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Vertically Averaged Divergence in General Circulation

Explore the vertically averaged divergence in the atmosphere, the structure of internal and external waves, the primitive equations, and the description of the general circulation. Learn about the thermally driven circulation in the absence of rotation.

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Vertically Averaged Divergence in General Circulation

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  1. ATOC 4720 class37 1. The vertically averaged divergence • The primitive equations • The general circulation: description • Thermally driven circulation in the absence of rotation

  2. 1. Vertically averaged divergence Atmosphere: high degree of compensation: One level digergence -- the other level convergence.

  3. Structure of external and internal waves There is vertically averaged divergence Complete Compensation Of divergence Internal External:

  4. 2. Primitive equations: ( )

  5. 3. General circulation: description Ultimate energy source: solar radiation

  6. General circulation Two broad classes atmospheric motions: Driven by horizontal heating gradients in stably stratified atmosphere (98% kinetic Energy); large-scale: synoptic-planetary (gestrophy); sometimes convert to small-scale: instabilities (2) Driven by convective instability (2%); important for transport latent and sensible heat from earth’s surface upward;

  7. General circualtion: description Usually, general circulation--indicates motion as type (1): Large scale Energy cycle: Large-scale horizontal heating gradients -- potential energy -- convert to Kinetic energy -- dissipation; General circulation is maintained by the horizontal heating gradients. (say Hadley cell)

  8. Dynamical point of view: hotizontal heating gradients -- horizontal pressure gradients -- large-scale horizontal motion; Geostrophic adjustment process: PGF, Coriolis Force; In lower latitudes: most kinetic energy is quasi-steady, thermally driven circulation -- caused by uneven distribution of heat sources and sinks; Monsoon and ITCZ Mid-latitude: daily change is large: baroclinic waves Frictional dissipation in PBL

  9. 4. Thermally driven circulation without rotation

  10. Convergence Divergence Z-coordinate: If

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