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Analysis of Algorithms Chapter - 06 Greedy Graph Algorithms

Analysis of Algorithms Chapter - 06 Greedy Graph Algorithms. This Chapter Contains the following Topics: Introduction Graph Categorization Graph Terminology Graph Representation Searching Graphs Depth-First Search Breadth-First Search Greedy Methods Fractional Knapsack Problem

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Analysis of Algorithms Chapter - 06 Greedy Graph Algorithms

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  1. Analysis of Algorithms Chapter - 06 Greedy Graph Algorithms

  2. This Chapter Contains the following Topics: • Introduction • Graph Categorization • Graph Terminology • Graph Representation • Searching Graphs • Depth-First Search • Breadth-First Search • Greedy Methods • Fractional Knapsack Problem • A Task-Scheduling Problem • Minimum Cost Spanning Trees • Spanning trees • Kruskal’s Algorithm • Prim’s Algorithm • Shortest Path Problem • Dijkstra’s Algorithm

  3. Introduction

  4. A Graph is a data structure which consists of a set of vertices, and a set of edges that connect (some of) them. That is, G = ( V, E ), Where V- set of vertices, E - set of edges 3 1 Vertex (Node) 2 Edge 4 5 What is Graph? V = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} E = { (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (2,3), (3,5), (4,5) }

  5. Computer Networks Electrical Circuits Road Map Computer Resistor/Inductor/… City Applications

  6. A Directed GraphorDigraph is a graph where each edge has a direction The edges in a digraph are called Arcs or Directed Edges Example: G = (V, E), where V = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} and E = {(1,4), (2,1), (2,3), (3,2), (4,3), (4,5), (4,6), (5,3), (6,1), (6,5)} (1, 4) = 1→4 where 1 is the tail and 4 is the head 1 6 4 2 5 3 Graph Categorization

  7. An Undirected Graphis a graph where the edges have no directions The edges in an undirected graph are called Undirected Edges Example: G = (V, E), where V = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and E = {(1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (2,3), (3,5), (4,5)} 3 1 2 4 5 Graph Categorization (Contd.)

  8. 40 3 1 1 20 60 10 2 70 4 2 3 50 5 Graph Categorization (Contd.) • A Weighted Graphis a graph where all the edges are assigned weights. • If the same pair of vertices have more than one edge, that graph is called a Multigraph

  9. Adjacent vertices: If (i,j) is an edge of the graph, then the nodes i and j are adjacent. An edge (i,j) is Incidenttovertices i and j. Vertices 2 and 5 are not adjacent Loop or self edges:An edge ( i,i ) is called a self edge or a loop. In graphs loops are not permitted ( 1,1 ) and ( 4,4 ) are self edges 3 1 3 1 2 2 4 4 5 5 Graph Terminology

  10. Path: A sequence of edges in the graph. There can be more than one path between two vertices. Vertex A is reachable from B if there is a path from A to B. Paths from B to D B, A, D B, C, D Simple Path:A path whereall the vertices are distinct. 1,4,5,3 is a simple path. But 1,4,5,4 is not a simple path. G 3 1 A 2 F D 4 B 5 E C Graph Terminology (Contd.)

  11. Length :Sum of the lengths of the edges on the path. Length of the path 1,4,5,3 is 3 Circuit: A path whose first and last vertices are the same. The path 3,2,1,4,5,3 is a circuit. Cycle: A circuit where all the vertices are distinct except for the first (and the last) vertex. 1,4,5,3,1 is a cycle, but 1,4,5,4,1 is not a cycle. Hamiltonian Cycle: A Cycle that contains all the vertices of the graph. 1,4,5,3,2,1 is a Hamiltonian Cycle. 3 1 2 4 5 Graph Terminology (Contd.)

  12. Degree of a Vertex : In an undirected graph, the no. of edges incident to the vertex In-degree: The no. of edges entering the vertex in a digraph Out-Degree: The no. of edges leaving the vertex in a digraph In-degree of 1 is 3 Out-degree of 1 is 1 A Subgraph of graph G=(V,E) is a graph H=(U,F) such that U ЄV and FЄE 3 1 3 1 1 2 3 2 4 2 5 4 5 H=(U,F) G=(V,E) Graph Terminology (Contd.)

  13. A graph is said to be Connected if there is at least one path from every vertex to every other vertex in the graph. Tree: A connected undirected graph that contains no cycles Forest: A graph that does not contain a cycle 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 Tree Forest Connected Unconnected Graph Terminology (Contd.)

  14. The Spanning Tree of a Graph G is a subgraph of G that is a tree and contains all the vertices of G. 3 3 1 1 2 2 4 4 5 5 SpanningTree Graph Graph Terminology (Contd.)

  15. Adjacency Matrix (A) The Adjacency Matrix A=(ai,j) of a graph G=(V,E) with n nodes is an nXn matrix Each element of A is either 0 or 1, depending on the adjacency of the nodes aij = 1, if (i,j) Є E, = 0, otherwise Example: Find the adjacency matrices of the following graphs. 3 1 2 3 4 1 5 2 Representation of Graphs

  16. Adjacency Matrix of a Weighted Graph The weight of the edge can be shown in the matrix when the vertices are adjacent A nil value (0 or ∞) depending on the problem is used when they are not adjacent Example: To find the minimum distance between nodes... 9 3 1 5 4 2 Representation of Graphs (Contd.)

  17. Adjacency List An Adjacency list is an array of lists, each list showing the vertices a given vertex is adjacent to…. Adjacency List of a Weighted Graph The weight is included in the list 5 4 5 2 3 2 1 5 2 1 1 3 5 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 9 1 9 3 3 1 2 4 5 4 4 2 5 5 Representation of Graphs (Contd.)

  18. Searching Graphs

  19. Depth-First Search • Why do we need to search graphs? • To find paths • To look for connectivity • Depth-First Search (DFS) • Start from an arbitrary node • Visit (Explore) an unvisited adjacent edge • If the node visited is a dead end, go back tothe previous node (Backtrack) • Stop when no unvisited nodes are found and no backtracking can be done • Implemented using a Stack • Explore if possible, Backtrack otherwise…

  20. DFS Algorithm • Algorithm DFS(G) • { • for each vertex u Є V[G] do • { • Color[u] := white; • Parent[u] := nil; • } • for each vertex u Є V[G] do • if (Color[u] = white) then • DFS_Visit(u); • } • Algorithm DFS_Visit(u) • { • Color[u] := gray • for each vertex v Є Adj[u] do • if (Color[v] = white) then • { • Parent[v] := u; • DFS_Visit(v); • } • Color[u] := black; • } white - Unvisited gray - Discovered black - Finished

  21. B F H A C G D E Example and Analysis A , F , C , B , G , E • Two for loops of DFS take Θ(V) time, excluding the time to execute the calls to DFS_Visit(). • The procedure DFS_Visit() is called exactly once for each vertex of the graph, since DFS_Visit() is invoked only on white vertices and the first thing it does is paint the vertex grey. • During an execution of DFS_Visit(v), the 2nd for loop is executed |Adj[v]| times. • Since Σ|Adj[v]| = Θ(E), the total cost of executing 2nd for loop is Θ(E). • So, the total running time of DFS is Θ(E+V) .

  22. Breadth-First Search (BFS) • Start from an arbitrary node • Visit all the adjacent nodes (distance=1) • Visit the nodes adjacent to the visited nodes (distance=2, 3 etc.) • Stop when a dead end is met • Implemented using a Queue • Explore all nodes at distance d…

  23. BFS Algorithm Algorithm BFS(G, s) { for each vertex u Є V[G] – {s} do { Color[u] := white; Distance[u] := ∞; Parent[u] := nil; } Color[s] := gray; Distance[s] := 0; Parent[s] := nil; Q := Ø; Enqueue (Q, s); while (Q ≠ Ø) do { u := Dequeue (Q); for each v Є Adj[u] do if (Color[v] = white) then { Color[v] := gray; Distance[v] := Distance[u] + 1; Parent[v] := u; Enqueue (Q,v); } Color[u] := black; } white - Unvisited gray - Discovered black - Finished s - SourceVertex Q - FIFOQueue

  24. B F H A C G D E Example and Analysis A , C , E , B , F , G • After initialization, no vertex is ever whitened. • Thus each vertex is enqueued at most once, and hence dequeued at most once. • The operations of enqueueing and dequeueing take O(1) time, so the total time devoted to queue operations is O(V). • Because the adjacency list of each vertex is scanned only when the vertex is dequeued, each adjacency list is scanned at most once. • Since the sum of the lengths of all the adjacency lists is Θ(E), the total time spent in scanning adjacency list is O(E). • S, the total running time of BFS is O(V+E).

  25. Greedy Methods

  26. 4 B A 5 3 4 E 2 1 3 C 2 D The Greedy Method • A greedy algorithm obtains an optimal solution to a problem by making a sequence of choices. • For each decision point in the algorithm, the choice that seems best at the moment is chosen. • This chooses the Locally Optimal Choice hoping that it would give a Globally Optimal Solution. • But it does not always produce an optimal solution. • Of course, it is powerful and works for many problems. • Example- • Find the shortest path from A to E using the Greedy Method.

  27. 4 B A 5 3 4 E 2 1 4 B A 5 3 2 C D 3 4 E 2 1 3 C 2 D Solutions • Greedy solution – • Order of visit is A → C → D → B → E • Path cost is 2+2+1+5 = 10 • The best possible solution we can achieve. • In the example the optimal solution is • A → D → E • Path cost is 3+3 = 6

  28. 10 ml The Fractional Knapsack Problem • Given: A set S of n items, with each item i having bi - a positive benefit, and wi - a positive weight • Goal: Choose items with maximum total benefit but with weight at most W. • If we are allowed to take fractional amounts, then this is the fractional knapsack problem. • In this case, we let xi denote the amount we take of item i • Objective: maximize • Constraint: • Example: “knapsack” Items: • Solution: • 1 ml of 5 • 2 ml of 3 • 6 ml of 4 • 1 ml of 2 1 2 3 4 5 Weight: 4 ml 8 ml 2 ml 6 ml 1 ml Benefit: $12 $32 $40 $30 $50 Value: 3 4 20 5 50 ($ per ml)

  29. The Algorithm • Greedy choice: Keep taking item with highest value (benefit to weight ratio) • Since • Input: set S of items with benefit bi and weight wi; max. weight W • Output: amount xi of each item i to maximize benefit with weight at most W Algorithm FractionalKnapsack(S, W) { for each item iε S do { xi :=0; vi :=bi / wi ; //value w :=0 ; //total weight if (w < W) then { //remove item i with highest value (vi) xi := min{wi , W - w}; w :=w + x; } } }

  30. A Task-Scheduling Problem • Given: a set T of n tasks, each having: A start time, si A finish time, fi (where si < fi) • Goal: Perform all the tasks using a minimum number of “machines.” • For example: • [1,4], [1,3], [2,5], [3,7], [4,7], [6,9], [7,8] (ordered by start) • Greedy choice: consider tasks by their start time and use as few machines as possible with this order. Machine 3 Machine 2 Machine 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

  31. The Algorithm • Input: Set T of tasks with start time siand finish time fi. • Output: non-conflicting schedule with minimum number of machines Algorithm TaskSchedule(T) { m :=0; //no. of machines while (T is not empty) do { remove task i with smallest si; if (there’s a machine j for i) then schedule i on machine j; else m :=m + 1; schedule i on machine m; } }

  32. Minimum Cost Spanning Trees

  33. B B A A B A C C C D D D E E E Undirected Graph Some Spanning Trees Spanning Tree • A Tree is a connected undirected graph that contains no cycles is called a tree • A Spanning Tree of a graph G is a subgraph of G that is a tree and contains all the vertices of G • Properties • The spanning tree of a n –vertex Undirected Graph has exactly n-1 edges • It connects all the Vertices in the Graph • A Spanning tree has no Cycles

  34. 6 B A B A 1 1 1 1 C 3 2 C 3 2 4 D D E 5 E Weighted Undirected Graph MCST Minimum Cost Spanning Tree (MCST) • The Tree among all the Spanning Trees with the Lowest Cost. • Applications: • Computer Networks • To find how to connect a set of computers using the minimum amount of wire • Shipping/Airplane Lines • To find the fastest way between locations

  35. Constructing a MCST • We shall examine two algorithms for solving the MCST problem: Kruskal’s algorithm and Prim’s algorithm. • Each can easily be made to run in time O(E lg V) using ordinary binary heaps. • By using Fibonaci heaps, Prim’s algorithm can be sped up to run in time O(E+V lg V), which is an improvement if |V| is much less than |E|. • Both the algorithms use a greedy approach to the problem. • This greedy strategy is captured by following algorithm, which grows the minimum spanning tree one edge at a time. • Algorithm MCST(G, w) { T := Ø; while (T does not form a MCST) do { find an edge (u,v) that is safe for T; T := T υ {(u, v)}; } return T; }

  36. Kruskal’s Algorithm • Mark each vertex as being in a Set • Initially each vertex is in a set of it’s own • Sort the edges in increasing order of the weight • Take the edges in the sorted order (smallest one first) • If it’s Safe to add the edge • Add it to the tree, don’t worry about the overall structure • It is Safe to connect to vertices from different sets, No Cycles will be formed. • Our implementation of Kruskal’s algorithm uses a disjoint-set data structure to maintain several set of elements. • Each set contains the vertices in a tree of the current forest. • The opreration Find-Set(u) returns a representative element from the set that contains u. • Thus, we can determine whether two vertices u and v belong to the same tree by testing whether Find-Set(u)=Find-Set(v). • The combining of trees is accomplished by the Union() procedure.

  37. Kruskal’s Algorithm (Contd.) • To implement a disjoint-set forest with the union-by-rank heuristic, we must keep track of ranks. • With each node x, we maintain the integer value rank[x], which is an upper bound on the height of x. • When a singleton set is created by Make-Set(), the initial rank of the single node in the corresponding tree is 0. • Each Find-Set() operation leaves all ranks unchanged. • When applying Union() to two trees, there are two cases, depending on whether the roots have equal rank. • If unequal ranks, we make root of the higher rank the parent of the root of other, but their ranks remain same. • If equal ranks, we arbitrarily choose one of the roots as the parent and increment its rank. • Let us put this method into pseudocode.

  38. Kruskal’s Algorithm (Contd.) Algorithm Make-Set(x) { Π(x) := x; rank[x] := 0; } Algorithm Union(x, y) { Link(Find-set(x), Find-set(y)); } Algorithm Link(x, y) { if (rank[x] > rank[y]) then Π[y] := x; else { Π[x] := y; if (rank[x] = rank[y]) then rank[y] := rank[y] + 1; } } Algorithm Find-Set(x) { if (x ≠ Π[x]) then Π[x] := Find-Set( Π[x] ); return Π[x]; }

  39. Kruskal’s Algorithm (Contd.) • Algorithm MCST-Kruksal(G, w) • { • T := Ø; • for (each vertex v Є V[G]) do • Make-Set(v); // Make separate sets for vertices • sort the edges by increasing weight w • for (each edge (u,v) Є E, in sorted order) do • if (Find-Set(u) ≠ Find-Set(v)) then • {// if no cycles are formed • T := T U {(u,v)}; // Add edge to Tree • Union(u,v); // Combine Sets • } • return T; • } • The MCST resulting from this Algorithm is Optimal.

  40. 4 4 2 e a f c b d 8 (f,d) (b,e) (c,d) (a,b) (b,c) (e,d) (a,f) 6 2 1 Illustration Initially T = Φ, Sets – {a}, {b}, {c}, {d}, {e}, {f}. E (Sorted in Ascending Order ) Step 1 Take (f, d); Set(f) ≠ Set(d) => Add (f, d) to T, Combine Set(f) & Set(d); T = {(f, d)}. Sets – {a}, {b}, {c}, {e}, {f, d}.

  41. 4 4 2 e d a c f b 8 (f,d) (b,e) (c,d) (a,b) (b,c) (e,d) (a,f) 6 2 1 Illustration (Contd.) Step 2: Take (b, e); Set(b) ≠ Set(e) => Add (b, e) to T, Combine Set(b) & Set(e); T = {(f, d), (b, e)}. Sets – {a}, {b, e}, {c}, {f, d}.

  42. 4 4 2 e d a c f b 8 (f,d) (b,e) (c,d) (a,b) (b,c) (e,d) (a,f) 6 2 1 Illustration (Contd.) Step 3: Take (c, d); Set(c) ≠ Set(d) => Add (c, d) to T, Combine Set(c) & Set(d); T = {(f, d), (b, e), (c, d)}. Sets – {a}, {b, e}, {f, d, c}.

  43. 4 4 2 e d a c f b 8 (f,d) (b,e) (c,d) (a,b) (b,c) (e,d) (a,f) 6 2 1 Illustration (Contd.) Step 4: Take (a, b); Set(a) ≠ Set(b) => Add (a, b) to T, Combine Set(a) & Set(b); T = {(f, d), (b, e), (c, d), (a, b)}. Sets – {b, e, a}, {f, d, c}.

  44. 4 4 2 e d a c f b 8 (f,d) (b,e) (c,d) (a,b) (b,c) (e,d) (a,f) 6 2 1 Illustration (Contd.) Step 5: Take (b, c); Set(b) ≠ Set(c) => Add (b, c) to T, Combine Set(b) & Set(c); T = {(f, d), (b, e), (c, d), (a, b), (b, c)}. Sets – {b, e, a, f, d, c}.

  45. 4 4 2 e d a c f b 8 (f,d) (b,e) (c,d) (a,b) (b,c) (e,d) (a,f) 6 2 1 Illustration (Contd.) Step 6: Take (e, d); Set(e) = Set(d) => Ignore T = {(f, d), (b, e), (c, d), (a, b), (b, c)}. Sets – {b, e, a, f, d, c}.

  46. 4 4 2 e d a c f b 8 (f,d) (b,e) (c,d) (a,b) (b,c) (e,d) (a,f) 6 2 1 Illustration (Contd.) Step 7: Take (a, f); Set(a) = Set(fd) => Ignore T = {(f, d), (b, e), (c, d), (a, b), (b, c)}. Sets – {b, e, a, f, d, c}.

  47. Analysis of Kruskal’s Algorithm • The running time of Kruskal’s Algorithm for a graph G = (V, E). • Initializing the set T takes O(1) time. • Cost of Make-Set() is |V|. • The time to sort the edges is O(E lg E). • The for loop performs O(E) Find-Set() and Union() operations on the disjoint-set forest. • Along with |V| Make-Set() operations, these take a total of O((V+E) α(V)) time, where α is very slowly growing function. • Since, G is assumed to be connected, we have |E| ≥ |V| - 1, so, the disjoint-set operations take O(E α(V)) time. • Since α(|V|) = O(lg V) = O(lg E) • The total running time of Kruskal’s algorithm is O(E lg E). • Observing that |E| ≤ |V|2, we have lg |E| = O(lgV). • So, we can restate the running time of Kruskals’ algorithm as O(E lg V).

  48. f d c b a e e a c b d f a f c b e d 4 4 2 2 1 MCST Prim’s Algorithm • Pick any Vertex v • Choose the Shortest Edge from v to any other Vertex w • Add the edge (v,w) to the MCST • Continue to add at Every Step, the Shortest Edge from a Vertex in the MCST, to a Vertex Outside, with out worrying about overall structure. • Stop when all the Vertices are in the MCST 4 4 2 8 6 2 1 Graph

  49. Prim’s Algorithm (Contd.) • Q – Priority Queue, r – Starting vertex • Key[v] – Key of Vertex v, π[v] –Parent of Vertex v • Adj[v] – Adjacency List of v. • Algorithm MST-Prim(G, w, r) • { Q := V[G]; // Initially Q holds all vertices • for (each u Є Q) do • { Key[u] := ∞; // Initialize all Keys to ∞ • π[u] := Nil; • } • Key[r] ← 0 • while (Q ≠ Ø) do • { u := Extract_min(Q); // Get the min key node • for (each v Є Adj[u]) do • if (v Є Q and w(u,v) < Key[v]) then • { π[v] := u; • Key[v] := w(u,v); • } • } • } • The MCST resulting from this Algorithm is Optimal

  50. f d c b a e b c d f a e Illustration 4 Initially 4 2 8 6 2 1 Step 1 Extract_Min(Q) => a b Є Q and Key[b] > w(a, b) => π[b] = a, Key[b] = 4 f Є Q and Key[f] > w(a, f) => π[f] = a, Key[f] = 8

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