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Hazardous Chemical Exposure Risks and Poisoning Types Explained

Learn about different levels of hazardous chemicals, acute vs. chronic poisoning risks, and how to prevent exposure. Stay safe with this comprehensive guide.

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Hazardous Chemical Exposure Risks and Poisoning Types Explained

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Presentation Transcript

  1. m<sfndaOkdYl jsIjSus iy m%:udOdr

  2. m,sfndaOkdYl jsI Ndjh wkqj WHO jrA.SlrKh 1& 1A W.% jsI njska hqla; m<sfndaOkdYl (Extremely Hazardous) 2& 1B wOsl jsI njska hqla; m<sfndaOkdYl (Highly Hazardous) 3) II uOHia: jsI njska hqla; m<sfndaOkdYl (Moderately Hazardous) 4) III iq¿ jsI njska hqla; m<sfndaOkdYl (Slightly Hazardous)

  3. m,sfndaOkdYl usksia isrerg we;=¿ jk wdlrhka A) uqLh ;=,ska 1& ysrjQ fkdi,hla msrsisoq lsrSug hdfusoS 2& fhdok w;r wdydr .ekSfuka $ oqus nSfuka 3) fhoSfuka miq w;a/YrSr fkdfidaod wdydr .ekSfuka 4) wdydr j, m,sfndaOkdYl ;ejrSfuka 5& fmr wiajkq ld,hg fmr fnda. mrsyrKh lsrSfuka

  4. B) iu ;=,ska 1& idkao%Kh usY% lsrSfusoS 2& usY%Kh iq<šg jsreoaO osYdjg fhoSfusoS 3&iafm%a hka;%fhka ldkaoq jSfuka 4&wei, f., msgqmi, k<,, ,sx. m%foaYh jvd;a ixfjsoSh 5& iSrSus ;=jd, we;akus YrSr.; jSu blaukah

  5. C) fmky¿ ;=,ska ^wdYajdih u.ska& 1& blaukska jdIamjk m<sfndaOkdYl fhoSfusoS 2& ishqus nsxoq iys; jsisrSfus fyda l=vq fhoSfusoS

  6. m<sfndaOkdYl jSIjSu • Acute poisoning – tl jrla muKla m<sfndaOkdYl jsIjSus j,g n|qka jQ jsg we;sjk jsIjSu 2) Chronic poisoning – ld,hla ;siafia iq¿ iq¿ jsIjSu j,g n|qkajSfuka we;sjk jsIjSu Wod ( m<sfndaOkdYl ksmojk mqoa.,hka iy wf,jslrk mqoa.,hka

  7. m<sfndaOkdYl jsIjSfus frda. ,laIK

  8. m%:udOdr

  9. iu ;=,ska hula we;=,q jQ jsgoS Š ;ejreK weoqus bj;a lrkak Š c,h iy inka fhdod b;d fydoska fidaokak fus i|yd fros lvla fhdod .; yelsh. iu iSrsh yels nqreiq jeks foa lsis jsfgl;a fus i|yd Wmfhda.s lr fkd.kak Š fyd|ska msiod fmdfrdakhlska jid YrSrh WKqiqus lrkak (fuu lghq;= j, ksr;jSfusoS tu ;eke;a;d m<sfndaOkdYl ish YrSrfha ;jrd fkd.kakd njg j. n,d.; hq;=h)

  10. wefiys ;ejrek jsgoS Š wei mqÛjka ;rus blaukska msrsisoq c,fhka fidaod yrskak Š weia msydgq fyd|ska jsjD; fldg fyuska .,dhk msrsisoq c,fhka jskdvs 15la muK wei fidaokak

  11. wdYajdi u.ska jsIjSu we;s jQjsg Š frda.shd fydog jd;dY%h we;s ;eklg f.k hkak Š ishÛu ;o we|qus nqre,a lrkak Š wjYH kus lD;su iajikh fokak Š frda.shd ksi,j ;nkak Š iS;f,ka .efykakg bvfkdoS fmdrjkak WKqiqus lrkak

  12. uqLh ;=,ska jsIjSfusoS Š jukh lrjsh hq;=oehs blaukska ;SrKh lsrSu i|yd ( fnda;,fha we;s Wmfoia lshjkak Š jukh lrjsh hq;af;a frda.shdg isysh ;sfnskus kus muKla nj isys ;nd.kak Š wešs,a,la W.=r ;=,g hjd ls;s lejSfuka jukh lrjkak

  13. Š jukh lrjSfusoS frda.shdf.a uqyqK hgsme;a;g isgskfia yrjd ;nkak. ke;skus jukh lrk fldgia iajdi kd,fhys ysrjSug bv we; Š jukh lrjSug frda.sh isysfhka isgskjdkus c,h osh yelsh kuq;a lsrs fyda ,qKq j;=r oSfuka j<lskak Š uqLfha wdydr o%jH fyda fiu msrS we;akus msrsisoq lrkak

  14. Thank You

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