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8085 INTERRUPTS. From: Er Sanjeev Goyal Sr Lect ECE GPC,Bathinda. INTRODUCTION. Interrupt is a process where an external device can get the attention of the microprocessor. The process starts from the I/O device The process is asynchronous.
8085 INTERRUPTS From: Er Sanjeev Goyal Sr Lect ECE GPC,Bathinda Punjab Edusat society
INTRODUCTION • Interrupt is a process where an external device can get the attention of the microprocessor. • The process starts from the I/O device • The process is asynchronous. • An interrupt is considered to be an emergency signal that may be serviced. • The Microprocessor may respond to it assoon as possible. Punjab Edusat society
INTRODUCTION • What happens when MP is interrupted ? • When the Microprocessor receives an interrupt signal, it suspends the currently executing program and jumps to an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) to respond to the incoming interrupt. • Each interrupt will most probably have its own ISR. Punjab Edusat society
Interrupts in 8085 When the interrupt signal arrives: • The processor will break its routine • Go to a different routine (interrupt service routine) • Complete the interrupt service routine(ISR) • Go back to the “regular” routine Punjab Edusat society
Interrupts in 8085 In order to execute an interrupt routine, the processor: • Should be able to accept interrupts (interrupt enable) • Save the last content of the program counter • Know where to go in program memory to execute the ISR • Tell the outside world that it is executing an interrupt • Go back to the saved PC location when finished. Punjab Edusat society
Interrupts in 8085 • Interrupts increase processor system efficiency by letting I/O device request CPU time only when that device needs immediate attention. • An interrupt is a subroutine call initialized by external hardware. • The request is asynchronous it may occur at any point in a program’s execution. Punjab Edusat society
Interrupts in 8085 INTA Interrupt Save program counter Send out interupt acknowledge Disable interrupts Main routine Go to service routine Goback Get original program counter EI RET Service routine Punjab Edusat society
CLASSIFICATION OF INTERRUPTS • Interrupts can be classified into two types: • Maskable Interrupts (Can be delayed or Rejected) • Non-Maskable Interrupts (Can not be delayed or Rejected) • Interrupts can also be classified into: • Vectored (the address of the service routine is hard-wired) • Non-vectored (the address of the service routine needs to be supplied externally by the device) Punjab Edusat society
CLASSIFICATION OF INTERRUPTS • Nonmaskable interrupt input • The MPU is interrupted when a logic signal is applied to this type of input. • Maskable interrupt input • The MPU is interrupted ONLY if that particular input is enabled. • It is enabled or disabled under program control. • If disabled, an interrupt signal is ignored by the MPU. Punjab Edusat society
Maskable & Nonmaskable INT Punjab Edusat society
Response to Interrupt • Responding to an interrupt may be immediate or delayed depending on whether the interrupt is maskable or non-maskable and whether interrupts are being masked or not. • MP completes its current machine cycle. Punjab Edusat society
Response to Interrupt • There are two ways of redirecting the execution to the ISR depending on whether the interrupt is vectored or non-vectored. • Vectored: The address of the subroutine is already known to the Microprocessor • Non Vectored: The device will have to supply the address of the subroutine to the Microprocessor Punjab Edusat society
Response to Interrupt The processing of the current instruction is completed. An interrupt machine cycle is executed during which the PC is saved and control is transferred to an appropriate memory location. The state of the MPU is saved. If more than one I/O device is associated with the location transferred to, the highest priority device requesting an interrupt is identified. Punjab Edusat society
Response to Interrupt • A subroutine is executed which services the interrupt I/O device. • The saved state of the microprocessor is restored. • Control is returned to the instruction that follows the interrupted instruction. Punjab Edusat society
8085 INTERRUPT STRUCTURE • There are 5 interrupt inputs: • TRAP (nonmaskable) • RST7.5 • RST6.5 • RST5.5 • INTR Punjab Edusat society
8085 INTERRUPTS • The ‘EI’ instruction is a one byte instruction and is used to Enable the maskable interrupts. • The ‘DI’ instruction is a one byte instruction and is used to Disable the maskable interrupts. • The 8085 has a single Non-Maskable interrupt. Punjab Edusat society
8085 INTERRUPTS • The 8085 has 5 interrupt inputs. • The INTR input. • The INTR input is the only non-vectored interrupt. • INTR is maskable using the EI/DI instruction pair. • RST 5.5, RST 6.5, RST 7.5 are all automatically vectored. • RST 5.5, RST 6.5, and RST 7.5 are all maskable. Punjab Edusat society
8085 INTERRUPTS • TRAP is the only non-maskable interrupt in the 8085 • TRAP is also automatically vectored Punjab Edusat society
8085 INTERRUPTS TRAP RST7.5 RST6.5 RST 5.5 INTR INTA 8085 Punjab Edusat society
Vectored Interrupts • An interrupt vector is a pointer to where the ISR is stored in memory. • All interrupts (vectored or otherwise) are mapped onto a memory area called the Interrupt Vector Table (IVT). • The IVT is usually located in memory page 00 (0000H - 00FFH). Punjab Edusat society
Vectored Interrupts There are four interrupt inputs in 8085 that transfer the operation immediately to a specific address: • TRAP : go to 0024 • RST 7.5: go to 003C • RST 6.5 0034 • RST 5.5 002C • RST 7.5, RST 6.5 and RST 5.5 are maskable interrupts, they are acknowledged only if they are not masked ! Punjab Edusat society
Vectored Interrupts • Finding the address of these vectored interrupts are very easy .Just multiply 8 with the RST value i.e for RST 7.5 the subroutine(ISR) address=8*7.5=60=(3c)H. • For TRAP ,its RST value is 4.5,then the subroutine address is 8*4.5=36=(24)H.similarly u can calculate for other vector interupt addresses. • Memory page for all interrupts are (00). Punjab Edusat society
Vectored Interrupts Punjab Edusat society
Masking RST 5.5, RST 6.5 and RST 7.5 • These three interrupts are masked at two levels: • Through the Interrupt Enable flip flop and the EI/DI instructions. • The Interrupt Enable flip flop controls the whole maskable interrupt process. • Through individual mask flip flops that control the availability of the individual interrupts. • These flip flops control the interrupts individually. Punjab Edusat society
MASKABLE INTERRUPTS RST7.5 Memory RST 7.5 M 7.5 RST 6.5 M 6.5 RST 5.5 M 5.5 INTR Interrupt Enable Flip Flop Punjab Edusat society
Maskable/Vectored Interrupt Process • The interrupt process should be enabled using the EI instruction. • The 8085 checks for an interrupt during the execution of every instruction. • If there is an interrupt, and if the interrupt is enabled using the interrupt mask, the microprocessor will complete the executing instruction, and reset the interrupt flip flop. Punjab Edusat society
Maskable/Vectored Interrupt Process • The microprocessor then executes a call instruction that sends the execution to the appropriate location in the interrupt vector table. • When the microprocessor executes the call instruction, it saves the address of the next instruction on the stack. • The microprocessor jumps to the specific service routine. Punjab Edusat society
Maskable/Vectored Interrupt Process • The service routine must include the instruction EI to re-enable the interrupt process. • At the end of the service routine, the RET instruction returns the execution to where the program was interrupted. Punjab Edusat society
Maskable/Vectored Interrupt Process • The Interrupt Enable flip flop is manipulated using the EI/DI instructions. • The individual masks for RST 5.5, RST 6.5 and RST 7.5 are manipulated using the SIM instruction (Set Interrupt Mask). • This instruction takes the bit pattern in the Accumulator and applies it to the interrupt mask enabling and disabling the specific interrupts. Punjab Edusat society
SIM Instruction Punjab Edusat society
SIM Instruction • Bit 0 is the mask for RST 5.5, bit 1 is the mask for RST 6.5 and bit 2 is the mask for RST 7.5. • If the mask bit is 0, the interrupt is available. • If the mask bit is 1, the interrupt is masked. • Bit 3 (Mask Set Enable - MSE) is an enable for setting the mask. • If it is set to 0 the mask is ignored and the old settings remain. • If it is set to 1, the new setting are applied. Punjab Edusat society
SIM Instruction • Bit 4 of the accumulator in the SIM instruction allows explicitly resetting the RST 7.5 memory even if the microprocessor did not respond to it. • Bit 5 is not used by the SIM instruction • Bit 6 & Bit 7 is used for extra functionality such as serial data transmission. Punjab Edusat society
SIM Instruction • Example: Set the interrupt masks so that RST5.5 is enabled, RST6.5 is masked, and RST7.5 is enabled. • First, determine the contents of the accumulator - Enable 5.5 bit 0 = 0 - Disable 6.5 bit 1 = 1 - Enable 7.5 bit 2 = 0 - Allow setting the masks bit 3 = 1 - Don’t reset the flip flop bit 4 = 0 - Bit 5 is not used bit 5 = 0 - Don’t use serial data bit 6 = 0 - Serial data is ignored bit 7 = 0 Contents of accumulator are: 0A H EI ; Enable interrupts including INTR MVI A, 0A ; Prepare the mask to enable RST 7.5, and 5.5, disable 6.5 SIM ; Apply the settings RST masks Punjab Edusat society
Triggering Levels: • RST 7.5 is positive edge sensitive. • When a positive edge appears on the RST7.5 line, a logic 1 is stored in the flip-flop as a “pending” interrupt. • Since the value has been stored in the flip flop, the line does not have to be high when the microprocessor checks for the interrupt to be recognized. • The line must go to zero and back to one before a new interrupt is recognized. • RST 6.5 and RST 5.5 are level sensitive. • The interrupting signal must remain present until the microprocessor checks for interrupts. Punjab Edusat society
Non Maskable Interrupt • TRAP is the only non-maskable interrupt. • It does not need to be enabled because it cannot be disabled. • It has the highest priority amongst interrupts. • It is edge and level sensitive. • Must make a low-to-high transition and remain high to be acknowledged. • After acknowledgement, it is NOT recognized again until it goes low, then high again and remains high. Punjab Edusat society
TRAP • It is to avoid false triggering due to noise/logic glitches. • TRAP is usually used for power failure and emergency shutoff. • When the 8085A is reset: • Its internal interrupt enable flip-flop is reset. • This disables ALL the maskable interrupts. • So, the MPU only responds to TRAP. • Vectored address for TRAP is 0024 H. Punjab Edusat society
BUS IDLE (BI) Machine Cycle • TRAP, RST5.5, RST6.5, and RST7.5 RST (internal) ((SP) – 1) (PCH) ((SP) – 2) (PCL) (SP) (SP) – 2 (PC) restart address Punjab Edusat society
Non Vectored Interrupt • The interrupt process should be enabled using the EI instruction. • The 8085 checks for an interrupt during the execution of every instruction. • If INTR is high, MP completes current instruction, disables the interrupt and sends INTA (Interrupt acknowledge) signal to the device that interrupted . • INTA allows the I/O device to send a RST instruction through data bus. Punjab Edusat society
Non Vectored Interrupt • Upon receiving the INTA signal, MP saves the memory location of the next instruction on the stack and the program is transferred to ‘call’ location (ISR Call) specified by the RST instruction. • Microprocessor Performs the ISR. • ISR must include the ‘EI’ instruction to enable the further interrupt within the program. Punjab Edusat society
Non Vectored Interrupt • RET instruction at the end of the ISR allows the MP to retrieve the return address from the stack and the program is transferred back to where the program was interrupted. • Although INTR is a maskable interrupt, • it does NOT need SIM to get enabled. • Just instruction EI is enough. Punjab Edusat society
Non-Vectored Interrupt • The 8085 recognizes 8 RESTART instructions: RST0 - RST7. • Each of these would send the execution to a predetermined hard-wired memory location: Punjab Edusat society
Restart Sequence • The restart sequence is made up of three machine cycles • In the 1st machine cycle:The Microprocessor sends the INTA signal. • While INTA is active the microprocessor reads the data lines expecting to receive, from the interrupting device, the opcode for the specific RST instruction. Punjab Edusat society
Restart Sequence • In the 2nd and 3rd machine cycles:the 16-bit address of the next instruction is saved on the stack. • Then the microprocessor jumps to the address associated with the specified RST instruction. • There are 8 different RST instructions. • Each RST instruction tells the processor to go to a specific memory address (call location – fixed) Punjab Edusat society
Reading the RST5 Instruction The above example is for generating RST 5: RST 5’s opcode is EF =11101111 Punjab Edusat society
Hardware Generation of RST Opcode • During the interrupt acknowledge machine cycle, (the 1st machine cycle of the RST operation): • The Microprocessor activates the INTA signal. • This signal will enable the Tri-state buffers, which will place the value EFH on the data bus. • Therefore, sending the Microprocessor the RST 5 instruction. • The RST 5 instruction is exactly equivalent to CALL 0028H Punjab Edusat society
INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE (INA) Machine Cycle • INTR ( 0 =< n =< 7 ) RST n ((SP) – 1) (PCH) ((SP) – 2) (PCL) (SP) (SP) – 2 (PC) 8*n Punjab Edusat society
INTR Interrupt • The microprocessor checks the INTR line one clock cycle before the last T-state of each instruction. • The INTR line must be deactivated before the EI is executed. Otherwise, the microprocessor will be interrupted again. • Once the microprocessor starts to respond to an INTR interrupt, INTA becomes active (=0).Therefore, INTR should be turned off as soon as the INTA signal is received. Punjab Edusat society
INTR Interrupt • In response to the acknowledge signal, external logic places an instruction OPCODE on the data bus. In the case of multibyte instruction, additional interrupt acknowledge machine cycles are generated by the 8085 to transfer the additional bytes into the microprocessor. • On receiving the instruction, the 8085 save the address of next instruction on stack and execute received instruction. Punjab Edusat society
INTR Interrupt • The Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) functions as an overall manager in an Interrupt-Driven system environment. It accepts requests from theperipheral equipment, determines which of the in-coming requests is of the highest priority. • The 8259A is a device specifically designed for use in real time, interrupt driven microcomputer systems. Punjab Edusat society
INTR Interrupt It manages eight levels or requests and has built in features for expandability to other 8259A's (up to 64levels). It is programmed by the system's softwareas an I/O peripheral. • Each peripheral device usually has a special program or ``routine'' that is associated with its specific functional or operational requirements; this is referred to as a ``service routine''. Punjab Edusat society