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European Platform on Transformation Founders. Mission of the EPT. Make the skills available to allow individuals, organizations and the society to transform themselves Make an outstanding contribution to the European Society in the field of Quality, Transformation and Innovation. Vision 2015.
Mission of the EPT Make the skills available to allow individuals, organizations and the society to transform themselves Make an outstanding contribution to the European Society in the field of Quality, Transformation and Innovation
Vision 2015 1. 20 000 organizations have used transformation platform (methodologies, tools,..) and become best in class organizations in the world 2. raised EU competitiveness while maintaining EU well being and values 3. changed mind set of Europeans to realize that EU is the best place to live
European Platform on transformation Network Projects EuropeanCentre for Quality, Transformation and Innovation
EOQ MEDIA’S SupportGroup ESQH CEO’S Universities Summer Camps Experts Lean Operation team Lean Operational Team Emerging countries European Platform on Transformation European Platform on Transformation
Achievements • European Summit on transformation Compiègne March 2005 (60 participants) • 14 Summer camps 30 countries (between 40 and 60 participants each) • Publication of the Transformation Guide (GOAL QPC) • Training on creativity tools (e-training and class training)
Projects Write one book on 6 organizations having implemented a successful outstanding transformation • Disseminate 7 creativity tools to 1000000 people • Training on Innovation and Transformation in university • Setting of a European Centre for Quality Transformation and Innovation
Books on transformation published with GOAL-QPC TransformationGuide TransformationField Book Transformationcase studies and lessons learned
Antwerp EOQ 50th May 14 SummerCamps Versailles Ukraine August Gothenburg 2007Slovenia August Croatia September Limerick Healthcare September Maastricht Universities ………………. Porto 2006 Rheingau
Transforming Perception Transformation Process Transforming Action Transforming Self and will Integrate Be awaked Discover effects Loose control Experiment Be connected Discover De learn