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Overall Teacher Judgements. Rodney Cluster 21 October 2010. Kaipara Cluster 27 October 2010. Overall Purpose. To support lead teachers to develop their understanding in literacy to effectively lead the implementation of the New Zealand Curriculum Reading and Writing Standards.
Overall Teacher Judgements Rodney Cluster 21 October 2010 Kaipara Cluster 27 October 2010
Overall Purpose To support lead teachers to develop their understanding in literacy to effectively lead the implementation of the New Zealand Curriculum Reading and Writing Standards.
Useful resources: http://literacyleaders.wikispaces.com (bookmark) http://assessment.tki.org.nz/ http://www.tki.org.nz/Overall-teacher-judgement/Using-a-range-of-information
What is an OTJ? Write your own definition to explain what an OTJ is.
What is an OTJ? An OTJ involves drawing on and applying the evidence gathered up to a certain point in time, in order to make an overall judgement about a student’s progress and achievement.
What is an OTJ? An OTJ involves drawing on and applying the evidence gathered up to a certain point in time, in order to make an overall judgement about a student’s progress and achievement.
What counts as evidence? The reading and writing standards focus on the texts that students read and create, largely by themselves, as they work in various areas of the curriculum in a classroom setting. Page 13 NS document Pg 15 glossary
Why make OTJs? • no single source of information can accurately summarise a students’ achievement or progress • any single piece of evidence is a ‘snapshot’ only • a range of approaches gives a comprehensive picture of areas of progress and areas requiring attention • using a range of approaches allows student participation, building their understanding of how to progress
Considerations • sound assessment is based on a wide range of relevant information collected over time, in a variety of learning situations • for information to be relevant it must be: • valid - items are appropriate, assesses content which has been covered, measures what it is intended to measure • reliable - the same assessment can be repeated across time and situations • dependable - is both valid and reliable
Observation of Process • focused classroom observation • student work books • tasks: e.g. ARBs, NEMP • running records • student self assessment • 6 year observation survey • analysis of spelling errors • anecdotal comments • modelling book comments • Learning Observations • conferencing • interviewing • questioning • explaining • discussing National Standards Overall Teacher Judgement (OTJ) decision made in relation to National Standards • Tool Outcomes • PAT • STAR • e-asTTle • SEA
Observation of Process • focused classroom observation • student work books • tasks: e.g. ARBs, NEMP • running records • student self assessment • 6 year observation survey • analysis of spelling errors • anecdotal comments • modelling book comments • Learning Observations • conferencing • interviewing • questioning • explaining • discussing National Standards Overall Teacher Judgement (OTJ) decision made in relation to National Standards • Tool Outcomes • PAT • STAR • e-asTTle • SEA observing processes students use … conversing find out what they know, do, understand… gathering results of formal assessments …
Observation of Process Learning Observations National Standards Overall Teacher Judgement (OTJ) decision made in relation to National Standards Tool Outcomes What are you currently putting into these boxes? Check: valid? reliable? dependable?
Definitions of achievement • Above: A student’s current level of achievement is at a standard above their year group, which means that special consideration needs to be given to their learning needs in order to provide them with sufficient challenge to continue their accelerated rate of progression into the future. • At: A student is currently meeting the standard, and effective classroom teaching should realistically enable them to meet or well exceed the standard for next year. • Below: A student is not currently meeting the standard, but there is every reason to believe that their learning needs can be accommodated within effective differentiated classroom teaching in order to meet the standard for next year. • Well below: A student’s current achievement against the standard is such that in order to have a realistic chance of making sufficient progress to meet the standard for next year, special consideration needs to be given to their learning needs and specific actions in addition to effective differentiated classroom teaching may need to be taken.
Definitions of achievement The way in which these generic definitions are translated into practice within different subject areas may vary. One approach is to identify the year standard (linked to curriculum progression) which is the ‘best fit’ with the student’s current level of achievement in the subject. If the balance of evidence shows that student performance: • maps more closely to a standard above that year's standard, the student’s achievement is likely to be described as above the National Standard • is predominantly meeting the expectations at a year level, the student’s achievement will be described as at the National Standard • maps more closely to thepreceding year's standard, the student’s achievement will be described as below the National Standard • maps more closely to a standard more than one year below, the student’s achievement is likely to be described aswell below the National Standard.
Definitions of achievement Students who are well below the expected standard may require modified classroom programmes and extra support to continue their development and maintain positive attitudes. In order to make a judgement from the balance of evidence, a range of sources will need to be considered, including classroom observation against clear criteria, demonstrated behaviour on texts and tasks and the information from student performance on assessment activities.
Alignment on tki assessment websitehttp://assessment.tki.org.nz/Assessment-tools-resources/Alignment-of-assessment-tools-with-National-Standards/Reading/Observation-Survey • PAT Reading Comprehension • PAT Reading Vocabulary • e-asTTle Reading • Observation Survey • STAR
Jack’s wind chime Jack is a Year six student at Tuatahi Street School. During an integrated unit on sound his class identified the opportunity to create some wind chimes for their school environment. Jack examined the range of wind chimes his teacher brought to class and researched wind chimes using the internet and non-fiction books. He learnt the names of the parts of a wind-chime, how they were constructed and decorated, and what materials they were made from. This research helped him decide and record the attributes for his wind chime. He decided that his wind chime ….
Jack’s wind chime • What information have you got about Jack’s progress toward expected standards? • What do you need to consider for this information to be valid and reliable? • What other information do you need before you could arrive at an OTJ?
Reflection After doing this OTJ process … • Are there any points that you need to go back and share with your staff? • What areas within the OTJ process might your staff need assistance with?