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Prof. Dr. Norbert Weber Kyev, July 1-2, 2014

Prof. Dr. Norbert Weber Kyev, July 1-2, 2014. FAO Technical Cooperation Program (TCP) Forest Policy Consolidation in Ukraine: Objectives and Expected Outputs. 1. Project justification. Project justification.

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Prof. Dr. Norbert Weber Kyev, July 1-2, 2014

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  1. Prof. Dr. Norbert WeberKyev, July 1-2, 2014 FAO Technical Cooperation Program (TCP) Forest Policy Consolidation in Ukraine:Objectives and Expected Outputs

  2. 1. Project justification

  3. Project justification • the legal and administrative situation in the forest sector: shortcomings threatening progress of recent years; preventing the full use of the potential of the sector to contribute to the well-being of the country. • Loss of jobs, depopulation of rural areas, and low productivity • Urgent need for clarification of challenges, responsibilities, improvement of forest legislation and statutory instruments

  4. Project justification (2)  developing means and tools for an improved forest policy making.  produce knowledge that will help formulate the adequate policies for sustainable forest management.  By including bottom-up approaches and integrating non-state actor groups who are deeply interested in Ukrainian forests and forestry, a fundamental improvement of policy making can be achieved and future implementation gaps can be reduced.

  5. 2. Expected Outputs, Target Groups andBeneficiaries

  6. Outputs (1) • Permanent fora for informed decision-making in forest policy, consisting of • (a) Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue (MSD) of invited actors on challenges of forests and forestry in Ukraine, organized around specific topics, and • (b) Inter-Agency Task Force(IATF) on forests and forestry, headed by the State Forest Resources Agency, and based on the existing ad hoc working group “Forestry.”

  7. Outputs (2) • A conceptual framework (roadmap) for the Ukrainian forest sector based on the assessment of past forest policy measures, perspectives and priorities. Roadmap for change Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Areas: fields of action (esp. public relations, afforestation, monitoring…)

  8. Outputs (3) • Public relations strategy for forestry, highlighting the fact that there is a higher potential of forestry for society (necessity of increasing harvesting level, role of forestry in increasing income in rural areas, providing environmental services).

  9. Outputs (4) • Afforestation/reforestation strategy is prepared, including the regeneration of previous existing forests, the establishment of protective plantations and plantations for bioenergy, the establishment of forests on private land and land reserves. • Cf. forest restoration issue

  10. Outputs (5) • Recommendations for improvement of the system of forest reporting and statistical information, with adapted linkages to European and international reporting schemes on forests. and specification of the information needed for the national forest policy development

  11. Target beneficiaries • Governmental agencies involved in forest administration issues on different levels (national, regional, local). • Indirectly, the project will improve the situation of a large number of people working in and around the forest sector, especially in rural areas. • attractiveness for potential investors in forestry will be increased by securing a reliable institutional frame.

  12. 3. StrategyandMethodology

  13. First step Comprehensive analysis of the situation of forestry in Ukraine (forest sector analysis, forest policy analysis): • Institutional setup for forestry on all decision levels; • Decision-making processes and structures of forest governance; • Identification of best practices in the forest sector of the country; • Gap analysis of shortcomings in present forest policy; • Cross-sectoral policy linkages between forest policy and other sectors’ policies ; • Linkages (and place) of forest policy in the national development strategies.

  14. Second step • In a second step, a road map for forest policy in Ukraine will be drafted. • Stakeholder participation and ownership will be secured by participation of stakeholders in the Multi-stakeholder Dialogues. • Selected stakeholders characterized by a major responsibility for the forest resources convene in the Steering Committee (during the project) and Implementation Committee (after the end of the project), respectively. • The participation of at least one stakeholder dealing with gender equality issues in the forest sector will be encouraged to ensure that gender concerns and needs are not overlooked.

  15. Third step • The third step encompasses the dissemination of project results and the publication of the respective findings in traditional and electronic media, respectively. The material will highlight gender-related issues that arose during the project.

  16. Project Framework: Impact • The Ukrainian forest sector will be equally based on the economic, ecologic and social pillars of sustainability. • Forestry substantially contributes to the achievement of national MDGs by having improved the situation of people living from forestry especially in rural areas, and to international commitments of the country with regard to climate change and biodiversity. • In addition, the potential of the forest sector to serve the needs of diverse societal interests (especially material, energy, nature protection, recreation, cultural values of forests) has been realized.

  17. 4. Impact, Outcome, Outputs, Activities

  18. Project Framework: Impact • The Ukrainian forest sector will be equally based on the economic, ecologic and social pillars of sustainability. • Forestry substantially contributes to the achievement of national MDGs by having improved the situation of people living from forestry especially in rural areas, and to international commitments of the country with regard to climate change and biodiversity. • In addition, the potential of the forest sector to serve the needs of diverse societal interests (especially material, energy, nature protection, recreation, cultural values of forests) has been realized.

  19. Outcome, Outputs, Activities • The relevant stakeholders of the forestry sector of Ukraine agree on • necessary steps and measures to reach forest policy consolidation and delineation of duties and responsibilities of the major actors, • thereby contributing to informed and evidence based decision making and implementation.

  20. Output 1.1: Activities • Output 1.1 Permanent multi-stakeholder dialogue • Activity 1.1.1 Identify stakeholders, including private/public organisations dealing with gender equality issues, in forests and forestry and facilitate committee organization • Activity 1.1.2 Invite the stakeholders to the first Multi-stakeholder dialogue • Activity 1.1.3 Prepare and organize the first meeting, dedicated to the general situation of forestry in Ukraine • Activity 1.1. 4 Draft by-laws as a basis for work (e.g. moderation, protocol, representation rights, implementation responsibilities, commitment to results) • Activity 1.1. 5 Invite to and organize the follow-up meetings devoted to forestry challenges identified during the first meeting • Activity 1.1.6 Derive stakeholder-oriented recommendations for the road map • Activity 1.1.7 Disseminate the results

  21. Output 1.2: Activities • Output 1.2 Inter-agency task force on forests and forestry formulated • Activity 1.2.1 Identify agencies to be invited, including agencies working on women’s empowerment and/or gender issues, in addition to the existing ad hoc working group “forestry” • Activity 1.2.2 Invite the agencies to the first inter-agency meeting • Activity 1.2.3 Prepare and organize the first inter-agency meeting • Activity 1.2.4 Draft by-laws as working basis for future meetings • Activity 1.2.5 Organize the regular follow-up meetings • Activity 1.2.6 Develop recommendations and by-laws for meetings of the agency after the end of the project

  22. Output 2 • A conceptual framework (roadmap) for the Ukrainian forest sector elaborated, based on the assessment of past forest policy measures, perspectives and priorities.

  23. Output 2: Activities Output 2: Conceptual Framework (roadmap) for the Ukrainian forest sector • Activity 2.1 Draft an outline for analysis (distribution of tasks, contents, time schedule, gender mainstreaming) • Activity 2.2 Conduct a gender-inclusive analysis of Ukrainian forest sector • Activity 2.3 Conduct a forest policy analysis, including interests, conflicts and gaps in forest protection and utilization • Activity 2.4 Organize a workshop to present preliminary results of analysis and discuss the results with decision-makers • Activity 2.5 Identify best practices in forest policy in Ukraine • Activity 2.6 Draft policy recommendations, including institutional arrangements and choice of instruments • Activity 2.7 Organize the participation of high-level decision-makers in an international conference on forestry • Activity 2.8 Organize a National Forest Conference

  24. Output 3 • Public relations strategy for forestry formulated, highlighting the fact that there is a higher potential of forestry for society (necessity of increasing harvesting level, role of forestry in increasing income in rural areas, providing environmental services).

  25. Output 3: Activities Output 3: Public relations strategy for forestry • Activity 3.1 Assess currently available publications on Ukrainian forestry • Activity 3.2 Assess existing websites on Ukrainian forestry • Activity 3.3 Draft a public relations strategy for forestry • Activity 3.4 Release the publication on the forest policy roadmap • Activity 3.5 Draft and release a booklet on Ukrainian forests and forest policy • Activity 3.6 Launch and actualize a new website on Ukrainian forests and forestry

  26. Output 4 • Afforestation/reforestation strategy is prepared, including the regeneration of previous existing forests, the establishment of protective plantations and plantations for bioenergy, the establishment of forests on private land and land reserves.

  27. Output 4: Activities Output 4: Afforestation / reforestation strategy • Activity 4.1 Assess previous afforestation/reforestation activities in Ukraine (areas, tree species) • Activity 4.2 Assess previous afforestation/reforestation strategies with regard to formulation and implementation procedures • Activity 4.3 Develop a draft strategy, taking into account regional needs, especially targeted at the Steppe region • Activity 4.4 Discuss the strategy, inter alia, at the regional workshops in the country, and adopt recommendations • Activity 4.5 Present the afforestation/reforestation strategy on the National Forest Conference

  28. Output 5 • Recommendations for improvement of the system of forest reporting and statistical information, with adapted linkages to European and international reporting schemes on forests; and specification of the information needed for the national forest policy development

  29. Output 5: Activities Output 5: Improvement of the system of forest reporting • Activity 5.1 Accomplish a gap analysis in forest statistics and reporting with regard to the interfaces to the international level • Activity 5.2 Accomplish a gap analysis in the information needed for supporting the national forest policy process • Activity 5.3 Discuss the results with decision makers on national and regional level • Activity 5.4 Draft an agenda for improving the system of national forestry statistics and relevant reporting

  30. Excursus: Scenario building at the example of Germany Scenario 1: B.A.U.

  31. Scenario 2: Strong government regulation towards sustainability

  32. Scenario 3: Trust in market forces with lowest government intervention

  33. Thank you for your attention!

  34. Further Aspects

  35. Work Plan

  36. Work Plan

  37. Work Plan (2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6

  38. Work Plan (3) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6

  39. Terms of Reference (TOR) Descriptions

  40. TOR Descriptions • National Project Coordinator • Senior Forest Policy Analyst • Forest Sector Analyst • National Consultants • (Mediator) Forest Policy • Forest Sector Analyst (social and economic part) • Forest Sector Analyst (legal and institutional part) • Afforestation/reforestation expert • Forest policy communication specialist • Gender in Forest Sector and Policy expert

  41. TOR: National Project Coordinator • Ensure and take all necessary actions that the project is officially registered with the relevant authorities or Ministries to ensure the exemption from VAT, customs duties and all other fees, duties and taxes. This is in line with the TCP General Provisions attached to this project document. The evidence of the registration needs to be provided to FAO, Budapest. • Overall management of the project; • Prepare and revise the project work plan and financial plans, as required by Ukrainian governmental provisions and FAO specifications, respectively; • Supervise and coordinate the production of project outputs as per the TCP project document; • Finalize, in accordance with FAO officials, the ToR for the national consultants and subcontractors;

  42. TOR: National Project Coordinator (ctd.) • Coordinate the recruitment and selection of project management unit personnel; • Supervise and coordinate the work of PMU staff, including sub-contractors • Coordinate all actors involved with achieving project outcomes, outputs and activities; • Manage procurement of goods and services under FAO guidelines and oversight of contracts; • Ensure proper management of funds consistent with FAO requirements, and budget planning and control; • Establish project monitoring and reporting procedures; especially • Prepare and ensure timely submission of financial consolidated progress reports, mid-term reports, and other reports as may be required by FAO;

  43. TOR: National Project Coordinator (ctd.) • Disseminate project reports to and respond to queries from concerned stakeholders; • Report progress of project to the Steering Committee periodically; • Oversee the exchange and sharing of experiences and lessons learned with relevant forest policy projects nationally and internationally; • Prepare the National Forest Conference and facilitate the regional meetings; • Organize the study tours; • Undertaking any other activities that may be assigned by the Steering Committee. • Prepare the draft Terminal Statement and submit it for review to the Lead Technical Officer.

  44. TOR Senior Forest Policy Analyst • Draft an outline for analysis (distribution of tasks, contents, time schedule); • Undertake review of policies dealing with forestry and related sectors, taking into account any gender-related aspects; • Carry out a forest policy analysis (including interests, conflicts and gaps in forest protection and utilization), primarily based on expert and key-stakeholders interviews and workshops in a gender-sensitive manner; • Contribute, in cooperation with National Project Coordinator (NPC) and other project staff, to the development of the forest policy roadmap, including any gender concerns that arose during the review; • Contribute to the establishment and initial functioning of the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue (MSD); • Assist in the establishment of the Inter-Agency task force (help to define its TOR, agenda etc.); • In close collaboration with the NPC and the FAO Regional Office, convene a two-day workshop to present and discuss results of the review of the forest sector and forest policy analysis; • Prepare a report of the workshop that should define areas of harmonization between policies, and follow-up actions to consolidate the national dialogue on forest policy; • Prepare and submit mission reports.

  45. TOR Forest Sector Analyst • Carry out a rough analysis of the forest sector (forest resources, activities and outputs, organization and institutions), resulting in a SWOT analysis; • Review the Ukrainian forest sector according to modern scientific standards, including product demand, product supply, factor supply, factor demand and explanation of the forest resource; • In close collaboration with the National Project Coordinator (NPC) and the FAO Regional Office, convene a two-day workshop to present and discuss results of the review of the forest sector and forest policy analysis; • Elaborate recommendations for improvement of the system of forest reporting and statistical information, with adapted linkages to European and international reporting schemes on forests; • Conduct a gap analysis to cover any information needed for the national forest policy development. • Contribute, in cooperation with NPC and other project staff, to the development of the forest policy roadmap; • Draft and distribute, in cooperation with the NPC, the electronic newsletters; • Prepare and submit final mission report.

  46. TOR National Consultant (moderator)Forest policy • Assist in the formulation of a detailed forest policy analysis, based on expert and key stakeholders’ interviews and workshops in a gender-sensitive manner; • Assist, in cooperation with NPC and other project staff, the forest policy roadmap, including any gender concerns that arose during the development; • Moderate the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogues (MSD) together with the Forest Policy Communication Specialist; • Assist in the establishment of the Inter-Agency task force, and moderate the Inter-agency task force meetings; • In close collaboration with the National Project Coordinator (NPC) and the National Policy consultant, moderate a two-day workshop to present and discuss results of the review of the forest sector and forest policy analysis; • Moderate the National Forest Conference;

  47. TOR National Consultant Forest sector analyst (social and economic part) • Contribute to the formulation of a rough analysis of the forest sector (social and economic parts); • Assist in the review of the Ukrainian forest sector according to modern scientific standards, including product demand, product supply, factor supply, factor demand and explanation of the forest resource; • Assist in the elaboration of recommendations for improvement of the system of forest reporting and statistical information, with adapted linkages to European and international reporting schemes on forests; • Assist in conducting a gap analysis to cover any information needed for the national forest policy development. • Contribute, in cooperation with NPC and other project staff, to the development of the forest policy roadmap; • Assist in formulating policy recommendations, including institutional arrangements and choice of instruments; • Prepare and submit a final report.

  48. TOR National Consultant Forest sector analyst (legal and institutional part) • Contribute to the formulation of the analysis of the forest sector (legal and institutional parts); • Assist in the review of the Ukrainian forest sector; • Assist in the elaboration of recommendations for improvement of the system of forest reporting and statistical information, with adapted linkages to European and international reporting schemes on forests; • Assist in conducting a gap analysis to cover any information needed for the national forest policy development. • Assist in formulating policy recommendations, including institutional arrangements and choice of instruments; • Contribute, in cooperation with NPC and other project staff, to the development of the forest policy roadmap; • Prepare and submit final report.

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