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http://www.jrotbart.com/<br>J. Rotbart & Co.’s aim is to streamline the handling of clients’ precious metals and offer the most efficient and secure service in the market.<br>Our experience, combined with our extensive network of experts, associates, suppliers and vendors, means we can offer you the best possible solution for the buying, storing and transportation of physical precious metals.<br>
Why Investing in Precious Metals Is the Way to Go As the human race progressed, so did the financial system of the world. First, we were only gatherers and hunters. Later as we developed new trading methods came into existence. As time went by, kings started producing coins usually made by gold and silver because of their physical properties and value. General Overview There are a few common languages which all people on the planet understand – beauty, chemistry, and physics. It has always been a good idea to buy precious metalsas their value gradually rises over time, even after a global financial crisis. The good part is that the precious metals companies are not spread only in a single region around the world, hence not controlled by a single government or a single financial institution. As the precious metals are a finite resource, which is yet to be depleted, but eventually will be, it only makes sense that its price will continue to grow. In history, the US dollar’s value was bound to gold through the so called “Gold Standard,” and banks around the world only issued a fixed amount of money based on the gold they had. The standard was later revoked a bit after the Second World War. The issued currencies currently only hold as much value as society gives them to put it simplified; thus, making the option to buy silver bulliona great one, especially for a long term investment. The Benefits of Investing in Precious Metals There are practically a ton of benefits to purchase the products of precious metals companies –from those that hold financial value, to those that hold social value, so let us look at the most important ones. 1.The Demand Will Continually Grow From the normal everyday guy to the huge corporations, central banks and government the demand on precious metals continually increases over time. Just in 2015 alone the central banks worldwide have purchased more than six hundred tons
of gold for example. The demand for companies that produce electronics and medical devices continues to grow as well, as the physical properties of the precious metals are utilized to cater to the needs of the end consumer. 2.Mining Is Becoming Harder In recent years the mining of different precious metals has become much harder. Furthermore, Goldman Sachs have conducted a research which claims that the minable gold will be depleted in only around fifteen years, which as you might have guessed would result into an insane spike of the price of the metal. The amount of pure gold worldwide is not as much as people would think, though. It has been said that if you place blocks of it next to each other on a field it would only take around twenty-three meters in height, width and length. 3.Nobody Will Know When you buy precious metalsyour information is not stored anywhere and will not be shared with neither public nor private entity. It is only your own business what happens with the precious metals that you are buying. 4.Diverse Portfolio One of the most fundamental concepts of investment is to have your portfolio well spread throughout different assets. It is important to take risks, but it is probably five times more important to hedge against them. The price of the precious metals is generally stable which makes them a perfect option to diversify your portfolio. Obviously, we don’t recommend that you only buy precious metals either, as you could still experience a market crash as it was in 2008 with the global financial crisis and it is generally a good idea to buy silver bullionsat 16 to 1 ratio with gold.