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Restoration planning – closing the loop. Stephen Hartley* & Frances Forsyth# *School of Biological Sciences & Centre for Biodiversity and Restoration Ecology Victoria University of Wellington # Wildland Consultants Ltd Based on a presentation by Colin Meurck (2010 restoration day),
Restoration planning– closing the loop Stephen Hartley* & Frances Forsyth# *School of Biological Sciences & Centre for Biodiversity and Restoration Ecology Victoria University of Wellington # Wildland Consultants Ltd Based on a presentation by Colin Meurck (2010 restoration day), based on a presentation by Murray Williams
What is a restoration plan? • A guiding document • Outlining a journey from where are you now (current status) to where you want to be • Keep it short & clear, and supplement it with 2 other documents. • An annual work plan (budgeting time, money, materials and labour) • A monitoring plan
Why write a restoration plan? • To keep everyone on the same page • Heading for (more or less) the same goal • To clarify yourgroup’s thinking • identify and avoid procedural inconsistencies • identify knowledge gaps • To convince potential funders that you are organised, accountable and “a good bet” for funding
What might a restoration plan look like? • Introduction • Vision / Goals • Site description • Threats • Objectives / actions • Monitoring • Appendices Where do we want to end up? Where are we now? What if we do nothing? How are we going to get there? How will we know if we are on track? Extra info that could be useful, but which could distract from the main plan
TeRaekaihau Point ecological rehabilitation plan 2010-2014 Table of Contents Introduction _________________________________________________________4 Historical context _____________________________________________________4 Site description_______________________________________________________6 Current ecological issues_______________________________________________7 Management recommendations ________________________________________9 Principles for ecological rehabilitation: ____________________________9 Aimsof ecological rehabilitation _______________________________10 Actions___________________________________________________________10 Monitoring ________________________________________________________18 Interpretation ______________________________________________________19 Time frame for 5 year rehabilitation plan________________________________20 The next twenty years________________________________________________21 Acknowledgements__________________________________________________21 Appendix one: Consultation for this plan_________________________________22 Appendix two: Site species list (current) _________________________________23 Table: Species recommended for planting Map of rehabilitation and planting
Vision • A high-level statement that everyone can agree to • (the ultimate goal in 100-500 years time) • Example: A thriving forest ecosystem supporting a full complement of the region’s wildlife and natural systems
Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust2003-04 Working Document “To remove forever, introduced mammalian pests and predators form Maungatautari, and restore to the forest a healthy diversity of indigenous plants and animals not seen in our lifetime”
A healthy, self-sustaining ecosystem, free of all introduced mammals and comprising indigenous species that are appropriate to the Orokonui site, where people can enjoy a peaceful encounter with nature, and from which they may take recreation, refreshment, new knowledge, new skills and a new commitment to conservation.
Study site description • Historical context • Current values • Landscape • Soils / water • Fauna • Flora • Cultural values • Recreational • Educational
Threats • Current trends / problems • increasing abundance of weed species • decrease in abundance of key bird species • lack of tree recruitment • predators • Potential threats • Loss of habitat to development projects • Biosecurity risks • Be specific and quantitative if possible
Additional points to consider / alternative approaches • A SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis • Research tenure, land/reserve status, community consultation, iwi liaison (these contacts may yield allies to the cause) • Local Govt plans that may affect site – roads, services, etc • Mapping of main land units which may become restoration units
Goals, objectives and actions • Goals are a more specific statement of the vision. • They describe the intended endpoint • They should be considered fixed • They are not time dependent • They should be agreed upon by the whole group (as far as possible) • Consider 1-2 for each key value
Goals, objectives and actions • Objectives support particular goals • They are what needs to be achieved in order to make progress • They represent potential legs of the journey • They should be time dependent (3-30 years) • If they aren’t being achieved they can be revised (more than one way to skin a cat)
Goals, objectivesand actions • Actions support particular objectives • They are what needs to be done at a very specific level • They should be time dependent (1-5 years) • If they aren’t producing the desired results they can be revised • E.g. Goal 1 : to increase bird numbers • Objective 1.1 : reduce predator numbers • Possible action 1.1.1 : poison baits against predators • Possible action 1.1.2 : trap predators • Objective 1.2 : improve food sources for birds • Possible action 1.2.1 : plant fruit and nectar sources • Possible action 1.2.2 : provide supplementary feeders
Technical feasibility • Talk to lots of people with experience to test your ideas. • The plan should be based on objectives and actions that are feasible. • If there is no feasible way of achieving the vision and goals, then agree on a revised set of goals! • Often there will be considerable uncertainty over what will work (or what will work best) • Hence the need for monitoring (checking your progress) and adaptive management (updating your objectives and actions) in the light of experience
Optional extras • Highlight alternative pathways (with a SWOT analysis) • Create a timeline • Create a visual version of the plan • Highlight potential conflicts between different objectives (e.g dogs vs penguins) • Include budget (?)
Budget • Not necessarily part of a restoration plan • Nonetheless you should have one • It will inform the range of objectives and actions that you can tackle and over what time frame • Volunteer hours are just as important to budget as dollars • Detailed budgets are part of the annual work plan
Where to get information? • Consult widely across the community • Call a public meeting • Local library • Council libraries and archives • Council staff • LINZ website, council & Google earth for aerial photos • Local groups – botanical societies, ornithological etc. • Local schools, colleges, university
What next • Make annual work plans • Monitor and record progress • Revise the plan every 5-10 years The Command and Control Loop http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/mcdp6/ch2.htm
Don’t forget • Consult with your group • Consult outside of your group • Include photos • Maps • Keep it focussed • More example plans and a previous version of this presentation: http://www.naturespace.org.nz/resource-centre/preparing-restoration-plan