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Impact Statement: Help youth and adults develop the early-stage skillsets to function as a more productive and contributing member of society. Appendix. Social Impact Summary : Adults. Social Impact Summary : Stakeholders. Social Impact Summary : Youth. References / Sources:.
Impact Statement: Help youth and adults develop the early-stage skillsets to function as a more productive and contributing member of society
References / Sources: Pathways BCG Report <http://www.pathwaystoeducation.ca/sites/default/files/pdf/BCG%20Assessment%20of%20Pathways%20-%20February%202011.pdf> LINKages Case-study (SROI is 1 : 4.80) <http://www.link-ages.ca/pdfs/researchdocs/linkagesSROI_final.pdf> London Business School: SROI Primer <http://sroi.london.edu/Measuring-Social-Impact.pdf> SROI Canada Financial Proxies Database - The City of Calgary <http://www.calgary.ca/_layouts/cocis/DirectDownload.aspx?target=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.calgary.ca%2FCSPS%2FCNS%2FDocuments%2Ffcss%2Fsroi_canada_financial_proxy_list.pdf&noredirect=1&sf=1> SROI Canada / SiMPACT <http://www.sroi-canada.ca/methodology/calculator.html>
Youth Empowering Parents: Imparting communication and computer skills to newcomers through youth tutors Initial assessment of main areas of benefit Potential partnerships opportunities Professional development and increased focus on education Investment needed to: • Grow core team and formalize organization structure • Expand geographically and replicate program • Sector partners to be involved in advising YEP using core-competencies of each partner: • BCG: Develop expansion plan; create evaluation metrics, identify key markets for growth • Cossette: Branding recast, new campaign strategy • E&Y: Creation of stand alone financials and implant required knowledge to replicate, tracking / management systems • Knightsbridge: Build new board of directors, assist in recruitment and retention needed to support growth and formalization of organization • McCarthy: Creation of formal organization, IP / licensing strategy support, legal liability of programs • Offord: Alternatives to traditional fundraising and potential partner organizations Decreased discipline related costs Total program impact Increased employment (and decrease in underemployment) + Increased independence and computer literacy Qualitative benefits to society (stronger communities) www.yepeducation.com