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WP 11: DETECTOR COOLING Outline of the Talk

WP 11: DETECTOR COOLING Outline of the Talk. WP mandate Human resources implicated 2009 investment Status and plans of projects (2010 – 2011) Ideal “White Paper” budget 2010 – 2011 Mid- & long-term perspectives. WP 11 Mandate (June 2009). Future ( CO 2 ) Cooling Plants

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WP 11: DETECTOR COOLING Outline of the Talk

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  1. WP 11: DETECTOR COOLING Outline of the Talk • WP mandate • Human resources implicated • 2009 investment • Status and plans of projects (2010 – 2011) • Ideal “White Paper” budget 2010 – 2011 • Mid- & long-term perspectives

  2. WP 11 Mandate (June 2009) • Future (CO2) Cooling Plants • 1.1 Construction of a functional CO2 “Proto-0” at Cryolab • 1.2 Two-Phase flow in CO2: models and correlations • 1.3 Design and construction of a standardized complete “portable” 2kW (?) unit • 1.4 Process modeling and dynamic simulation • “On Detector” Thermal Management • 2.1 Materials for thermal contact • 2.2 Structural materials with high thermal conductivity • 2.3 Local cooling through Micro-channels • Leak Search and in-situ Repair • 3.1 From “leak rates” to “fluid loss” • 3.2 Leak repair methods • 4.New Instrumentation • 4.1 Optical fibre-based Relative Humidity sensors (FOS) Agreed with PH management and experiments + endorsed by DCP NOT COVERED IN THIS TALK • Support to ATLAS and CMS cooling systems both on M&O and on specific R&D and refurbishment programmes

  3. Human Resources for General R&D (2009-10) • External Post-docs and “stagiaires” (~ 3 / year) • 1 Summer student (from June 2010) • Jobs descriptions for trainees posted (2) • Punctual use of technicians from ATLAS and CMS

  4. July 2009: Start of Activity White Paper expenditure 2009 - TOT: 109 kCHF (Material + subs. CERN personnel excluded) 31% 23% 17% 12% 11% 6% New PH-DT cooling lab 4 – 5 experimental areas Temporary office space Small meeting space Instrumentation, test stand, DAQ

  5. Equipment Available • Flexible and complete NI-based DAQ system • Miniaturized RTD and capacitive sensors for temperature and relative humidity measurement • General lab equipment (precision scale, RH calibration salts, magnifying glass, etc…) • A small portable dew point meter (Xentaur LTDP) • A -70 C dew point dry air source • Custom made temperature controlled environmental chamber connected to a gas mixer • One ad hoclight attenuation interrogation/DAQ system for tip-coated optical fibre sensors (planned for substitution with a new wavelength interrogation/DAQ system for multiple FBG or LPG sensors in 2010). • Two small water-glycol cooling units, each capable of few hundred Watts cooling power at -20 C. • A large C6F14 cooling unit with cooling power in excess of 3kW @ -25 C and 6 bar head loss capacity, pressure-boosted up to 15 bars for reduced flow rates. • Owned set of tools and components for piping, circuitry preparation and small electro-mechanical works. • Programmable RTD and signal simulators for the commissioning of new PLC-based control loops. • A high precision capacitive absolute manometer MKS “Baratron” • An EdgeTech “Dewmaster DM-C1” hygrometer with a 3 stage Peltier-cooled chilled mirror head for precise absolute humidity reference down to dew points of the order of -75 ˚C • Two KrohneOptimassCoriolis flow meters • …

  6. Status of 4.1 (RH FOS) 0.4 FTE Expenditure 2009: 18.5 kCHF Budget 2010: 48 kCHF Collaborations: TE/VSC, Napoli, Sannio (possibly Wuppertal to join?) • Test set-up complete • Measurement principle proven • One morphology of tip-coated SnO2 sensor validated • Static and dynamic behaviour analysed between +20 and -20 °C

  7. Plans for 4.1 (RH FOS) Complete the characterization of SnO2refractometric (tip-coated) sensor with particular emphasis on reproducibility and T/RH calibration Objective: full characterization of the sensor (including radiation hardness, reproducibility and production yield) by END 2010 • Launch the study of LPG-based multi sensors; • Material investigated: SnO2, TiO2, Al2O3 and SW-CNT; • Deposition techniques: Sol-gel (Sannio), Evaporation (CERN), Sputtering (CERN); • K-contract in preparation Objective: Definition of the best suited coating, proof of feasibility of the deposition techniques by END 2011

  8. Status of 2.3 (m-channel cooling) 2.2 FTE Expenditure 2009: 12 kCHF Budget 2010: 5 kCHF Collaborations: Louvain, EPFL-LMIS4, EPFL-LTCM, (Several potential partners discussing) • Test set-up complete • Silicon-Pyrex prototypes produced • Pressure burst tests ongoing • Fluid dynamic calculations for geometry optimization • Structural calculations for manifold dimension and wall thickness optimization

  9. Plans for 2.3 (m-channel cooling) • Consolidation of the manifolds and m-channel design methods • Optimization of the manufacturing technique (e.g. Pyrex thinning…) • Feasibility of Silicon-on-Silicon fusion bonding technique Objectives: 1) Well mastered design & production technique: END 2010 2) Sound and validated proposal for NA62 GTK: END 2010 • Integration of cooling chip into GTK module • Minimization of material in sensitive area • Feasibility of evaporative CO2 heat transfer Objectives: 1) m-cooling / GTK module integration: MID 2011 2) Reliable assessment on minimal material and CO2: END 2011 • Preliminary engineering of configurations of potential SLHC interest (e.g. trigger layers, phase-2 PIX upgrades, etc): 2011 • Partnership with CMOSAIC (EPFL, ETH, IBM & others: http://esl.epfl.ch/page78902-en.html) to study integration in 3D architectures: 2011

  10. Status of 1.3 (CO2 models and correlations) • Application-driven tests ongoing in DT on pressure/temperature drop in long mini-pipes (straight and multi-bent geometry) • Highly accurate base measurements ongoing at Cryolab on HTC and flow regimes in mini-pipes • HTC and flow parameter test ongoing at Esslingen on long Ø12 mm pipes • Data provided to EPFL-LTCM for model enhancement for CO2 applications 0.5 FTE Expenditure 2009: 0 kCHF Budget 2010: 0 kCHF Collaborations: TE/CRG (CryoLab), Esslingen, EPFL-LTCM, + many institutes from experiments

  11. Plans for 1.3 (CO2 models and correlations) • Continue the activity throughout 2011 • Act as a link between HEP laboratories and external institutes • Create a database / repository of the produced information • Disseminate good practice for test and design • Interact with EPFL-LTCM towards optimized models for CO2 designers

  12. Status of 1.1 / 1.2 (CO2 plants) 1.1 FTE Expenditure 2009: 13 kCHF Budget 2010: 36 kCHF Collaborations: NIKHEF, EPFL-LTCM, TE/CRG (CryoLab) + many institutes from experiments • The prototype of a new CO2 2PACL cooling unit (based on the LHCbVeLo system) is complete and tested for leaks • All controls and monitors are cabled and commissioned • Waiting for SC agreement for the final high-pressure (~100 bar) safety test in order to start warm operation • Accumulator (needed for cold operation) in fabrication / qualification at NIKHEF (expected in few weeks) • Constant analysis of the market for new components to appear, allowing for possible new solution

  13. Plans for 1.1 / 1.2 (CO2 plants) • Launch full operation of the CO2 prototype • Provide a test facility available for the experiments (piping, staves, etc) • Test new components, verify / modify controls • Make experience of use and train engineers and technicians Objectives: 1) Test station available: SUMMER 2010 2) Operational life: EXTEND BEYOND 2011 • Compact and simplify the design of the prototype into a standard “rackable” unit with 1-2 kW power @ -40 °C • Procure components and assemble a first unit Objectives: 1) Design of compact unit: END OF SUMMER 2010 2) First compact unit assembled: END 2010 (cost and delay time for accumulator to be verified) • Procure or design and assemble a small (~ 100 W) unit, not necessarily “oil-free” • Commission the unit and propose for wide distribution for small-scale tests Objective: Unit available for distribution: MID 2011

  14. Status of 3.1 / 3.2 (Leaks) • Leak investigation: new enhanced rack for leak search including high precision absolute manometer and reference volume in assembly phase • Leak quantification: old set-up previously used for work on translation of He leaks into liquid CnF2n+2 loss being refurbished • Remote leak repair: Test section to investigate the “fluid” proposed in assembly 0.4 FTE Expenditure 2009: 0 kCHF Budget 2010: 40 kCHF Collaborations: TE/VSC, Krakow (Discussion ongoing with other potential partners for 3.2)

  15. Plans for 3.1 / 3.2 (Leaks) • Several “unconventional” methods of remote leak detection investigated at Krakow (k-contract in preparation). In particular the use of acoustic detectors Objective: Detailed report on methods for remote leak detection and analysis suited for HEP detectors: MID 2011 • Extensive tests (fluid dynamics, chemistry, physics, geometrical compatibility, etc) on the proposed sealant agent (“Seal-Up”) both for water and for CnF2n+2 circuits Objective: Detailed report of possibility of use of the sealant agent: END 2011 ? • Investigation to find a partner to study more exotic (active) devices for remote leak repair ongoing…

  16. Status and Plans for 1.4 (Process Modeling) 0.8 FTE Expenditure 2009: 0 kCHF Budget 2010: 5 kCHF Collaborations: Grenoble, EN/ICE, EPFL-LTCM (possibly Krakow) • Move from Cryo experience (EN/ICE) and apply the technique to cooling systems • Check validity of existing objects • Modification of some components • Integrate CO2 data from REFPROP and from LATEST ENHANCED MODELS • Investigate new components • Condenser • Evaporator Mi-1,j Mi,j Ei,j Ei-1,j Ei+1,j Objective: Develop a dynamic simulator modeling the full process of the CO2 prototype END 2011 ρi-1,j ρi,j ρi+1,j

  17. Status and Plans for 2.1 (Thermal Materials) 1.0 FTE Expenditure 2009: 0 kCHF Budget 2010: 45 kCHF Collaborations: EN/MME, EPFL-LPMC, CNR-Napoli, experiments • Launch activity on definition of new generation thermal adhesives • Assumed benchmark: Al Technology ME7159 diamond-filled epoxy (~ 11 W/mK) • Investigate SU-8 doping with diamond and with CNT’s (EPFL) • Investigate doping of Araldite 2011 epoxy and of an RTV silicon with metal nano-wires, diamond nano-particles and CNT’s (CNR Napoli) Objective: Detailed reports on doping methodologies and obtained results with different adhesives: END 2011

  18. Allocation of “White Paper” Financial Resources 4 x (projects 2009) + 40% Equipment 2009 + Travel / Training • 2009 : effective expenditure • 2010 – 11 : “optimal” projection for fixed objectives • Included: • Equipment • Material • Consumables • External collaborations • Subsistence • CERN Manpower not accounted for

  19. Mid- & Long-Term Perspectives • Relative Humidity FOS: Follow-up the engineering and industrialization of the selected sensor(s) • Micro-channel cooling: Ensure full integration in the NA62 GTK module • Engineer solutions of interest for SLHC (and ILC) • CO2 cooling: Develop (and maintain?) laboratory cooling units (2 scales) • Collaborate to future CO2 cooling plants for experiments • Remote leak search and repair: long-term activity to be continued • Process modeling: Develop a standardized tool for use in all experiment for commissioning, enhanced operation and training • Thermal materials: Follow-up the engineering and industrialization of the selected solutions

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