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NeMoFinder: Dissecting genome-wide protein-protein intractions with meso-scale network motifs. Mike Yuan. Outline of this presentation. Introduction to PPI Introduction to Graph Mining Related work Problem statement Details of the NeMoFinder algorithm Summary References .
NeMoFinder: Dissecting genome-wide protein-protein intractions with meso-scale network motifs Mike Yuan
Outline of this presentation • Introduction to PPI • Introduction to Graph Mining • Related work • Problem statement • Details of the NeMoFinder algorithm • Summary • References
Protein Interactions A Protein may interact with: • Other proteins • Nucleic Acids • Small molecules
Motivation • Important for biological functions • To understand the function of a protein, we need to find its interacting partners
Graph Theory Vertex (node) Cycle Edge -5 Directed Edge (Arc) Weighted Edge 10 7 Molecular interaction networks are mapped as graphs
Graph mining • Methods for Mining Frequent Subgraphs • Mining Variant and Constrained Substructure Patterns • Applications: • Graph Indexing • Similarity Search • Classification and Clustering
Why Graph Mining? • Graphs are ubiquitous • Chemical compounds (Cheminformatics) • Protein structures, biological pathways/networks (Bioinformactics) • Program control flow, traffic flow, and workflow analysis • XML databases, Web, and social network analysis • Graph is a general model • Trees, lattices, sequences, and items are degenerated graphs • Complexity of algorithms: many problems are of high complexity
Graph, Graph, Everywhere from H. Jeong et al Nature 411, 41 (2001) Aspirin Yeast protein interaction network Co-author network Internet
Graph Pattern Mining • Frequent subgraphs • A (sub)graph is frequent if its support (occurrence frequency) in a given dataset is no less than a minimum support threshold • Applications of graph pattern mining • Mining biochemical structures • Program control flow analysis • Mining XML structures or Web communities • Building blocks for graph classification, clustering, compression, comparison, and correlation analysis
Example: Frequent Subgraphs GRAPH DATASET (A) (B) (C) FREQUENT PATTERNS (MIN SUPPORT IS 2) (1) (2)
Frequent Subgraph Mining Approaches • Apriori-based approach: if a graph is frequent, all of its subgraphs are frequent ─ the Apriori property • AGM/AcGM: Inokuchi, et al. (PKDD’00) • FSG: Kuramochi and Karypis (ICDM’01) • PATH#: Vanetik and Gudes (ICDM’02, ICDM’04) • FFSM: Huan, et al. (ICDM’03) • Pattern growth approach • MoFa, Borgelt and Berthold (ICDM’02) • gSpan: Yan and Han (ICDM’02) • Gaston: Nijssen and Kok (KDD’04)
Problem Statement • PPI network G=(V,E) _ each vertex represents a unique protein _ each edge between vA and vB indicates there is an interaction between A and B • Network motif _frequently occurring subgraph pattern in a network • fg is the number of occurrences of a subgraph g, g is repeated if fg>F. • fg_randi is the frequency of g in a randomized network Grandi, for 1 ≤ i ≤ N, N is the number of the randomized networks. sg is the number of times fg≥fg_randi, g is unique if its sg >S. • Network motif discovery algorithm
Problem Statement (cont) • Motivation of NeMoFinder- existing research has following limitations: _Number of network motifs candidates increases exponentially _Interesting network motifs are repeated and unique and Apirori algorithms are not applicable _The graph isomorphism problem is an NP problem • NeMoFinder _ a network motif discovery algorithm to discover repeated and unique meso-scale network motifs in a large PPI network
Key procedures • Example graph G • Find repeated trees • Use repeated trees to partition a network into a set of graphs • Introduce graph cousins to facilitate the candidate generation and frequency counting processes.
Step1. Discover Repeated Subgraphs • Step1.1 find repeated size-k trees • Eg. Size 2 to size 5 trees t2 t3 t4_1 t4_2 t5_1 t5_2 t5_3
Step1. discover repeated subgraphs (cont) • ft2 = 7, ft3 = 13, ft4_1 = 6, ft4_2 =17, ft5_1=1, ft5_2 = 5, ft5_3 = 7. • T2 = {t2}, T3 = {t3}, T4 ={t4_1, t4_2} and T5 = {t5_2, t5_3}.
Step 1.2 Use repeated size-k trees to partition graph • Occurrences of t4_1 in G.
Step 1.2 Use repeated size-k trees to partition graph (cont) • Occurrences of t4_2 in G.
Step1.2 Use repeated size-k trees to partition graph (cont) • Set of graphs GD4 G4_1 G4_2 G4_3 G4_4 G4_5
Step 1.3: perform graph join operation to find repeated size-k graphs • Generate 3-edge subgraphs from size-4 trees t4_1 h1 h2 t4_2 h3 h4 h5
Step 1.3: perform graph join operation to find repeated size-k graphs (cont) • Examples for graph join operations for subgraphs t4_1 h2 g1_2 t4_2 h3 g1_1 • fg1_1 = 2 and fg1_2 = 5
Step 1.3: perform graph join operation to find repeated size-k graphs (cont) • Use subgraphs obtained to generate subgraphs g1_2 h6 h7 • Graph join operations for subgraphs g1_2 h6 g2 • f(g2)<2, algorithm stops
Algorithm1 NeMoFinder 1: Input: G - PPI network;N - Number of randomized networks;K - Maximal network motif size;F - Frequency threshold;S - Uniqueness threshold; 2: Output: U - Repeated and unique network motif set; 3: D ← ∅; 4: for motif-size k from 3 to K do 5: T ← FindRepeatedTrees(k); 6: GDk ← GraphPartition(G, T) 7: D ← D T; 8: D’ ← T; 9: i ← k; 10: while D’≠∅ and i ≤ k × (k − 1)/2 do 11: D’ ← FindRepeatedGraphs(k,i,D’); 12: D ← D D’; 13: i ← i + 1; 14: end while 15: end for Step1: Discover repeated subgraphs Step 1.1: Find repeated size-k trees Step 1.2: use repeated size-k trees to partition graph Step 1.3: perform graph join operation to find repeated size-k graphs
Algorithm1 NeMoFinder (cont) 16: for counter i from 1 to N do 17: Grand ← RandomizedNetworkGeneration(); 18: for each g D do 19: GetRandFrequency(g,Grand); 20: end for 21: end for 22: U ← ∅; 23: for each g D do 24: s ← GetUniqunessValue(g); 25: if s ≥ S then 26: U ← U {g}; 27: end if 28: end for 29: return U; Step 2: Determine subgraph frequency in randomized networks Step 3: Compute uniqueness of subgraphs
Algorithm Steps (cont) • Step 2: Determine subgraph frequency in randomized networks _Generate randomized networks Grandi(1≤i≤N) _check the frequency of the subgraphs in each of the randomized networks Grandi • Step 3: Compute uniqueness of subgraphs _ Based on frequencies in the input PPI network and the randomized networks _fg_randiis the frequency of g in a randomized network Grandi, for 1 ≤ i ≤ N, N is the number of the randomized networks. sg is the number of times fg≥fg_randi, g is unique if its sg >S.
Find repeated subgraphs Algorithm 2 FindRepeatedGraphs(k, i,D’) 1: Input: D’ - Set of repeated subgraphs with k vertices and i − 1 edges; 2: Output: D’’ - Set of repeated subgraphs with k vertices and i edges; 3: C ← CandidateGeneration(k, i, D’); 4: D’’ ← FrequencyCounting(k, i, C); 5: return D’’;
Candidate generation using graph cousins • Represent subgraphs by adjacency matrices • Code(M): a sequence formed by linking the lower triangular entries of M in the following order: m1,1m2,1m2,2…mn,1mn,2…mn,n • Transform adjancy matrix into canonical adjacency matrix (CAM) which has the maximal code • Definition of subCAM of a graph _ A matrix obtained by setting the last edge entry in CAM(g) to 0.
Candidate generation using graph cousins (cont) • Definition of cousin _ Given two subgraphs g and h, if subCAM(g) = subCAM(h), then h is a cousin of g. • Three types of cousin relationship between g and h: _ Type I: Direct Cousin h is isomorphic to a subgraph g’ which has the same number of vertices and edges as g, and g’ ≠g; _ Type II: Twin Cousin h is isomorphic to subgraph g; _Type III: Distant Cousin h is a disconnected subgraph.
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Candidate generation using graph cousins (cont) • Adjacency matrices for the graphs in figure 6 t4_1 h1 h2
Candidate generation using graph cousins (cont) • Adjacency matrices for the graphs in figure 6 t4_2 h3 h4h5
Candidate generation using graph cousins (cont) • Observations of above example _h1 is a type 1 direct cousin of t4_1 _h2 is a type 3 distant cousin of t4_1 _h3 is a type 2 twin cousin of t4_2 _h4 is a type 1 direct cousin of t4_2 _h5 is a type 3 distant cousin of t4_2
Candidate generation using graph cousins (cont) Algorithm 3 CandidateGeneration(k, i,D’) 1: Input: D’ - Set of repeated subgraphs with k vertices and i − 1 edges; 2: Output: C - Set of candidates with k vertices and i edges; 3: C ← ∅; 4: for each g D do 5: H ← GetCousin(g); 6: for each h H do 7: g’ ← join(g, h); 8: C ← C {g}; 9: end for 10: end for 11: return C; Step 1: Find set of cousins Step2: join g with cousins to form new subgraph
Frequency counting • Leveraging properties of the different types of cousins _Lx: set of graphs in GDk embedding x _If type of h=type I direct cousin of g, g’ is subgraph obtained by g and h, then Lg’= Lg ∩ Lh, fg’= |Lg ∩ Lh| _if type of h = Type III distant cousin,then fg’= |Lg ∩ Lh| _if type of h = Type II twin cousin then fg’ =CheckAllOccurances(g) _Lt4_1 ={G4_1,G4_2,G4_3,G4_5}, Lh2 = {G4_1,G4_2,G4_3,G4_4,G4_5} Lg1_2= Lt4_1∩ Lh2 ={G4_1,G4_2,G4_3,G4_5}, fg1_2=4>2
Frequency counting Algorithm 4 FrequencyCounting(k, i,C) 1: Input: GDk - Set of graphs generated by partitioning G with size-k repeated trees; C - Set of subgraph candidates with k vertices and i edges; F - Frequency threshold; 2: Output: D’’ - Set of repeated subgraphs with k vertices and i edges; 3: D’’ ← ∅; 4: for each g’ C do 5: Get the join parameter of g’: g and h; 6: Lg ← set of graphs in GDk embedding g; 7: Lh ← set of graphs in GDk embedding h; 8: if fg < F or fh < F then 9: fg’ ← 0; 10: else if type of h = Type I direct cousin then 11: fg’ ← |Lg ∩ Lh| 12: else if type of h = Type III distant cousin then 13: fg’ ← |Lg ∩ Lh| 14: else if type of h = Type II twin cousin then 15: fg’ ← CheckAllOccurances(g); 16: end if 17: if fg’ > F then 18: D’’ ← D’’ {g’}; 19: end if 20: end for 21: return D’’; Case h is direct cousin Case h is distant cousin Case h is twin cousin
Summary • NemoFinder-an efficient network motif discovery algorithm to discover larger-sized repeated and unique network motifs in PPI networks. • Use repeated trees to partition network into graphs • Graph cousins for candidate generation and frequency counting
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