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Stay informed with the latest school news: egg-o-grams, sports sign-ups, career days, choir rehearsals, and more! Don't miss out on important updates and activities.
Bulletin Thursday March 22nd
EGG-O-GRAM • Once again the Easter Bunny will be visiting YSC on Tuesday the 27th March, delivering your egg-o-grams! • If you would like to purchase an egg-o-gram (a little bundle of small, solid Easter eggs, and attach a personal message) to be delivered to one of your school friends, on the 27th, it will cost $3. • Egg-o-grams will be sold under the student shelter today and Monday 26th of March.
FULL BORE RIFLE SHOOT • tomorrow- don’t forget to bring $15 and lunch on the day
RIDE2SCHOOL DAY • next Friday March 23rd. Walk, ride, scoot or skate to school. When you arrive, you register your mode of transport and can have a bacon and egg sandwich
LIBRARY AT LUNCHTIME • the library will be closing for the first 15 minutes of lunchtime every day.
INTERSCHOOL SPORTS SIGN UP • The following sports are available to Sign up for on the Sports Board: • - AFL (Maffra), • Badminton (Yarram), • Netball (Sale) ( Netball and Badminton are on the same day so only sign up for ONE of these events) • Please bring a pen along and put your name down under your relevant Age Group (Junior 7+8, Intermediate 9+10 and Senior 11+12) • PLEASE ONLY SIGN YOURSELF UP NOT YOUR FRIENDS
VICTORIAN PREMIER'S READING CHALLENGE 2018 • The Victorian Premier's Reading Challenge is now open. If you are interested in participating please see Sarah or Kylie in the library for details.
FED UNI CAREERS DAYS • There are still limited places available for an insight into Arts, Science, Teaching, Nursing, Law & Business. The University offers workshops and information sessions around these career areas for students in yrs 10-12. These are FREE excursions and registration is with Mrs Darvill. For further information there is a flyer in the careers office window.
CHOIR • if you are interested in joining our prize winning choir, there are rehearsals in the music room every Tuesday, all singers welcome.
INTERSCHOOL SPORTS SIGN UP • INTERSCHOOL SPORTS SIGN UP- The following sports are available to Sign up for on the Sports Board:- AFL (Maffra), Badminton (Yarram), Netball (Sale) ( Netball and Badminton are on the same day so only sign up for ONE of these events)Please bring a pen along and put your name down under your relevant Age Group (Junior 7+8, Intermediate 9+10 and Senior 11+12) • PLEASE ONLY SIGN YOURSELF UP NOT YOUR FRIENDS
POETRY COMPETITION THEME • The Poetry Competition will be going ahead in Term 3 but we would like develop the theme early so that students have an adequate amount of time to write their poems. • If you have a theme that you would like to put forward, please tell or email it to Sarah in the library. All theme ideas will then be taken to the English staff to select one.
VICTORIAN PREMIER'S READING CHALLENGE 2018 • The Victorian Premier's Reading Challenge is now open. If you are interested in participating please see Sarah or Kylie in the library for details.
ARRIVAL AT SCHOOL IN THE MORNING- • Please note students should not be at school before 8.30 of a morning due to no staff being on duty. Thank you
FOOD TECH CLASSES • if you have cooking, you must bring a container and $3 to all cooking classes.
CORRECT UNIFORM • please note all students must wear correct school uniform every day. A uniform pass will only be given to students who bring a signed note from home stating the reason for not wearing correct uniform. • Failure to wear correct uniform or provide a note will result in getting a bucket of rubbish!
MUSIC POLAR FLEECE JACKETS • There are music jackets for sale in the uniform shop for music students.
INTEGRATION OP SHOP OPEN • The Integration Op Shop will be open for purchases every Wednesday lunchtime.
PANADOL APPROVAL • The school has not been allowed to supply/administer Panadol for over 12months. Students should keep some in their lockers/bags and only take when necessary. Students are not permitted to supply Panadol to anyone else.
CONCESSION CARDS • Individual photos are now available if you wish to order a concession card. You must download the form from the PTV website, fill it out get it signed and return to the front office with $9 for processing.
Attendance • “Learning starts at 8.55am everyday” • If students are to be absent, parents must phone the hotline and if absent for more than one day, a medical certificate MUST be provided. • Absence Hotline- 51826300
SNAKES ALIVE • Just a reminder, as it’s summer, snakes can still be active. • Please be vigilant in the school grounds and surrounds and if you see a snake please report it.
LUNCH PASSES • Only students on the lunch pass list will be permitted to leave, at lunchtime, without a note, Application forms from Mrs Darvill.
SPILT FOOD • If you spill any food or drink on the floor in corridors, please make sure you clean it up to prevent people slipping on it and falling.
After school classes • WORD WORKS- • Every Monday after school 3.30-4.30pm • BEAT MATHS- Every Tuesday after school 3.30-4.30pm
CAREERS NEWSLETTERS • There are many informative newsletters on the careers website www.yarramsccareers.com you need to click on careers newsletter (blue hyperlink) from the front page to access the different informative pages available. While you’re there have look at job vacancies and scholarship opportunities as well as the rest of the valuable information you have at your fingertips. You can save a lot of searching by going to this one site, a very useful tool no matter which year level you are in.
CYBER-BULLYING • If you are being cyber-bullied, make sure you tell a trusted adult. New laws have been passed to protect victims of cyber-bullying – if you report cyber-bullying to a social media site like Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat and the social media site does not remove the offending content, you can now report this via the following link for action to be taken: https://www.esafety.gov.au/complaints-and-reporting/cyberbullying-complaints/i-want-to-report-cyberbullying
QUOTE OF THE DAY • “A small group of thoughtful people could change the world”. • “Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has”.-Margaret Mead