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Conversational Evangelism: Uncovering By Dr Dave Geisler

. Conversational Evangelism Four types of conversations we want to have with non-believers. Musician. Artist. Archeologist. Builder. Four types of roles you need to play in your friend's life. As an Archeologists Uncover Their Real Barriers to the Gospel. Archeologist. Uncover the Real Barriers. HearIlluminateUncoverBuild.

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Conversational Evangelism: Uncovering By Dr Dave Geisler

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    1. Training Description - introduce a new paradigm to evangelism give you the overall concept and some ideas of how to incorporate this new paradigm into your evangelism, in this first part of the training - in the second part of the training, you will master the skills that will create opportunities for pre-evangelism conversations that could lead to the presentation of the gospel. Learning Outcomes - that you will become more effective in evangelism as a result of incorporating pre-evangelism conversation into your daily witness - that the first part of these two days of training will result in you acquiring the skills necessary for pre-evangelism conversation at the second level of training Teaching Style - lectures, trainee participationTraining Description - introduce a new paradigm to evangelism give you the overall concept and some ideas of how to incorporate this new paradigm into your evangelism, in this first part of the training - in the second part of the training, you will master the skills that will create opportunities for pre-evangelism conversations that could lead to the presentation of the gospel. Learning Outcomes - that you will become more effective in evangelism as a result of incorporating pre-evangelism conversation into your daily witness - that the first part of these two days of training will result in you acquiring the skills necessary for pre-evangelism conversation at the second level of training Teaching Style - lectures, trainee participation

    2. Conversational Evangelism Four types of conversations we want to have with non-believers The Conversation Evangelism model consists of four different kinds of conversations we want to have with our pre-believing friends. They are: a Hearing Conversation, an illuminating conversation, an uncovering conversation, and a building conversation. Understanding how to have each of these four kinds of conversations with our pre-believing friends is important if we are going to help them take steps towards Christ, especially in the kind of world we live in today. The Conversation Evangelism model consists of four different kinds of conversations we want to have with our pre-believing friends. They are: a Hearing Conversation, an illuminating conversation, an uncovering conversation, and a building conversation. Understanding how to have each of these four kinds of conversations with our pre-believing friends is important if we are going to help them take steps towards Christ, especially in the kind of world we live in today.

    3. These four kinds of conversations correspond to four roles you and I need to play in our pre-believing friends’ lives, A musician An artist An archeologist A builderThese four kinds of conversations correspond to four roles you and I need to play in our pre-believing friends’ lives, A musician An artist An archeologist A builder

    4. As an Archeologists Uncover Their Real Barriers to the Gospel “So like an archeologist we want to dig to discover their real barriers. “So like an archeologist we want to dig to discover their real barriers.

    6. Uncovering Real Barriers Now the next type of conversation we want to have is an uncovering conversation. This is important because sometime people may have questions that they want answers for but after you give them the answers to their questions you discover that those were not really the real barriers to begin with in considering the person of Christ. Now the next type of conversation we want to have is an uncovering conversation. This is important because sometime people may have questions that they want answers for but after you give them the answers to their questions you discover that those were not really the real barriers to begin with in considering the person of Christ.

    7. Go Below The Surface Sometimes we need to go below the surface. Proverbs 20:5 says, the (unseen) purpose… Sometimes we need to go below the surface. Proverbs 20:5 says, the (unseen) purpose…

    8. Barriers Between Them and God

    9. Is the Barrier Real? 1. Determine whether their issue is real concern or a smoke screen. The first step is to determine whether their issue is a legitimate question… The first step is to determine whether their issue is a legitimate question…

    10. A Formula for Clearing Away Smokescreens “If I could answer your questions in a way that would make sense to you, would that help you to more seriously consider a belief in God and Christianity? Here is a formula you can use to find out if their barrier is legitimate or not. Ask if I could… Now what if they answer this question by saying no. What have you just found out? Answer: That there barriers are really not intellectual. So then you can say to them, “Well it seems like your barriers aren’t intellectual, they are emotional or spiritual or some kind of barrier. Then follow up that statement with the question, “Am I right?” In asking this questions you are providing them an opportunity to come clean with you and share what is really getting in the way of them trusting in Christ. Here is a formula you can use to find out if their barrier is legitimate or not. Ask if I could… Now what if they answer this question by saying no. What have you just found out? Answer: That there barriers are really not intellectual. So then you can say to them, “Well it seems like your barriers aren’t intellectual, they are emotional or spiritual or some kind of barrier. Then follow up that statement with the question, “Am I right?” In asking this questions you are providing them an opportunity to come clean with you and share what is really getting in the way of them trusting in Christ.

    11. Why It Is Important To Ask This Question! “My second conversation was with a student at Nanyang Polytechnic. I started by using a simple survey form asking about belief in God. From there, I was able to find out that he believes in a supreme being, and even believes that he will be accountable to that Being at the end of his life. When I asked him if he believed all religions could be right, he revealed that he believed each person was entitled to their beliefs.” I asked him if it was important whether the object of what someone believed in was true or not, and used the example about jumping out of an airplane with a backpack, believing that it was a parachute. But he did not seem convinced, and kept repeating his stance that each person could believe what he or she wants to, and that is all that is important. Former student at East Asia School of Theology

    12. Why It Is Important To Ask This Question! (Continue) “He also revealed that he had gone to a Christian school for a few years and therefore ‘knew all the stories’ and about the Gospel, but he did not believe it. I tried presenting him with some evidence to show him that the Bible is a reliable historical account. But finally, after about an hour of us talking and sharing views, he said: ‘even if you put all the evidence right in front of me, I still won’t believe. I don’t want to believe.’ I did not know what else to say after that.” Former student at East Asia School of Theology

    13. Why It Is Important To Ask This Question! (Continue) “In retrospect, I realize this student had been throwing up a smokescreen, and early in the conversation I should have tried uncovering the real barriers by asking him something like “If I could answer your questions....” Former student at East Asia School of Theology

    14. 2. Determine the Nature of the Barrier The second step is to “determineThe second step is to “determine

    15. 2. Determine the Nature of the Barrier

    16. Questions that Possibly Indicate Emotional Baggage

    17. Statements that Possibly Indicate Intellectual Baggage

    18. Handling the Tough Questions

    19. Handling the Tough Questions

    20. Jesus’ Example

    21. Jesus Knew The Value Of Answering Questions With Questions “When religious leaders asked Jesus if it was right to pay taxes, Jesus referred to a coin and asked, “Whose portrait is this?” (Matt. 22:17-20). When the Pharisees asked him, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?” Jesus’ response was a question: “If any of you has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold of it and lift it out?” (Matt. 12:9-12). At times (far too many, I’m afraid), I’ve answered questions with biblically accurate, logically sound, epistemologically watertight answers, only to see questioners shrug their shoulders. My answers, it seemed, only further confirmed their opinion that Christians are simpletons. So I started answering questions with questions, and have gained far better results.” Randy Newman, “Rabbinic Questioning: A Better Way to Evangelize” http://www.christianitytoday.com/workplace/articles/rabbinicquestioning.html

    22. Practicing Determine The Nature of the Barrier In Action In Singapore In talking with a Muslim: “At this point, I asked him if he was willing to take a step back and re-look at Islam and be open about it. He gave me a straight answer that he was not willing to consider Christianity even if the facts were all there. He only believed in Islam and the Quran. I knew that his barrier to Christianity was not an intellectual one but an emotional one. I guess all Muslims have been so ingrained with the teachings of Islam ever since they are born such that it is almost impossible to change their minds. Moreover, their religion is very tightly knitted with the culture and heritage.” Former student at East Asia School of Theology

    23. 3. Uncover the Specific Emotional Baggage That They are Carrying

    24. The third step is to uncover… Sometimes people carry a lot of emotional baggage on the way to the cross and it makes it difficult for them to really understand the Christian message. (Give a personal example of a conversation you had with a not-yet believer that by the things they said you could tell that they are carrying emotional baggage that is getting in the way of them really seeing Jesus). The third step is to uncover… Sometimes people carry a lot of emotional baggage on the way to the cross and it makes it difficult for them to really understand the Christian message. (Give a personal example of a conversation you had with a not-yet believer that by the things they said you could tell that they are carrying emotional baggage that is getting in the way of them really seeing Jesus).

    25. Handling Emotional Baggage

    26. Determine What’s Below The Surface

    27. Jesus was a Master In Getting Below The Surface

    28. Jesus was a Master in Getting Below The Surface

    29. Jesus was a Master In Getting Below The Surface

    30. Example: “How can you claim that there is only one way to God?

    31. “How can you claim that there is only one way to God?

    32. Speak to Their Heart Felt Issues The fourth step is to ask what there biggest barrier is to embracing Christianity. This is important because sometime you will hear people raise all kinds of objections to Christianity but may have difficulty voicing what is really a deal breaker. By phrasing the question in this way it helps them to really search their heart to discover what is really holding them back. For example, sometime in witnessing to Asians you may find that family considerations are one of the biggest barriers for them to embrace Christ. Also sometime you may find people hesitant to embrace Christ because of a deceased love one who they know never did accept Christ. These are examples of baggage issues that need to be addressed if we are going to help others take a step towards Christ. The six and final step under Uncovering the real barriers is to find out what would motivate them to get answers to their questions about Christ. In other words find out what would motivate them to want to explore the Christian faith. It maybe because they realize how empty life really is without a belief in God and so they are open to explore that possibility. Finding out their motivation factor for exploring Christianity can help you to know how to dialog with them over a period of time and could suggest what should be the main focus of your conversation. (One person answered this question by saying, “My mother committed suicide three years ago and I don’t believe in God or Christianity. However I realize if there is no God there is ultimately meaning or purpose to life, and I am not willing to accept that yet.”)The fourth step is to ask what there biggest barrier is to embracing Christianity. This is important because sometime you will hear people raise all kinds of objections to Christianity but may have difficulty voicing what is really a deal breaker. By phrasing the question in this way it helps them to really search their heart to discover what is really holding them back. For example, sometime in witnessing to Asians you may find that family considerations are one of the biggest barriers for them to embrace Christ. Also sometime you may find people hesitant to embrace Christ because of a deceased love one who they know never did accept Christ. These are examples of baggage issues that need to be addressed if we are going to help others take a step towards Christ. The six and final step under Uncovering the real barriers is to find out what would motivate them to get answers to their questions about Christ. In other words find out what would motivate them to want to explore the Christian faith. It maybe because they realize how empty life really is without a belief in God and so they are open to explore that possibility. Finding out their motivation factor for exploring Christianity can help you to know how to dialog with them over a period of time and could suggest what should be the main focus of your conversation. (One person answered this question by saying, “My mother committed suicide three years ago and I don’t believe in God or Christianity. However I realize if there is no God there is ultimately meaning or purpose to life, and I am not willing to accept that yet.”)

    33. Barriers to Belief in God and Christianity "One of my biggest barriers to belief in God or Christianity is that I am not brave enough to consider religious issues solely without considering the consequences of what other people think." International Student, U.T. Austin Finding out their motivation factor for exploring Christianity can help you to know how to dialog with them over a period of time and could suggest what should be the main focus of your conversation. (One person answered this question by saying, “My mother committed suicide three years ago and I don’t believe in God or Christianity. However I realize if there is no God there is ultimately meaning or purpose to life, and I am not willing to accept that yet.”) Finding out their motivation factor for exploring Christianity can help you to know how to dialog with them over a period of time and could suggest what should be the main focus of your conversation. (One person answered this question by saying, “My mother committed suicide three years ago and I don’t believe in God or Christianity. However I realize if there is no God there is ultimately meaning or purpose to life, and I am not willing to accept that yet.”)

    34. Speak to Their Heart Felt Issues The fourth step is to ask what there biggest barrier is to embracing Christianity. This is important because sometime you will hear people raise all kinds of objections to Christianity but may have difficulty voicing what is really a deal breaker. By phrasing the question in this way it helps them to really search their heart to discover what is really holding them back. For example, sometime in witnessing to Asians you may find that family considerations are one of the biggest barriers for them to embrace Christ. Also sometime you may find people hesitant to embrace Christ because of a deceased love one who they know never did accept Christ. These are examples of baggage issues that need to be addressed if we are going to help others take a step towards Christ. The six and final step under Uncovering the real barriers is to find out what would motivate them to get answers to their questions about Christ. In other words find out what would motivate them to want to explore the Christian faith. It maybe because they realize how empty life really is without a belief in God and so they are open to explore that possibility. Finding out their motivation factor for exploring Christianity can help you to know how to dialog with them over a period of time and could suggest what should be the main focus of your conversation. (One person answered this question by saying, “My mother committed suicide three years ago and I don’t believe in God or Christianity. However I realize if there is no God there is ultimately meaning or purpose to life, and I am not willing to accept that yet.”)The fourth step is to ask what there biggest barrier is to embracing Christianity. This is important because sometime you will hear people raise all kinds of objections to Christianity but may have difficulty voicing what is really a deal breaker. By phrasing the question in this way it helps them to really search their heart to discover what is really holding them back. For example, sometime in witnessing to Asians you may find that family considerations are one of the biggest barriers for them to embrace Christ. Also sometime you may find people hesitant to embrace Christ because of a deceased love one who they know never did accept Christ. These are examples of baggage issues that need to be addressed if we are going to help others take a step towards Christ. The six and final step under Uncovering the real barriers is to find out what would motivate them to get answers to their questions about Christ. In other words find out what would motivate them to want to explore the Christian faith. It maybe because they realize how empty life really is without a belief in God and so they are open to explore that possibility. Finding out their motivation factor for exploring Christianity can help you to know how to dialog with them over a period of time and could suggest what should be the main focus of your conversation. (One person answered this question by saying, “My mother committed suicide three years ago and I don’t believe in God or Christianity. However I realize if there is no God there is ultimately meaning or purpose to life, and I am not willing to accept that yet.”)

    35. Barriers to Christianity In Singapore “One of the barriers that people, especially the older generation, have towards Christianity is the perception that it is a foreign and Western religion. There are fears that the convert becomes ‘ang moh-nised’ and loses his cultural identity. Therefore I must show that being a Christian not only means I don’t become less filial and loving to my parents, it actually encourages me to honor my parents (one of the ten commandments, and the only one with an attached blessing). What would motivate these people to embrace the gospel? Seeing Christianity lived out as a Chinese son or daughter.” Former student at East Asia School of Theology

    36. Speak to Their Heart Felt Issues The fourth step is to ask what there biggest barrier is to embracing Christianity. This is important because sometime you will hear people raise all kinds of objections to Christianity but may have difficulty voicing what is really a deal breaker. By phrasing the question in this way it helps them to really search their heart to discover what is really holding them back. For example, sometime in witnessing to Asians you may find that family considerations are one of the biggest barriers for them to embrace Christ. Also sometime you may find people hesitant to embrace Christ because of a deceased love one who they know never did accept Christ. These are examples of baggage issues that need to be addressed if we are going to help others take a step towards Christ. The six and final step under Uncovering the real barriers is to find out what would motivate them to get answers to their questions about Christ. In other words find out what would motivate them to want to explore the Christian faith. It maybe because they realize how empty life really is without a belief in God and so they are open to explore that possibility. Finding out their motivation factor for exploring Christianity can help you to know how to dialog with them over a period of time and could suggest what should be the main focus of your conversation. (One person answered this question by saying, “My mother committed suicide three years ago and I don’t believe in God or Christianity. However I realize if there is no God there is ultimately meaning or purpose to life, and I am not willing to accept that yet.”)The fourth step is to ask what there biggest barrier is to embracing Christianity. This is important because sometime you will hear people raise all kinds of objections to Christianity but may have difficulty voicing what is really a deal breaker. By phrasing the question in this way it helps them to really search their heart to discover what is really holding them back. For example, sometime in witnessing to Asians you may find that family considerations are one of the biggest barriers for them to embrace Christ. Also sometime you may find people hesitant to embrace Christ because of a deceased love one who they know never did accept Christ. These are examples of baggage issues that need to be addressed if we are going to help others take a step towards Christ. The six and final step under Uncovering the real barriers is to find out what would motivate them to get answers to their questions about Christ. In other words find out what would motivate them to want to explore the Christian faith. It maybe because they realize how empty life really is without a belief in God and so they are open to explore that possibility. Finding out their motivation factor for exploring Christianity can help you to know how to dialog with them over a period of time and could suggest what should be the main focus of your conversation. (One person answered this question by saying, “My mother committed suicide three years ago and I don’t believe in God or Christianity. However I realize if there is no God there is ultimately meaning or purpose to life, and I am not willing to accept that yet.”)

    37. The fourth step is to ask what there biggest barrier is to embracing Christianity. This is important because sometime you will hear people raise all kinds of objections to Christianity but may have difficulty voicing what is really a deal breaker. By phrasing the question in this way it helps them to really search their heart to discover what is really holding them back. For example, sometime in witnessing to Asians you may find that family considerations are one of the biggest barriers for them to embrace Christ. Also sometime you may find people hesitant to embrace Christ because of a deceased love one who they know never did accept Christ. These are examples of baggage issues that need to be addressed if we are going to help others take a step towards Christ. The six and final step under Uncovering the real barriers is to find out what would motivate them to get answers to their questions about Christ. In other words find out what would motivate them to want to explore the Christian faith. It maybe because they realize how empty life really is without a belief in God and so they are open to explore that possibility. Finding out their motivation factor for exploring Christianity can help you to know how to dialog with them over a period of time and could suggest what should be the main focus of your conversation. (One person answered this question by saying, “My mother committed suicide three years ago and I don’t believe in God or Christianity. However I realize if there is no God there is ultimately meaning or purpose to life, and I am not willing to accept that yet.”)The fourth step is to ask what there biggest barrier is to embracing Christianity. This is important because sometime you will hear people raise all kinds of objections to Christianity but may have difficulty voicing what is really a deal breaker. By phrasing the question in this way it helps them to really search their heart to discover what is really holding them back. For example, sometime in witnessing to Asians you may find that family considerations are one of the biggest barriers for them to embrace Christ. Also sometime you may find people hesitant to embrace Christ because of a deceased love one who they know never did accept Christ. These are examples of baggage issues that need to be addressed if we are going to help others take a step towards Christ. The six and final step under Uncovering the real barriers is to find out what would motivate them to get answers to their questions about Christ. In other words find out what would motivate them to want to explore the Christian faith. It maybe because they realize how empty life really is without a belief in God and so they are open to explore that possibility. Finding out their motivation factor for exploring Christianity can help you to know how to dialog with them over a period of time and could suggest what should be the main focus of your conversation. (One person answered this question by saying, “My mother committed suicide three years ago and I don’t believe in God or Christianity. However I realize if there is no God there is ultimately meaning or purpose to life, and I am not willing to accept that yet.”)

    38. Speak to Their Heart Felt Issues

    40. Volitional Factors Read slide Read slide

    41. Handling Volitional Barriers

    42. Handling Volitional Barriers

    43. Handling Volitional Barriers

    44. Uncovering Barriers (Review)

    45. Practicing Uncovering Conversations In Action In Singapore “In a conversation I had with another taxi driver who is a professing Buddhist some weeks ago, he was dominating the whole time talking about how all religions are eventually the same. When I asked him what he had to do in order to be a Buddhist, he suddenly became quite subdued and confessed that he hardly did anything such as going to the temple or praying. I realized that many Singaporeans, like this taxi driver, only use the multi-religious situation in this country as a smoke screen. Most people are not as hardcore pluralist as they claimed to be. In applying the steps of ‘Uncovering Conversations,’ I am learning to go beyond the smoke screens of people I talked to and find out what the real barrier to the gospel is.” Former student at East Asia School of Theology

    46. Additional Questions To Get To The Heart Issue

    47. Additional Questions To Get To The Heart Issue

    48. “Uncovering Conversations” From the Movie “Uncle Buck” Let’s take a look at the benefit of self-discovery (show clip) From the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding (The video clip we use is the scene in the restaurant where papa comes up with the solution to the problems the ladies raised about the work situation) Let’s take a look at the benefit of self-discovery (show clip) From the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding (The video clip we use is the scene in the restaurant where papa comes up with the solution to the problems the ladies raised about the work situation)

    49. Evangelism Training for the New Millennium Conversational Evangelism Also this pre-evangelistic approach was developed originally in partnership with our home church in the U.S. (Hill Country Bible Church, Austin, TX) and is based on a “Mirror Model” concept that Glenn McGorty pioneered for the church. This church model was originally developed in order to supplement the training in evangelism that our church was doing using Bill Hybels’ Contagious Christian Training. Since that beginning our ministry has gone on to develop a similar idea based on the acrostic THINK that has evolved into the Conversational Evangelism model that we teach today. The church model has since then evolved into a similar model they now call “Dialog.” To learn more about the church model that Glenn developed, and the resources they have developed to train others, see the web-site: www.DIALOGRoadmap.org Also this pre-evangelistic approach was developed originally in partnership with our home church in the U.S. (Hill Country Bible Church, Austin, TX) and is based on a “Mirror Model” concept that Glenn McGorty pioneered for the church. This church model was originally developed in order to supplement the training in evangelism that our church was doing using Bill Hybels’ Contagious Christian Training. Since that beginning our ministry has gone on to develop a similar idea based on the acrostic THINK that has evolved into the Conversational Evangelism model that we teach today. The church model has since then evolved into a similar model they now call “Dialog.” To learn more about the church model that Glenn developed, and the resources they have developed to train others, see the web-site: www.DIALOGRoadmap.org

    50. Revisions

    51. Training Description - introduce a new paradigm to evangelism give you the overall concept and some ideas of how to incorporate this new paradigm into your evangelism, in this first part of the training - in the second part of the training, you will master the skills that will create opportunities for pre-evangelism conversations that could lead to the presentation of the gospel. Learning Outcomes - that you will become more effective in evangelism as a result of incorporating pre-evangelism conversation into your daily witness - that the first part of these two days of training will result in you acquiring the skills necessary for pre-evangelism conversation at the second level of training Teaching Style - lectures, trainee participationTraining Description - introduce a new paradigm to evangelism give you the overall concept and some ideas of how to incorporate this new paradigm into your evangelism, in this first part of the training - in the second part of the training, you will master the skills that will create opportunities for pre-evangelism conversations that could lead to the presentation of the gospel. Learning Outcomes - that you will become more effective in evangelism as a result of incorporating pre-evangelism conversation into your daily witness - that the first part of these two days of training will result in you acquiring the skills necessary for pre-evangelism conversation at the second level of training Teaching Style - lectures, trainee participation

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