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Slow runner helps kid that is bad at Maths. Next page.
Come on hurry up I am running fast as I can .At morning tea I am going to hit you really hard ten times stop that now why because I don’t like it no “I’m’ not stopping” are you coming back “no”. Mr Shorter someone is hitting me and I told them to stop but he said “no” “is he in our class” yes at the end of morning tea “I will tell him to stop it” bring. Nextpage back
we had a problem morning tea that we need to have a talk about for the last few weeks. Shane come here why did you hit him he call he slow at running and he said to hurry up. Nextpage back
“I’m going to beat you up a lunch so you better watch out. Bring that’s the bell grab your hats and go to play I better run and find ambassador and tell Caleb that he punch me where is he now on the bottom field I will tell him to go to the restart Nextpage back
BACKTOSTART Why are you here because I put hands on did you hurt Reeve yes thanks for telling the true but we are going to ring your mum bring ok go back to class home time see you on Monday. Shane why did you put hands on Good morning room16 we have fix that thing that happened on Friday. Reeve can you help me do maths ok I will help if you don’t hurt me. back