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Freedom of speech – freedom to insult…? Lund University, April 26, 2013

Freedom of speech – freedom to insult…? Lund University, April 26, 2013. Who am I?. Jeanette Larsson Police Officer in Malmö for the past 24 years (1989 - ) Educator of ethical standards at the Police Force 2008 Educator of diversity at the Police Force in 2009

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Freedom of speech – freedom to insult…? Lund University, April 26, 2013

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  1. Freedom of speech –freedom to insult…?Lund University, April 26, 2013

  2. Who am I? Jeanette Larsson Police Officer in Malmö for the past 24 years (1989 - ) Educator of ethical standards atthe Police Force 2008 Educator of diversity atthe Police Force in 2009 Educator of hate crimes atthe Police Force in 2010-2012 Member of the Police Force Union Board for more than 10 years, responsable for human equality and diversity Vice President of the Gay Police Association, Sweden Vice President of the European Gay Police Association (EGPA)

  3. Common questions and prejudices? • …”Why do homo- and bisexuals always have TO BE SEEN and express their sexual orientation? We, as heterosexuals, never discuss OUR sexual orientation….!” • …“We are just here to work/study, not to discuss our sexual orientation…..!” • …”When did you come out…?”

  4. Important milestones for the LGBT-movement in Sweden: 1944 Homosexual acts were no longer criminal. 1979Homosexuality was no longer a disease. 1 January 2009transvestism was no longer a disease. Transsexualism…..?

  5. Which are our sexual preferences? T ex: • Actrofomofili Sexual attracion to amputaded body parts. • Axillism Sexual attraction to someones armpit. • Dendrofili Sexual attraction to trees. • Fetischism Sexual attraction to objects, f ex shoes. • Gerontofili Sexual attraction to elderly people. • Hebefili Adults sexual attraction to youths. • Nekrofili Sexual attraction to dead bodies. • Sadomasochism Relations that includes sadism och masochism. • Zoofili Sexual attraction to animals. • Pedophilia PEDOPHILIA IS A CRIME!

  6. A tough decision by the Chief of Stockholm County Police, Carin Götblad 2002: “Participation in the gay parade was very consistent with our diversity plan, so it was an easy decision to make. We showed that it is OK to be a GAY police officer. We are committed to our descision, which is that all people have equal value” “When heterosexuals will become a minority, you will also be able to participate in a parade in uniforms…”

  7. What are the core values/ethical standards of the Police? Thepolice's mission is to increasesafety and reducecrime. We carry out our mission professionally and build trust by being - • Engagedto responsibility and respect. We take responsibility for our mission and protect equal values.... • Effectivetowards performance and development. We focus on results, collaboration, and continuous development. • Availableto the public and to each other. We are helpful, flexible and supportive.

  8. Aftonbladet, 2009 Nominated to “Swedish Heroes”

  9. Heroine of the year 2009 The Transgender Association in Sweden appointed Jeanette as Heroine of the year 2009 – for her great civil courage and deep commitment to Human Rights.

  10. What is a ”whistle-blower”? Sydsvenska Dagbladet, August 2009: Whistle-blowers are living dangerously when they come forward… Those who denounceabuses in the workplace risk their careers and often far more. Also, the social and private life are exposed to high stress. We need courageous officials who dare to criticize the power and show the abuse of power. They are often seen as troublemakers, but research shows that they usually are regular people with a strong conscience and sense of their professional responsibilities.


  12. Woman of the year, 22nd place, Expressen, March 8, 2012 22. Jeanette Larsson 47 years old, Educator of ethical standards at the Police Force in Malmö. As Jeanette Larsson passed by the lunch room she overheard an older male colleague speak degrading of homosexuals. She reported her colleague and became known around Sweden for her outspokenness. While the Malmö Police Force is preoccupied withmurder and racist attack cases, Jeanette takes the Force into the 2010s. 23. Eva Dahlgren (gay icon) 36. Maud Olofsson (politician) 41. Mona Sahlin (politician) 47. Mia Skäringer (actress)

  13. Citizen of the Month, Malmö-/Lund, CITY, April 2012 She dares to speak “the unpleasant truth”.

  14. About confidence and attractivity: About 10 - 15% of the population define themselves as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender. How about the situation in the Police Force of Skåne? In Skåne, we are approximately 3500 employees. Probably no one knows more than a maximum of 10 – 20 collegues who are openly gay, bisexual or transgender. Why? As of now, there are no openly gay or bisexual men. …nor any open transgender person. What does this imply for the attractivity of the Police Force among these minority groups?

  15. How can we become better at these issues? Be good role models as managers! Enhance skills and understanding among employees through education and information, based on Human Rights. ”Ignorance breeds prejudices – Knowledge prevents!” Open up to diversity issues by raising questions about ethics, morals, interaction and attitudes. Interact with other players. Manifest your support by participating in parades and events. Recruit personnel in minority groups. Support Enthusiasts!

  16. What is civil curage? • Daring to stand up for yourself and others. • Daring to stand up for what you believe is right, even when everyone else disagree. • Daring to speak out against racist jokes or other demeaning comments. To speak out against bullying. • Daring to stand up for what is right and a weaker person despite risks for yourself. It is easy to like and agree, but harder to act independently confronted with resistance.

  17. Where does civil courage start? Let it beginwithme! At homewithyourfamily. Whenyoutake a break at work. In everyday life and when meeting people.

  18. What is not civil courage? The seventh deadly sin……. Indifference

  19. Contact: Carpe Courage JEANETTE LARSSON FÖRELÄSNINGAR jeanette@carpecourage.se www.carpecourage.se Facebook: Carpe Courage Jeanette Larsson, föreläsningar Tel: 0733 – 22 10 41 Foto: Joi Grinde

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