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United States Coast Guard Work-Life Programs. Purpose of Work-Life. Work towards balance between the needs of the Coast Guard and the needs of members and their families to improve mission performance and strengthen CG families. Regional Work-Life Staff. Regional Manager ( RM )
Purpose of Work-Life Work towards balance between the needs of the Coast Guard and the needs of members and their families to improve mission performance and strengthen CG families
Regional Work-Life Staff Regional Manager (RM) Serves as the primary representative for Work-Life within the designated Area of Responsibility (AOR) Employee Assistance Program Coordinator (EAPC)/ Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) Provides and/or coordinates training, resources, and referrals for workplace violence, CISM, suicide prevention, sexual assault prevention and response, and financial management
Regional Work-Life Staff Family Advocacy Specialist (FAS) Prevents and manages cases of family violence and promotes healthy family life via appropriate information, resources, and referrals Family Resource Specialist (FRS) Provides assistance and resources for special needs, dependent care (childcare and eldercare), scholarships, and adoption reimbursement
Regional Work-Life Staff Transition & Relocation Manager (TRM) Facilitates access to transition services for CG members and their families, including transition assistance, relocation services, spouse employment assistance, and sponsorship Health Promotion Manager (HPM) Facilitates the improvement of health and wellbeing by encouraging and educating CG members on behavior changes that reduce health risks, and improve quality of life
Regional Work-Life Staff Ombudsman Coordinator Oversees the Ombudsman program for the AOR, providing training, resources, and assistance to Ombudsman and their commands Note: This is an additional duty assigned to one of the aforementioned Work-Life staff members. Child Development Services Specialist (CDSS) Develops, promotes, implements, and monitors the Coast Guard certified in-home childcare program and provides educational support
Need Assistance? To contact the Work-Lifeofficeclosest to you, call 1-800-872-4957 For free expert guidance, counseling, and/or resources 24/7 on child care, diet & nutrition, education, credit & debt, relocation, pet care, and other life challenges, contact
U.S. COAST GUARDWork-Life HEALTH, SAFETY & WORK-LIFE HSWL D-11 North TRACEN Petaluma Office Family Advocacy and Employee Assistance - CG SUPRT - Financial - Legal - Counseling - Parenting - Marriage - Relationships - Special Needs - CISM - Suicide Prevention - Violence Prev. - Education - Sexual Assault Prev. - Health Promotion - Transition - Spouse Employment - PCS Relocation - RELAD
Family Advocacy John W. Schempf: 707-765-7045 PetalumaTrevor P. Jackman: 510-437-5838 D-11 N Felice C. Roth: 310-521-6133 D-11 S ·Ombudsman Assistance ·Sexual Assault Prevention ·Family Violence Prevention ·Parenting Assistance ·Grief Support ·Marriage Support ·Anger Management ·Mental Health Referral
Employee Assistance Coordinator Kim Cosley: 510-437-3881 D-11N Tiffani Collier: 310-521-6136 D-11S • ·Sexual Assault Prevention • · Life Skills Education • · Suicide Prevention • · Red Cross Liaison • · Stress Management • · Work Place Violence Prevention • · Victim and Witness Assistance • · Critical Incident Stress Management
Family Resource SpecialistKristine E. Rutland-Cooper: 510-437-3881 D-11NTony Haynes: 310-521-6134 D-11S • · Special Needs Program • · Elder Care • · Humanitarian Assistance • · Adoption Reimbursement • · Scholarships, Grants, Loans • · Federal Subsidies
Transition Relocation Manager C J Johnson: 510-437-0367 D-11N • · Transfer/Relocation • · Transition/Retirement/TAPs • · Pre-Deployment Seminars • · Spousal Employment Assistance
Health Promotion Manager Cynthia Castellon: 310-521-6131 D-11S · UHPC Training · Cholesterol Testing · Health Risk Appraisals · Nutrition Counseling · Exercise Prescriptions · Tobacco Cessation
Health Safety & Work LifeD-11 North and TRACEN Petaluma Contacts Work-Life PetalumaJohn W. Schempf 707-765-7045 Substance Abuse Prevention SpecialistCPO Scott A. Croinex 707-765-7081 Mental Health CounselorAlexander Nurse 707-765-7200 Unit Health Promotion CoordinatorCPO Sabrina Hearst 707-765-7616 TRACEN Petaluma OmbudsmanNatasha Reed 757-582-7249 / 707-789-9562Kristie Hayes Chaplain StaffLT Timothy Seo 707-765-7330
Sexual Assault Prevention & Response (SAPR) SAPR Program The Coast Guard’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program prevents sexual assault by implementing and sustaining comprehensive SAPR strategies the focus on awareness, cultural change, prevention, response, victim support, intimidation-free reporting, fair and impartial investigations, and accountability to protect the safety and well-being of all our active duty, Reserve, civilian, Auxiliary, and retiree shipmates and their families. For more information, please go to:CG-11 Office of Work-Life Programs — SAPR Program http://www.uscg.mil/hq/cg1/cg111/rape_sexual_assault.asp
Sexual Assault Prevention & Response (SAPR) Reporting a Sexual Assault If you have been or think you may have been sexually assaulted recently: • Go to a safe location away from the perpetrator. • Call your Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC). • The 24/7 DoD Safe Helpline also provides assistance. Users have three ways to access their services - "click, call or text" for confidential support, available 24/7 worldwide. • Click - Logging on to www.SafeHelpline.org for live, one-on-one confidential help with a trained professional. • Call - Calling the hotline at 1-877-995-5247 allows users to speak with a trained staff member for personalized advice and support to military and/or civilian resources. • Text - Texting a location or zip code to 55-247 (inside the U.S.) or 001-202-470-5546 (outside the U.S.) allows users to receive contact information for the SARC.
Sexual Assault Prevention & Response (SAPR) USCG Resources: • Office of Work-Life - Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Programhttp://www.uscg.mil/hq/cg1/cg111/rape_sexual_assault.aspCOMDTINST M1754.10D (series), April 2012SAPR Strategic Plan 2013-2017 • US Coast Guard Chaplains1-855-USCG-CHC (872-4242) • CG Support Program– (CG SUPRT) through Value Option • Short term counseling and life management assistance to include Suicide Prevention Hotline – 855-CG SUPRT (247-8778). • Strategic Direction: Joint Force Sexual Assault Prevention & Response May 2012 • Office of Personnel Management Guidance for Agency-Specific Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Policies, February 2013
Sexual Assault Prevention & Response (SAPR) Local and National Resources / Sexual Assault Services: • TRACEN Petaluma Chaplain 1-707-765-7331 • TRACEN Petaluma SARC 1-707-765-7045 • TRACEN Petaluma Clinic 1-707-765-7200 • National Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) • RAINN (Rape Abuse & Incest National Networkhttp://www.rainn.org/ • Verity (formerly United Against Sexual Assault of Sonoma County—UASA Santa Rosa) • Business (707) 545-7270 • Hotline (707) 545-7273 • YWCA1-707-546-9922 • Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE) Hospital locator http://www.sane-sart.com/staticpages/index.php?page=20031023141144274
Sexual Assault Prevention & Response (SAPR) Restricted/Unrestricted Reporting Options: • Restricted Reporting option may be used by a service member or civilian spouse sexually assaulted by their active duty service member spouse to disclose to specific individuals on a confidential basis that he or she is the victim of a sexual assault. If the assault has been disclosed to ONLY a SARC, VA, or HCP, it shall not be reported to the chain of command or law enforcement, unless the victim consents or an established exception is exercised under COMDTINST M1754.10 (series). • Unrestricted Reporting option may be used by the service member to disclose to his or her chain of command that he or she is the victim of a sexual assault. “Service member” is defined as Coast Guard active duty members and Coast Guard reserve members on active duty or in a drill status, unless otherwise noted. Under the Unrestricted Reporting option, the victim’s report to command authorities or to a SARC, VA, HCP, or anyone else, shall be reported to CGIS.
Suicide Prevention and ResponsePurpose Each of us in the Coast Guard must make it our individual responsibility to become aware of the warning signs and circumstances that are often associated with suicidal behavior (Suicide Prevention Program, Commandant Instruction 1734.1A).If you know “Don’t keep it a secret!” For more information, please go to: CG-11 Office of Work-Life Programs — Suicide Prevention Programhttp://www.uscg.mil/hq/cg1/cg111/suicide_prevention.asp
Suicide Prevention and Response Emergency Services: • The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a 24-hour, toll-free suicide prevention service available to anyone in suicidal crisis. If you need help, please dial 1-800-273-TALK (8255). • The Coast Guard's CGSUPRT Program is available 24/7 to assist with mental health emergencies. Toll free: (855)-CGSUPRT (247-8778). • If on-site assistance is needed, call 911.
Suicide Prevention and Response • Coast Guard Chaplains - (855) 872-4242 • Coast Guard Medical Clinics - In addition to military personnel, CG Clinics may serve dependents at some locations if space is available. • Coast Guard National Command Center - If you need the assistance of a Coast Guard command in an emergency, the National Command Center can assist in identifying needed contact information. Call 1-800-DAD-SAFE (323-7233). • CG SUPRT (Employee Assistance Program ) - 1-855-CGSUPRT (247-8778) Web (for EAP): www.CGSUPRT.com • Coast Guard Regional Health, Safety, and Work-Life (HSWL) Field Offices • Military Treatment Facility (MTF) Locator (Note: only those MTFs serving both active duty and dependents are included.)
Critical Incident Stress Management • The Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) program is intended to help individuals exposed to critical incidents to identify and cope with their responses to these events. • The focus of CISM is to provide “psychological first aid” and to minimize the harmful affects of job stress, particularly in crisis or emergency situations. • Critical Incident Stress Management includes pre-incident training and post-incident services.
Critical Incident Stress Management • Critical Incident - Any event with sufficient impact to produce significant emotional reactions now or later. It is generally considered extremely unusual in the range of ordinary human experiences. Examples of critical incidents include the following: • Crew members death in line of duty • Children’s death or serious injury • Multiple fatalities or seriously injured survivors • Suicide, successful or attempted • Natural disasters • Class A or B mishaps involving death or permanent injury and otherwise high emotional impact • Use of deadly force • Grotesque injuries • Acts of terrorism • Acts of violence resulting in injury or death • Observing any traumatic event
Critical Incident Stress Management • Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) - A group meeting intended to: • Acknowledge both potential and realized traumatic reactions to the event or incident • Stabilize and mitigate the impact of acute symptoms/signs of distress following the exposure • Assist individuals to evaluate their own responses in terms of the impact on their current occupational functioning and the possible need for ongoing referral/treatment • Encourage the mitigating effects of peer group support and interaction in the workplace • Facilitate participants’ use of social, emotional, and psychological resources available to them
Additional Resources • Elder Abuse Reporting 707-667-0404 • Child Protective Services 707-565-4300 • Domestic Violence Prevention 800-799-7233 • Domestic Violence Shelter 707-546-1234 • Nat. Suicide Crisis Line 800-SUICIDE • Sonoma Co. Suicide Prevention 855-587-6373 • Sonoma Co. Psych. Emergency 707-576-8181 • Veteran’s Affairs 800-827-1000
Thank you, from the United States Coast GuardWork-Life Programs