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When you go for web-hosting, it comes with free e-mail inboxes that usually come bundled with the package. You may easily manage these mail accounts.
4 Benefits of Dedicated Email Hosting
When you go for web-hosting, it comes with free e-mail inboxes that usually come bundled with the package. You may easily manage these mail accounts from the same web control panel. When you go to web-hosting, the e- mail boxes are provided for your benefit. If all you need is an email-id for the company, you may use the freely provided id. But there are many benefits of going for a dedicated mail hosting from the best email hosting providers. 1-You Will Able To Send E-Mails Even If Web-Hosting Goes Down When you go for web-hosting, almost every company will guarantee a hundred percent uptime for hosting plans. If in-case the web-hosting is hit, your e-mail hosting will get affected as well. Once you go for dedicated email hosting the plan separates the web-hosting from the email hosting.
2-Shared IP for Your Website & Email Service In a shared hosting environment, users in the same server share the same IP address. It means that the reputation of the IP address may be affected by the other users that are there on the server. Consider Following Scenario: If any shared user sends an email that is characterized as spam, the shared IP will get flagged with a lower reputation. When that happens, it affects the email deliverability and receivability of rest other users that might be there on the server. It results in a significant drop in your business productivity. And you may be able to reduce the risk of having a bad reputation by going for the separate email hosting package. But this may not solve the problem completely. To this end, you may consider having a dedicated IP for email hosting to ensure that business operations run smooth.
3-Changing Webhost Will Not Affect If in future if you want to change web hosts, you may be able to do so with ease. In few commands, you will be able to transfer database and files in no time. But same might not be true for email hosting where the migration is often dependent on the availability of engineers who may do it. And that’s why it makes sense to have a separate solution for these two services. 4- More Security If your web-hosting is infected with virus or malware, your inbox may get affected as well. If you want to keep email secure, it is best to keep them separate from hosting service. In The End There are many email hosting providers that you may go for so it is better that you go with reputed names.