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Latinos/Latinas. Immigrants and Citizens. Latinos are an integral part of the development of the United States and have contributed to many fields and have wide influence. Often, however, their influence has been obfuscated by stereotypes or ignorance on the part of the dominant culture.
Latinos/Latinas Immigrants and Citizens
Latinos are an integral part of the development of the United States and have contributed to many fields and have wide influence. Often, however, their influence has been obfuscated by stereotypes or ignorance on the part of the dominant culture. The Development http://histgeo.free.fr/troisieme/eu/latinos.jpg http://www.atsweb.neu.edu/lscc/graphics/laso.gif http://www.ocmetro.com/metro020603/cover020603.html
Latino/Latina Groups • Mexican Americans • Puerto Ricans • Cubans • Others http://www.tuguialatina.com/imagenes/mapa.gif
Although all of the numbers do not always match up the proportions are close enough for one to see the difference Breakdown http://www.ed.gov/pubs/FaultLine/f1.gif
Are from Mexico and are a mixture Spanish Indian Some African Mexican Americas http://www.clarku.edu/research/images/forlang/cdlugo/mexico.gif
Language Customs Marginalized Poor Isolated Differences http://online.sfsu.edu/~j667/images/Latinos1.jpg http://www.takoma.com/archives/copy/2002/08/vivatakomapark0802.html http://www.zednelson.com/scans/Bush/scan_Bush_14.jpg
Strong Families Traditionally Catholic Celebrate Life Beliefs http://www.ccrh.org/comm/moses/image/mosel/hernand.jpg http://www.photohouston.com/battle_of_flowers_parade/Mexican_queen.jpg http://www.worldtrek.org/odyssey/mexico/91298/images/showing.jpg
There was a general perception that because of the differences Mexican Americans were as a culture weak work ethic fatalism limited vision for future Misunderstanding http://www.asu.edu/lib/archives/website/folklorico.jpg
Mexican American manly responsible in charge a patriarch who's strength is in his actions American chauvinistic a brute uncouth loud abrasive capable of inflicting pain sexually promiscuous Macho
They were/are a source of cheap labor and therefore there were program that encourage their migration to the US. However, there were also programs to restrict their immigration Mexican Americans worked as Farmers Pickers Day Laborers Domestics Relationship to US
Workers http://www.cde.ca.gov/cesarchavez/model/Teachers/Lessons/Resources/Biographies/K-2_Bio.htm http://www.ccrh.org/comm/moses/community1.html http://home.jps.net/~gailhd/crossing/lupita/road2.jpg
There have been also moves to protect them from being exploited. Three realities: needed labor force colonized status still faced prejudice and discrimination Preventing Exploitation http://www.cde.ca.gov/cesarchavez/model/Teachers/Lessons/Resources/Biographies/K-2_Bio.htm
There was a movement to protect and promote the heritage and culture of Mexicans Americans and also to protect them from exploitation. Many groups Put forth a more positive image Appropriated the name Chicano from negative to positive Chicanismo http://www.anarchistblackcross.org/images/library/images/chicanos.jpg http://www.thestrategycenter.org/Publications/lctr/occupieb.gif
Puerto Ricans How do you like your salsa?
Spanish African Native American Puerto Ricans http://www.cnn.com/WEATHER/9911/16/lenny.03/puerto.rico.san.juan.jpg
The Migrations http://www.puertorico-herald.org/images/2001/20-LadywbabiesT.jpg http://www.readio.com/archives/0104/04/img18.gif http://www.lehman.cuny.edu/depts/latinampuertorican/latinoweb/Images/pr10sta.gif
Increase in Population http://www.lehman.cuny.edu/depts/latinampuertorican/latinoweb/PuertoRico/pr10states.htm
The population increase was due to several factors: Citizenship in 1917 Island high unemployment therefore source of cheap labor Attracted to employment opportunities in the Northeast Population increase http://www.puertorico-herald.org/images/2002/19-factory6.jpg http://americanhistory.si.edu/sweatshops/images/object_images/87.gif
Differences Largely Catholic however, . . . Coloration Cultural Differences http://www.baezfineart.com/images/CentroAudience.jpg http://www.baezfineart.com/March29.htm http://gbgm-umc.org/NWO/99so/prico.html
Cuba Our Florida Neighbors http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/americas/9806/01/cuba.swimmer/mexico.cuba.map.lg.jpg
Cuba • Spanish • Africans • Native Americans http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/cia07/cuba_sm_2007.gif
Information • Smallest segment of the Latino population • Concentrated in Florida • Many early Cubans came to the US as political refugees • Many were from the upper and middle class
Results • Early Cubans anti-Castro looked on favorably and given support by US. http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/cuba/gfx/cuba_cp_10486319.jpg
Dynamics of Discrimination • Because of status insulated from discrimination faced by Mexicans and Puerto Ricans. • Therefore many have white collar jobs; few blue collar. • Created Little Havana due to entrepreneurial opportunities.
Other concerns • Marielitos 1980s single, black, adult w/ criminal background • This caused problems • Where to put them • Drug use increased http://www.pbs.org/pov/pov2003/90miles/i/sf_education_mariel.jpg
Educational Discrimination • Because of status were offered education as a way to assimilate • Therefore education status is high • Politically because of class they were conservative