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Welcome CSA Kindergarteners!. Teacher: Mrs. Sarah Gibson Teacher’s Assistant: Mrs. Reva Turner Student Teacher for the first semester: Ms. Kristen McIntosh. About Me.
Welcome CSA Kindergarteners! Teacher: Mrs. Sarah Gibson Teacher’s Assistant: Mrs. Reva Turner Student Teacher for the first semester: Ms. Kristen McIntosh
About Me My name is Sarah Gibson and I am delighted to guide your child in his/her learning experience this year. My husband, Paul, and I have lived in Columbus for just over a year now. My husband is a mechanical engineer and works for Cummins. I have taught kindergarten for the past six years. My last year was here at CSA-Lincoln. The five years before that were in Lafayette, IN. Prior to kindergarten, I taught second grade in Indianapolis. I enjoy teaching, reading books, traveling around the world, and most of all-Disney World! It is my favorite place to visit.
Schedule 7:50-8:10 – Morning Work/Announcements/Pledge 8:10-8:35 – Morning Meeting/Calendar 8:35-9:20 – Whole Group Math/Language Arts 9:20-9:40 – Snack/Recess 9:45-11:30 – Stations 11:30-11:45 – SSR/Rest Time 11:50-12:45 – Lunch/Recess 12:45-2:30 – Writer’s Workshop/Specials/Project Time 2:30 – Read Aloud 2:40 – Dismissal *PE will be on Monday morning-Please wear tennis shoes!* *Library will be on Wednesday-Please return books by Wednesday of each week*
Morning Meeting / Calendar Greeting Agenda Class News Sharing Game Calendar
Passions Will start 2nd semester for kindergarten Students will choose something they are interested in learning about If YOU or someone you know has a passion, hobby, job, that you would like to share with kids (kindergarten-6th grade)-please let me know!! Thanks!
Stations 4 Stations per day Guided Reading – Teacher Led Math – Review Concept from whole group lesson Phonemic Awareness/Phonics – Teacher’s Assistant led (Mrs. Turner) Science/Social Studies/Health – Based on current PBL Need Volunteers!--I will contact you soon!
Everyday Math Hands-on approach to math Spirals Develops vocabulary Home Links letters will help you reinforce math skills at home
Project Work PBLs throughout the year: Join us as we learn about our wonderful world! All Around Us (all about our school, us, our families, colors, community helpers) Into the Woods (apples, pumpkins, fall changes/leaves, Thanksgiving, Animals preparing for winter) Polar Express (Giving to others, traditions/celebrations, winter/snow, polar animals, MLK) Fuel Up (nutrition, dental health, exercise, safety) Freedom Train (presidents, symbols of America) Storyland (nursery rhymes, Dr. Seuss) In the Backyard (weather, pond, plants, farm, insects) Final Destination (ocean!) These ideas might change throughout the year
School Supplies * Backpack - Large enough for a three-ring binder to fit easily Crayons – Crayola; 24 count (2 boxes) Pencils - #2 pre-sharpened; no mechanical pencils (1 pkg.) Glue - Elmer’s Glue-All; 4oz (1 bottle) Glue - Elmer’s Glue Stick; .74 oz (4 sticks) Markers - Crayola washable classic colors; 10 count (1 pkg.) Facial Tissues - family size (1 box) Scissors - Fiskars brand, metal blunt tip (1) * Folders - pocket folders with 1 pocket on each side and 3 prongs (3) * Binder - white 3-ring binder, 1 ½ inch with clear front (1) * Spiral notebook - wide ruled (1) * Calculator for basic math (+,-,x,÷) (1) --Additional items: * Additional spiral notebook (1) Hand sanitizer (1) Plastic sandwich baggies (any size) (1) Colored pencils (1 pkg.) Large pink eraser (1) Wet wipes (1) * Kindergarten rest mat (1) * Snack Box - (Small Ziploc or plastic Tupperware with easy-snapping lid) with your child’s name written on it Please place 5 snacks (no drinks) for the week in the container and send it in on Monday. I will have students bring it home every Friday in order to refill it for the following week. *Please only write name on items marked with an “*”. All other items will be communal. Thanks!
Learning About Technology • Your child will have a jump drive that is provided by school and will remain at school • We will be sharing our headphones at the computer station. However, your child may use his/her own personal headphones. Please write your child’s name on his/her headphones, place in a plastic baggie and send to school to keep in his/her cubby. Thanks! • If you wish to donate any headphones for general classroom use, we are in need of new headphones.
Homework Monthly Homework Calendars (starts in August) will be sent home at the beginning of each month. Please have your child complete the activities and return the calendar at the end of the month/beginning of the next month. Activities can be completed each night or on the weekend. Please do what works for your family’s schedule! Monthly Reading Logs (starts in September)– Read 5-10 minutes each night and complete calendar. Return at the end of the month/beginning of the next month. Various at-home projects (Keep your eye out for these-as they might not fit in your child’s folder!) Establishing routines with homework and reading will help your child be successful now and in his/her future education. Thanks for your help at home!
Positive Behavior Support Positive Behavior Management Focus on what students are doing well Classroom Expectations Be Responsible Be Respectful Be Safe Be a Peacemaker Stoplight – Behavior Charts For communication Allows students a visual for self management Everyone has tough days, adults included, I believe in starting fresh EACH day and learning from our mistakes! Infraction Chart In addition to classroom chart
Recess • We will have two recesses each day. • All children will go outside to play unless I receive a written note. If a written note is received, your child will be asked to sit quietly and look at books or another quiet activity during recess. • If your child needs to miss 3 or more days of recess, a doctor’s note must be received. • Please have your child wear comfortable clothes and shoes that they can play in. • Besides recess, we will be sitting on the ground and doing other activities that might get a bit messy. • In the winter, please make sure you write your child’s name or initials in EVERY piece of clothing (hats, gloves, coats, etc.)
Restroom • We have restrooms in the classroom. • There might be times when your child has a restroom accident. Please be assured that these types of accidents will be handled as gently and discretely as possible. • Even if your child has not had a restroom accident recently, please feel free to keep an extra pair of underwear, pants, and socks in your child’s book bag (just in case). • The nurse could also use extra children’s underwear, pants, and socks. If you would like to donate these items, please send them in with a note that they are for the nurse. • Thanks!!
PLEASE KEEP ME INFORMED • If your home address, telephone numbers, work numbers, e-mail addresses change-Please let me know as soon as possible. • Thanks for your help with this!
Volunteers Needed If you have not completed your Volunteer Form-please do so and return to school as soon as possible. I will contact you soon about volunteer opportunities. Remember to have a criminal history check on file with the office. It is free and must be completed in order to volunteer and chaperone field trips. Also, please sign in at the office and get a Guest Badge prior to volunteering.
Field Trips Parents may need to drive due to limited room on the bus. According to BCSC policy students need to ride to and from the field trip on the bus. Remember that no siblings can attend with you on a field trip.
Class Parties • Each family signed up at Kindergarten Screenings • The room parent will be in contact with you when the party gets closer. You will be asked to either donate an item or volunteer or you can do both if you wish. • Thanks for your help!
Birthdays • Birthdays are exciting for kindergarteners • We will recognize your child’s birthday at school (but, we cannot have a birthday party at school) • If you would like to send in a treat for snack time, please let me know PRIOR to the day that you will send it in (I encourage you to consider sending in fun pencils, stickers, etc. instead of a snack) • If you choose to send in a snack for your child’s birthday, please make sure it is store-bought—please send in napkins, plates as necessary (no cakes please!) • If your child’s birthday is in the summer, we will celebrate his/her ½ birthday
Money • Please remember to send any money in a sealed envelope with your child’s first and last name, my name, the purpose of the money (monthly book order, lunch money, etc.), and the amount of money written on it. • Thanks!
Mrs. Gibson’s Classroom Expectations/Rewards/Consequences CSA Classroom Expectations Be responsible - Being dependable and trustworthy at all times. Be respectful –Being thoughtful, polite, and considerate of others. Be a Peacemaker- Helping others by using kind words and actions. Be safe - No one gets hurt physically or emotionally. Class Motto I am a learner. I help others learn. Students have chances to be recognized throughout the day as they demonstrate our classroom expectations. Some of the ways that students will be recognized are through receiving Husky Grams, Paw prints, playing our class Bingo game, and earning marbles in a jar. We use a stoplight as a visual to remind us of our daily choices. Each student has a rocket ship that has his or her class number on it. He or she will begin on the gray ground (cement) of the stoplight. If an expectation is not met, he or she will receive a consequence. Consequences/movement on the stoplight Verbal Warning/Brown bottom of the pole Regrouping in the room to reflect on choice/Green light Regrouping in another classroom/Yellow light Phone call/note home/Red light Principal Referral/White top of the pole I will be sending home Daily Folders. These folders will indicate how your child’s behavior is each day. I ask that parents read the daily report and initial in the Parent Initials spot each day. Please write in the Comments area as needed. Please return the Daily Folder the following school day.
Daily Folder • VERY IMPORTANT! • PLEASE review the Daily Folder on a nightly basis, sign your initials in the back, and send it with your child EACH day! Thanks! • If you send notes/money/etc. to school-these items MUST go in the “Money and Notes” pocket. This is the pocket that we will check each day. Thanks!! • The folder provides our class ABC chart, sight words, handwriting information, and classroom behavior information. It will also contain our weekly newsletter if you do not have e-mail. It is an important resource for your child and for you.
Important Note • Please remember to call the office (376-4447) if you have a transportation change or something urgent that needs to be addressed right away. (If I happen to be sick or out for any reason, I might not be able to check my e-mail or help you immediately.) Please do not be sent to my voicemail for matters that need addressed quickly.
Thank You ! Thank you for your support! Thank you for choosing CSA for your child. If you have questions please feel free to call (376-4447) or e-mail gibsons@bcsc.k12.in.us. Please check out our class website located at www.bcsc.k12.in.us/csalc. Click on the “Classrooms” link. Then, click on Kindergarten Team. Then, click on “Mrs. Gibson.” I will be posting important things on our website throughout the year. I look forward to a great year!