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Building Partner Capacity for Combating WMD: EUCOM

Building Partner Capacity for Combating WMD: EUCOM. Ends, Ways, and Means. BPC for CWMD “Ends”. U.S. Armed Forces, in concert with other elements of U.S. national power, deter WMD use.

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Building Partner Capacity for Combating WMD: EUCOM

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  1. Building Partner Capacity for Combating WMD: EUCOM Ends, Ways, and Means

  2. BPC for CWMD “Ends” • U.S. Armed Forces, in concert with other elements of U.S. national power, deter WMD use. • U. S. Armed Forces are prepared to defeat an adversary threatening to use WMD and prepared to deter follow-on use. • Existing worldwide WMD are secure, and the U.S. Armed Forces contribute, as appropriate, to secure, reduce, reverse or eliminate it. • Current or potential adversaries are dissuaded from producing WMD. • Current or potential adversaries’ WMD are detected and characterized and elimination is sought. • Proliferation of WMD and related materials to current and/or potential adversaries is dissuaded, prevented, defeated or reversed. • If WMD are used against the United States or its interests, U.S. Armed Forces are capable of minimizing the effects in order to continue operations in a WMD environment and assist U.S. civil authorities, allies and partners. • U.S. Armed Forces assist in attributing the source of attack, respond decisively, and/or deter future attacks. • Allies, partners, and U.S. civilian agenciesare capable partners in combating WMD. From the National Military Strategy to Combat WMD

  3. BPC for CWMD “Ways” BPC Ways* Provide Opportunities to: • Crawl • Education • Training • Walk • Needs Assessments • Exercises • Conferences, Workshops, and Info Exchanges • Run • Equipment and/or Infrastructure • Personnel Exchanges • Experiments • RDT&E *Adapted from RAND Security Cooperation Ways. See Monograph MG329, “Assessing the Value of U.S. Army International Activities”

  4. BPC for CWMD “Means” • Team identified 45 activities aimed at building partner capacity for combating WMD • A comprehensive look at each COCOM AOR but not necessarily an exhaustive list of activities • Considered DoD and other USG activities, partners and allies, regional organizations • Developed matrices showing linkage, by sub-region • Analyzed activities to identify: • Which ends it pursues • What ways it uses

  5. EUCOM: Southeast Europe

  6. EUCOM: Albania

  7. EUCOM: Croatia

  8. EUCOM: Montenegro

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