI
What is Emotional Intelligence? • Factors that are related to success in life, work, and all that people do • Helps us understand why some people will perform more effectively than some others • Different than IQ (cognitive intelligence) • A dynamic process of learning skills to understand yourself and others • Most widely studied by Daniel Goleman (“Primal Leadership” (2002), “Working with Emotional Intelligence” (1998), “Emotional Intelligence” (1995)
What is Emotional Intelligence? • Emotional intelligence is a LEARNABLE ability. In Working with Emotional Intelligence, Goleman (1998) writes that EI… “refers to the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships” (p. 317)
What Emotional Intelligence isn’t… • Cognitive Intelligence (IQ) • Aptitude • Achievement • Vocational Interest • Personality • Static – results can change over time
What do we know about IQ? • Good predictor of academic performance • Does not predict success in life • Predicts approximately six percent of job success • Peaks in late-teens • Culture Bound • Racial controversies • Can help with entrance into colleges and jobs • Can help you get hired • It is always evolving and changing
Four Areas of Emotional Intelligence Self Others Self Awareness Social Awareness Awareness Relationship Management Self Management Actions Positive impacton others
Why study EI? • Increasing EI makes individuals more efficient, productive and successful • The workforce is using EI all over the place • Organizations can become more productive by recruiting/hiring emotionally smart people and by offering opportunities to enhance these skills through involvement • EI can be a way to help maximize the potential of your members and in turn your organization
Why Study EI? • Possessing skills related to EI can help you be prepared to lead others • Having the skills to lead are vital in managing complex organizations • Every day we will interact with others who possess varying degrees of EI • Being able to work with challenging people is a necessity for the workplace and organization involvement • You can assess the overall potential for your organization • EI influences organizational culture as individuals know their abilities to interface with others • Organizations with high levels of EI may be more apt to succeed
The Need to Develop Emotional Intelligence • A survey of US employers reveals that: • More than 50% of employees lack the motivation to keep learning and improving • 4 in 10 people cannot work cooperatively • Only 19% of entry level applicants have adequate self-discipline for their jobs • Leadership development programs yield disappointing results, wasting billions of dollars • 70% of all change initiatives fail due to people issues—inability to lead, lack of teamwork, unwilling-ness to take initiative, inability to deal with change, etc. • Primary derailer of top executives: a lack of impulse control
Application of EI • Marcy Levy Shankman, PhD. • Instrument developed to assess individual and organizational emotional intelligence • 57 questions will help you understand your current skills and create a plan to advance skills in areas of deficiency • Learn your strengths, areas of improvement, and create a plan for success • She identifies four overall areas consisting of various personal and social competencies:
Personal Competence • Self-Awareness • Emotional Self-Awareness • Recognizing emotions and their impact • Accurate Self-Assessment • Knowing one’s strengths and limits • Self-Confidence • A strong sense of one’s self-worth and capabilities
Personal Competence (cont’d) • Self-Management • Emotional Self-Control • Controlling disruptive impulses and emotions • Transparency • Displaying honesty and integrity; trustworthiness • Adaptability • Flexibility in adapting to changing situations
Personal Competence (cont’d) • Self-Management (cont’d) • Achievement • The drive to improve performance based on inner standards of excellence • Initiative • Readiness to act and seize opportunities • Optimism • Seeing the “upside” in all events
Social Competence • Social Awareness • Empathy • Sensing the emotions of others; understanding their perspective and taking an interest in their concerns • Organizational Awareness • Reading the currents, decision networks, and politics at the organizational level • Service • Recognizing and meeting the needs of followers
Social Competence (Cont’d) • Relationship Management • Inspirational leadership • Guiding and motivating using a compelling vision • Influence • Wielding a range of tactics for persuasion • Developing others • Bolstering the abilities of others through guidance and feedback • Change Catalyst • Initiating, Managing and Leading in a new direction
Social Competence (Cont’d) • Relationship Management (cont’d) • Conflict Management • Resolving disagreements • Building Bonds • Cultivating and maintaining a web of relationships • Teamwork and Collaboration • Cooperation and Team Building
Model for Self-Directed Change Current State Ideal State Tension Goal Implementation Plan Evaluation
Model for Self-Directed Change • Understanding the Gap between Actual and Ideal • What are my aspirations and goals? • Do I have an accurate image of my strengths and needs? • Do I see myself as others see me? • If not, do I have a plan to learn how others see me? • Until I understand what others say about me, I cannot internalize this information.
Performance Good News! • You can develop Emotional Intelligence! • “Rewire” your responses to feelings. • Change how you think about this. • Alter your behavior. Emotions Thoughts Behavior
Organizational Interven-tions Sustained organizational improvement Integrated Initiatives with Coaching and Measure-ment Critical mass for sustained group performance improvement IndividualDevelop-ment Sustained individual performance improvement In-houseTraining Some behavioral results PrepackagedSeminars Minimalresults Sorry, It Doesn’t Happen Overnight • Improving and sustaining Emotional Intelligence takes a concerted effort over several months.
Like Minded People?Break into small groups according to EI types
Working through the DifferencesBreak into small groups according to EI areas of enhancement
The Leadership Practices InventoryKouzes and Posner identify five leadership styles for you to develop skills to lead others
The Leadership Practices InventoryHandouts to review stylesFocus on Encouraging the Heart – at the core of Emotional Intelligence
Making Your PlanFive goals for the yearWhich EI skills will be necessary?How will you develop skills you may have scored lower in?Your action plan should assist your personally and as a council leader.You should leave with one goal mapped out; up to you about mapping out other four goals.