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ORIGINE DEL MATERIALE GENETICO SU PARTICELLE MINERALI. Enzo Gallori DBAG- Università di Firenze. Erwin Schr ö dinger. “ What is Life ”, 1944. DNA. Phosphate. Adenine (A) Guanine (G). Pu Py. Base. Thymine (T) Cytosine (C). Sugar. Nucleotide. The DNA Molecule.
Erwin Schrödinger • “What is Life”, 1944
Phosphate Adenine (A) Guanine (G) Pu Py Base Thymine (T) Cytosine (C) Sugar Nucleotide The DNA Molecule
Complementary Base Pairing A = T G C A T G C “Genetic Information” T A C G DNA The Transition from Chemistry to Biology:Nucleic Acids (DNA, RNA) asStores of Biological Information
Transcription Traduction Replication DNA RNA Proteine Genotype Phenotype The basic principle of biology
A A T T T A T A G G C C C G G C T T A A A T T A C C G G C G C G Perpetuation of Information Replication
Come si originarono i primi polimeri replicativi?
Building Code • Synthesis and accumulation of precursors (i.e.nucleotides) • Joining of precursors into larger molecules (i.e.DNA, RNA) • Protection from degradation Persistence • Expression of biological “potentiality” of the informational molecule
BIG BANG Creation of the Elements Biogenic elements Organic Molecules LIFE H C O N P
“The Primordial Soup” Electrodes S.L. Miller (1953) Refrigerator “Primordial” Soup Synthesis and Accumulation of Precursors: A.I. Oparin (~1920) - J.B.S. Haldane (~1930) Prebiotic Chemistry
Diffuse Clouds Core H, CO, PAH Cosmic radiation Dense Clouds H CH CO PAH Ice : Comets Meteorites Early Earth Synthesis and Accumulation of Precursors: Molecules from Space Amminoacids Ethers PAH N Bases ?
U.V. radiation Ice Silicate granule Hydrocarbon Water Methanol Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide Chemistry in Cosmic Dust Laboratory simulations (L.J.Allamandola and coll., 1995-2000) Complex organics • Ketons • Aminoacids • Quinones • N Bases?
Building Code • Synthesis and accumulation of precursors (i.e.nucleotides) • Joining of precursors into larger molecules (i.e.DNA, RNA) • Protection from degradation Persistence • Expression of biological “potentiality” of the informational molecule
Polimerizzazione • Ricerca classica: Chimica in soluzione acquosa In queste condizioni: è favorital’idrolisi e non la polimerizzazione. • Chimica su superficie minerale Argille
J.D. Bernal (1951) “. . . clays and other minerals were necessary to: 1) Concentrate the organics present in a dilute ocean by adsorption; 2) Protect these organics from destruction by U.V. light; 3) Catalyze the polymerization of adsorbed organics . . . ”
Joining of precursors into larger molecules:Mineral surfaces • May catalyze the formation of oligonucleotides and peptides up to 50-mer long Ertem and Ferris (1996), Nature 379: 238-240 Ferris et al. (1996), Nature 381: 59-61 C A C A G T A C A G A G T
DNA RNA Clay minerals: • montmorillonite (M) • kaolinite (K) Nucleic acid-clay complexes
K-Chromosomal DNA (X 154,000) K-Plasmid DNA (X 271,500) Electron Microscopy (T.E.M.) Franchi et al., 1999, OLEB 29: 297-315
X-Ray Analysis of M-nucleic acid complexes Franchi et al., 1999, OLEB 29: 297-315
FT-IR Analysis Franchi et al., 1999, OLEB 29: 297-315
Pyrimidine Dimers U.V. radiation K-Chromosomal DNA (X 154,000) Resistenza degli Acidi Nucleiciadsorbiti all’argilla La forrmazione dei dimeri di Timina è ridotta nel caso del DNA adsorbito all’argilla Gallori et al., (2004)