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The impact of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany

The impact of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany. Learning Outcomes. Know the main terms of the Treaty of Versailles Understand the difference between social, political and economic effects and identify some of these types of effects upon Germany

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The impact of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany

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  1. The impact of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany

  2. Learning Outcomes • Know the main terms of the Treaty of Versailles • Understand the difference between social, political and economic effects and identify some of these types of effects upon Germany • Explain how the German people reacted to the Treaty of Versailles • Evaluate how together the reparations, military restrictions and loss of territory contributed to the German hatred of the Treaty of Versailles

  3. The Paris Peace Conference was the meeting of the victors to discuss the terms of the peace treaty which was to end WW1. The peace treaty was signed in the Hall of Mirrors, in the Palace of Versailles (France). Hence the name of the treaty…Treaty of Versailles. Paris Peace Conference

  4. A Diktat Treaty The Treaty of Versailles was a dictated treaty upon Germany and the other losers of WW1. It was a ‘winners’ or ‘victors’ treaty. Germany weren’t even allowed to attend the peace negotiations which is evidence for how the ToV was a diktat treaty.

  5. The Main Clauses: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J31vkB4IdS0&NR=1

  6. Refresh your knowledge ... The easy way to remember the main points of the Treaty of Versailles is to... G A R G L E Write the acronym ‘GARGLE’ down the right side of your page and note the ‘main point’ that goes with each letter.

  7. G A R G L E uilt – Clause 231: Germany accepted blame ‘for causing all the loss and damage’ of the war. rmy – 1000,000/ no submarines/ no aeroplanes/ 6 battleships/ Rhineland de-militarised. eparations - £6,600million – in instalments, until 1984. ermany lost land – Alsace-Lorraine to France/ Saar to France (15years)/ Malmedy to Belgium/ North Schleswig to Denmark/ West Prussia and Upper Silesia to Poland/ Danzig a ‘free city’/ Memel to Lithuania/ German colonies became ‘mandates’ of the League of Nations. eague of Nations set up. xtra points – forbade Anschluss (union between Germany and Austria), Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania independent.

  8. Article 231the war guilt clause: WHY SO CONTROVERSIAL?

  9. Who does this character represent? Source Analysis What is this referring to? Who are they? What are they doing? What is this referring to? Whose hand does this belong to and why?

  10. Source Analysis Germany Diktat Treaty: Germany not allowed to attend Peace Conference The Big Four Force Feeding Peace Terms: it’s a big pill as the treaty was a harsh treaty with terms which had a lot of wide implications for the future of Germany Reparations? Wealth of Nations? The victors as you can see all their names printed on the fingers of the hand

  11. Cartoon Source Analysis Using sources like the one opposite we are going to ascertain the reaction of the German people to the Treaty of Versailles. Remember: Read into EVERYTHING. Look into the background, facial expressions, poses of characters, consider the provenance…

  12. Cartoon Source Analysis

  13. Impact of the Treaty of Versailles

  14. SummaryWhat do the sources tell us? Create a summary box, explaining what these sources tell you about the impact andreaction of the Germans towards the Treaty of Versailles.

  15. “Make Germany Pay” The main reaction of Germans to the Treaty of Versailles was dismay, bitterness and resentment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YJfOZkriyk Create a mind map which highlights WHY the Germans resented the Treaty of Versailles and what they did in reaction to the ToV. Ensure you consider how the Germans reacted to these features: Reparations Military Restrictions Loss of Territory Now add to your mind map using the text passages

  16. Treaty of Versailleswhat are social, political and economic effects? Social – problems which effect people Political – problems which effect government Economic – problems which effect finances Social Political Economic

  17. Helga’s Story Read the story of Helga Eitling. Make a note of all the social, political and economic effects of the Treaty of Versailles upon Germany which are mentioned in the story.

  18. Complete the crossword

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