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LifeTrack of White Stork, DER AP922, tag 2667, Ciconia ciconia 2013 to 2013

LifeTrack of White Stork, DER AP922, tag 2667, Ciconia ciconia 2013 to 2013. Sex : Born: approx. 24 th April 2013 Nest location: Hovtashat South of Eriwan , Armenia Tagging Date: 16 th June 2013 Ring no.: DER AP922 Tag no.: 2667 Mother: Siblings: 1 (2557)

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LifeTrack of White Stork, DER AP922, tag 2667, Ciconia ciconia 2013 to 2013

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  1. LifeTrack of White Stork,DER AP922, tag 2667, Ciconiaciconia2013 to 2013 Sex: Born: approx. 24th April 2013 Nest location: HovtashatSouth of Eriwan, Armenia Tagging Date: 16thJune 2013 Ring no.: DER AP922 Tag no.: 2667 Mother: Siblings: 1 (2557) Died in: Turkey Date of death: ~ 5th December 2013 Cause of death: unknown – died in snow Sponsors: Max Planck Institute for Ornithology (Germany) & AUA Acopian Center for the Environment Special info:

  2. Movementsandflightroutes, dated 20th September 2013

  3. Photoofnestsunderthe Ararat in Darbnik / stork 2557

  4. Photos

  5. Photos

  6. Nest

  7. Location wherethedeadstork was found on 5th ofDecemberby a sheparddog in Turkey.

  8. Mapofwherethestork was found

  9. 12.Dec.2013Dear Mustafa Sarı,Mynameis Andrea Flack. I work at the Max Planck Institute forOrnithology in Germany. As partof a study on survivalandmigrationof White stork juveniles, we, togetherwithour international collaborators, havetaggedstorknestlingswithsatellitetransmitters in a varietyof different countries. I receivedyour email addressfrom Kerem Boyla, becauseyoumightbeabletohelpuswithrecoveringoneofthese GPS transmittersfrom a stork thatdiedcloseto Lake Van. The last locationofthestork was senttous on 11/12/2012 18:00. It wasLat: 38.358588, Long: 43.812098.We are very interested in recovering the GPS transmitter, and also, if possible, find out why the stork died. Would it be possible for you, or a colleague of yours, to go to this location to search for the GPS transmitter? We are, of course, willing to pay for your time and travel costs. I attach a photo of the transmitter to this email. Let me know if you have further questions, or need more information. If you decide to go, I can also send you the latest position sent to us. As long as the battery of the tag is still alive, we’ll get updates of the location twice a day. • Thank you very much in advance! • All the best, • Andrea • Andrea Flack, PhD • Max Planck Institute forOrnithologyAm Obstberg 178315 Radolfzell 16 Dec 2013 Dear Andrea, I will check signallocationTuesdayorWednesday. Haveyounewsignal?  Best regard, Mustafa 16 Dec.2013 DearMustafa, This isverygoodnews. The last messageofthe GPS transmitercame last Friday (13.12.). The location was still:Latitude: 38.3586155; Longitude:43.8121065Thankyouverymuch!All thebest,Andrea

  10. 18 Dec.2013 Dear Andrea, I havetwonewsforyourstork: oneofthembad, whitestorkdied. Another, itisgood, I foundreceiver. A shepherdhadsaw at 5 Decemberabovethemowfarfromdeadpoint at 200 m approximately. Itdividedbysheepdogorfox, I thinkitmaybesheepdog.  I attachedsome photos also. Pleasewritetomepostaddressesforsendingyour tags. I wantsharestoryofthetaggedwhitestorkandyouwith press release i Turkey, ifyougivemepermissionabout it. Ifitsuityourinterest, wouldyousharemesomeinformationforexample time of tag, mainrestareaandmigration route. Ifyouwant, youcanprepare a press releasetoTurkish press.  Best regards Dr. Mustafa SARI (Fisheries Scientist)

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