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Yasuní National Park: Symbol of Buen Vivir and Resistance to Oil Exploitation

Yasuní National Park, located in Pastaza and Orellana provinces in Ecuador, is a symbol of Buen Vivir (Living Well) and the global standard for combating climate change. It is home to indigenous communities and rich biodiversity. Expanding oil production in Yasuní would have detrimental effects on the environment, indigenous rights, and the transition to a post-oil economy. Clean oil extraction technology does not exist, and the impacts of oil and gas activity on human health and the economy are significant.

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Yasuní National Park: Symbol of Buen Vivir and Resistance to Oil Exploitation

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  1. ¿What is Yasuní?

  2. The symbol of Buen Vivir or Living Well • The emblem of resistance of all environmental struggles • The transition to a friendly socioeconomic model • The utopia for other lifestyles • The global standard for compating climate change • It reaffirms the Rights of Nature

  3. ¿Where is Yasuní National Park?

  4. Provincias de Pastaza y Orellana • Cuenta con 982000 hectáreas; como las provincias de Pichincha y Esmeraldas juntas • En 1979 fue declarado Parque Nacional • En 1989, un área aún mayor del parque, fue declarada Reserva de la Biósfera por la UNESCO

  5. ¿What is unique about Yasuní?

  6. ¿Who lives in Yasuní?

  7. Waorani • Kichwas • Shuar • Colonies of mestizos • Tagaeri y Taromenane

  8. Indigenous Rights • The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous • Art. 57 of the Ecuador Constitution • Penal code • The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights • Rights of Nature • Art. 71-74 of the Ecuador Constitution

  9. ¿ What if oil production expands in Yasuní?

  10. • We will emphasize our dependency on world capitalism • We will deny our multiculturalism • We will violate the Rights of Nature, uncontacted indigenous peoples and our own plan of Buen Vivir (Living Well) • We expose our society to the irreversible damage of anthropogenic climate change • Will further delay the necessary transition to a post oil country • We will lose the knowledge to discover our nature

  11. ¿What oil blocks are within and around Yasuni National Park?

  12. Photo of road construction in Block 31 taken by National Geographic

  13. BLOCK 43 (ITT) • Recently approved its operation: known as ITT (Ishpingo, Tambococha and Tiputini) • Has proven poor quality oil reserves of up to 846 million barrels of oil • The Assembly, by petition of the President and declaring it of National Interest, approved Block 31 and 43

  14. Art. 407 • As requested by citizenship referendum, the Assembly should have seen fit to call for public consultation for the operation of Block 43 (ITT) and 31. • Art. 71

  15. The National Plan for Buen Vivir/Good Living 2013-2017 is financed without oil revenues from the extraction of ITT to reduce poverty by 20%, lessen malnutrition in children and improve education indicators. • The sameNational Plan for Buen Vivir requires : • 7.11.C. “Strengthening the implementation of policy measures and mechanisms to regulate or restrict the entry and expansion of activities is not allowed and / or not compatible with the conservation of the tangible and intangible heritage of the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve”.

  16. Stop the removal if there is any kind of contact with Isolated Indigenous communities?

  17. In 2008, the Ministry of Heritage, Mines and Environment agreed to the Code of Conduct: • Cease hydrocarbon activities at the first sign of the presence of Isolated Indigenous; • Assembly issued the same guidelines for the exploitation of Blocks 31 and 43 (ITT), however: • In March 2008 there was a tragic contact with illegal loggers in Block 14 • In August 2009, another attack was evident to a family in Block 17 and the activities were not arrested • In March 2013 there was another unfortunate contact in Block 16

  18. ¿Does clean oil extraction exist?

  19. Clean oil extraction does not exist. Mitigation can significantly impacts, however: *Case of Texaco *Oleoducto de Crudos Pesados (OCP) *Trans Pipeline System Oil extraction in the case of Block 43 (ITT) will be even more dangerous as this area is mostly marshland, so a spill here would be disastrous for the level of contamination and difficulty in cleaning the oil.

  20. Does a high-endtechnologyexist to extractoil?

  21. • Such technology has not been proven in Ecuador and even worse in the world; example is the Deepwater Horizon platform? • Tragically, the statistics reveal that in Ecuador there is a spill of not less than 5 barrels of oil per week, with this “leading edge" technology .

  22. What does the oil extraction process involve and what are their impacts?

  23. La planificación, extracción y distribución del petróleo necesita principalmente de: • •Sísmica 3D • •Helicópteros y Generadores • •Mecheros • •Agua de formación • •Caminos, “senderos” y carreteras • •Tráfico de fauna • •Expansión de la frontera agrícola

  24. What are the impacts of oil and gas activity on the health of the human population?

  25. Abortions 150% more frequent near the wells. • Cancer 130% • Mortality rate is 260% higher than in Quito • 94% of the population has lost animals • Bioaccumulation • Article 281

  26. SOCIAL IMPACT • Alcoholism case • Prostitution (80% single mothers in Eden) • Poverty • Violence in general

  27. What economic benefits will accrue from the exploitation of Block ITT?

  28. Recent analysis reveals that Ecuador will not receive 18 billion dollars for the ITT oil, but around 14 billion in the best cases. The 18 billion originally offered, divided by 13 years of operation, represents the same annual budget of the Ministry of Defense. In Ecuador oil has been exploited since 1972, they have already spent more than 40 years and little or nothing good has been in the oil industry.

  29. What other economic activities can replace oil?

  30. 1.5% tax increase to the 10 largest economic groups reach a profit of $ 20,585 million in 25 years, that is $ 2,293 more than what would be achieved by exploiting the ITT Block million. • Nationalize cellular telephones • Target subsidies • Bet on community tourism • Implement renewable energy • Develop bio-knowledge

  31. What can we do to stop the extraction of oil from Block 43 (ITT)?

  32. 1. Register in the petitions to collectsignatures for a referendum: • a. Email: info@yasunidos.org • b. Twitter: @yasunidos • Facebook: Yasunidos • www.yasunidos.org • 2. Attendevents to support Yasuní • 3. Share thisinformation • 4. Socialize the referendum question: "Do you agree that the Ecuadorian government to keep the ITT oil, known as Block 43, indefinitely under the subsoil

  33. “This land is not inherited but borrowed " • “"If 7million million people consume as the developed countries of the West, it would take 10 planets like ours to meet our needs"

  34. "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do harm but because of those who do not do anything about it“ • - Einstein


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