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Principles and Strategies. Today’s agenda. Welcome (5 minutes) Please remember to click Bonus for reminding me about Free/Writes Questions & answers (5 minutes) Student presentations Difficult to discriminate stimuli Model concept analyses Summary of one assessment tool
Principles and Strategies Department of Behavior Analysis
Today’s agenda • Welcome (5 minutes) • Please remember to click • Bonus for reminding me about Free/Writes • Questions & answers (5 minutes) • Student presentations • Difficult to discriminate stimuli • Model concept analyses • Summary of one assessment tool • Principles and strategies Department of Behavior Analysis
Work Check • Analyzing, Chapters 6 & 7 Department of Behavior Analysis
Paired Associate and Discrimination Skills Strategies and Rules Motor Skills Component Composite Emotional Behavior
Composite Emotional (Respondent) Behavior Component Component Composite Paired Associate and Discrimination Skills Strategies, Rules & Concepts Motor Skills Kinesthetic Repertoires Sequences & Algorithms Strategies Response Chains Concepts Principles (applying rules) Simple Responses Paired Associate Rules
Some terms… • A principle • A statement of a conceptual relationship, usually between two or more concepts • A strategy • A procedure for finding ways to solve problems • An organized attack on a problem situation • Problem solving Department of Behavior Analysis
Some problems with defining principles as rule-governed behavior • “Rule-governed” does not advance our behavioral analysis • Unnecessary given our definition of verbal behavior • Signals a structural definition rather than a functional one Department of Behavior Analysis
Tiemann & Markle’s big points • Goal of principles instruction is to ensure that learners can apply the rules • Is the principle functioning as intended? • Why teach principles? • Provide supplemental stimulation to accomplish something • Conditional discriminations functioning as mands • For children with autism, teach speaker-own-listener relation Department of Behavior Analysis
Analyzing principles • Find a prototype • Identify critical and variable attributes • Number of critical attributes • Range of variable attributes • Identify conceptual components • Develop a rational set Department of Behavior Analysis
Your turn! • Break into three small groups • Select one of the principles below and analyze it for its conceptual components, critical attributes, variable attributes, and the range of variable attributes • Develop a minimal rational set of teaching examples and nonexamples • Principles: • If you have someone’s eye contact, they are listening to you • When it is raining outside, we wear special clothes • When the teacher asks a question, be ready with the answer • If someone asks you a question you don’t understand, say that you don’t understand Department of Behavior Analysis
Tonight’s Homework • identify four examples of instances of principles that children with autism often need to learn from each of the following areas: • academic skills • social skills • self-help skills • leisure skills • of the examples you identified above, analyze one from each of the four areas using the example formats Tiemann & Makle provide in appendix 11; please be prepared to present at least one of these in class tomorrow Department of Behavior Analysis
Tonight’s readings… • White, O.R. (1984). Selected issues in program evaluation: Arguments for the individual. In B.K. Keogh (Ed.) Advances in Special Education: Documenting Program Impact. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. • Vargas, E.A. (1988). Verbally-governed and event-governed behavior. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 6, 11-22. Department of Behavior Analysis