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References. A History of Engineering and Science in the Bell System: Switching Technology (1925 – 1975), G.E. Schindler , Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. (1982) On class-based isolation of UDP, short-lived and long-lived TCP flows , Selma Yilmaz, Ibrahim Matta , Boston University
References • A History of Engineering and Science in the Bell System: Switching Technology (1925 – 1975), G.E. Schindler, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. (1982) • On class-based isolation of UDP, short-lived and long-lived TCP flows, Selma Yilmaz, Ibrahim Matta, Boston University • A pragmatic definition of elephants in Internet backbone traffic, K. Papagiannaki, N. Taft, S. Bhattacharyya, P. Thiran, K. Salamatian, C. Diot, Sprint ATL, EPFL, LIP6, UCL • Mice and elephants visualization of Internet traffic, J. S. Marron, Cornell University, and Felix Hernandez-Campos, F. D. Smith, Unversity of North Carolina • An approach for routing at flow level, C. Proust, France Telecom R&D. Internet draft to IETF network working group, February 2004 • IP traffic and QoS control: the need for a flow-aware architecture, T. Bonald, S. Oueslati-Boulahia and J.W. Roberts, France Telecom R&D. Presented at World Telecommunications Congress, September 2002 � Paris, France
References • Flow-aware admission control for a commercially viable Internet, T. Bonald, S. Oueslati-Boulahia and J.W. Roberts, France Telecom R&D. Presented at EURESCOM Summit 2002, Heidelberg, Germany, October 2002 • A flow-based model for Internet backbone traffic, C. Barakat, P. Thiran, G. Iannaccone, C. Diot, P. Owezarski. Proceeding of IMW 2002, ACM Press, Marseille France, November 2002 • The performance of circuit switching in the Internet, Pablo Molinero-Fern�ndez, Nick McKeown, Stanford University, OSA Journal of Optical Networking, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 83�96, March 2003 • Quality of service for next generation voice over IP networks, Chris Gallon, Fujitsu & Multiservice Switching Forum, white paper, February 2003 • Circuit switching in the Internet, Pablo Molinero-Fern�ndez, doctoral thesis, Stanford University, May 2003 • Simulation analysis of RED with short lived TCP connections, Eitan Altman, INRIA France, Tania Jim�nez, CESIMO Venezuela, October 2003
References • TCP optimized for short flows, Nitin Kartik, Stanford Unversity, June 2003 • Controlling high bandwidth flows at the congested router, Ratul Mahajan, Unversity of Washington, Sally Floyd, AT&T, David Wetherall, Unversity of Washington • Beyond best effort: Router architectures for the differentiated services of tomorrow's Internet, V.P. Kumar, T.V. Lakshman, D. Stiliadis, Bell Laboratories • Improving the performance of interactive TCP applications using service differentiation, Wa�l Noureddine, Fouad Tobagi, Springer, Stanford University, 2002 • Internet traffic tends toward Poisson and independent as the load increases, Jin Cao, William S. Cleveland, Dong Lin, and Don X. Sun, Nonlinear Estimation and Classification, Springer, New York, 2002 • Internet traffic: Statistical multiplexing gains, Jin Cao, William S. Cleveland, Dong Lin, and Don X. Sun, DIMACS Workshop on Internet and WWW Measurement, Mapping and Modeling, 2002
References • TCP switching: exposing circuits to IP, P. Moinero-Fern�ndez, Nick McKeown, IEEE Micro, January-February 2002 • Packet marking for web traffic in networks with RIO routers, Marco Mellia, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Ion Stoica, University of California, Berkeley, Hui Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University, 2001 • Queue management for short-lived TCP flows in backbone routers, Anshul Kantawala and Jonathan Turner, Washington University • Stateless core: A scalable approach for QoS in the Internet, I. Stoica, Ph.D. Thesis, CMU, 2000 • Promoting the use of end-to-end congestion control in the Internet, S. Floyd, K. Fall, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, February 1998 • On the impact of aggregation on the performance of traffic aware routing, A. Sridharan Bhattacharyya, C. Diot, R. Gu�rin, J. Jetcheva, N. Taft, 2000 • User patience and the web:a hands-on investigation, D. Rossi, M. Mellia, C. Casetti, CERCOM - Dipartimento di Elettronica, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
References • Sociable elephants: Fairness among long lived TCP flows, Xudong Wu, Ioanis Nikolaidis, Unversity of Alberta • Service differentiation in the Internetto support multimedia traffic, Fouad Tobagi, Wa�l Noureddine, Benjamin Chen, Athina Markopoulou, Chuck Fraleigh, Mansour Karam, Jose-Miguel Pulido and Jun-ichi Kimura, Stanford Unversity • On Distributed Communications: Introduction to Distributed Communications Networks, Paul Baron, The RAND Corperation, 1964 • Voice Over IP Performance Monitoring, R.G. Cole and J.H. Rosenbluth, AT&T Labs, Computer Communication Review