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Filingpool is Delhi's top trademark registration service provider and maintains your brand identity with exceptional performance and same-day processing. We acknowledge the value of trademarks, offer professional advice, and secure trademark registration. With the help of our services, you can guarantee total protection for your brand or mark by receiving a TM number for use right away in three days and completing the registration process in six months. Trust Filing Pool to be your go-to partner for Delhi trademark registration; we prioritise the security of your brand.<br>https://www.filingpool
+918299202501+91798298859810:00AMTo06:00PM filingpool@gmail.com COMPANY GST INCOMETAXRETURN OTHERREGISTRATION DOCUMENTATION CONTACTUSBLOGS QUICKINQUIRY YourName TrademarkRegistrationserviceinDelhi Trademark Registration Online Rs 5,999/- (All Inclusive) YourEmail FileyourTrademark Applicationonline. Completeonline process. Processingtimejust1 day. YourNumber BookNow Submit BestTrademarkregistrationserviceproviderinDelhi. AsatrademarkregistrationserviceprovidercompanyinDelhi,wemake surethatwe givethebestever service toourclientsin justaday. Whatdoesthewordtrademarkmean? TrademarkMeans a “brand” or “logo” that you can use to distinguish your product from others. Trademark registrationcan also be known as logo registration/brand registration, Trademark registrationsecures your brand from using others. For e.g. the logo of NIKE and their tagline JUST DO IT is a registeredbrand name.Byregisteringyourlogoorbrand, you areprovidingitprotectionasit isillegalto usethesame logoortagline.You can also search your trademark before applying from trademark search. You can also view your led trademark application.Filing Pool is one of the Best Trademark registrationserviceprovidercompanyinDelhi. Trademark registration serviceisthe best service given byusto our clients.Atrademarkisan intangible asset for abusinessAfterTrademarking your logo or brand, a registered TM number which works as trademark license is assigned within a period of three days by Trademarkdepartment but it takes almost 6 month for it to be registered so that you can use to use ® symbol with your brand name. It is always advised to get Trademark registrationor brand name registration because getting your company registered will not protect your brand against those who might initiate using identical or similar marks. Before trademarking, make sure to check trademarks availability and it should be yourrst priority if you want to start a company. Trademark public search is animportantstep beforetrademark registration. Youneed todoa close search fortrademark namesasitwillhelpyoutoavoid futureproblems. Watch this video to know more https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j7AZt9TJeA BenetsofTrademarkRegistrationService LegalProtection If you believe your registered trademark is being infringed, it is easy to establish your right to it in court. If you haven’t registered the word, slogan, or logo, youwouldnotbeabletodoso.Particularlyinsectorsinwhichpiracyisrampant,trademarkregistrationisessential. BrandBenet A trademarkis an intangible asset that can be enormously valuable, should your brand succeed. Think of Tide, Nike or McDonald’s. Businesses can earn hugemoneyinroyaltiesthroughlicensingagreementsor even transferownershiptointerestedpartiesthroughassignmentagreements. UniqueIdentity You would want your customers to identify your products or services with yours only. Therst step in making sure of this is trademark registration. The courtwouldthenstopanysimilarwordsorslogansfrombeingregistered. Whenyou have theoptionofTrademark.“Whyotherpersontakesbene tofyourbrandname.” According to the Trade Marks Rules of 2017, different forms are required based on the type of application. For example, Form TM-A is used tole an application to register a trademark; Form TM-M is used tole miscellaneous applications like Extension of Time, Duplicate Registration Certicate, Amendment in the Trade Mark Application, etc.; Form TM-O is used tole a Notice of Opposition to oppose an application published in the Trade Marks Journal, Counter Statement; Form TM-R is used to renew a registered trademark, surcharge for a late renewal, Restoration of removed mark, Application for rectication of a registered trade mark, and so on. TM-C is used to request a copyright search and issue a certicate. As a Best Trademark registration serviceinDelhiwecanmakethisprocesseaserforyou. WhychooseusforTrademarkregistrationserviceinDelhi? As We are the best Trademark registration service provider in Delhi,Filling pool can help you in your trademark registration. We have a professional team working for us at similer cases of trademark and gained experience in thiseld. with our assist process of trademark registration can be easy for you.contactusfortrademarkregistrationserviceinDelhi
Trademarkregistration service indelhiisthebest service givenby ustoourclients. So,GetyourbusinessnameTrademarkTodayfromTrademark registrationserviceprovidercompanyinDelhi. Frequentlyaskedquestions QuickLinks OurServices Contact Address HOME ABOUTUS CONTACTUS GSTREGISTRATION FSSAI-REGISTRATION PRIVATELIMITEDCOMPANY TRADEMARKREGISTRATION +918299202501 +917982988598 Social Office307AgarwalChamberDilshad GardenDelhi-110095 +91-8299202501 +91-7982988598 filingpool@gmail.com www.filingpool.in Copyright©2024-FilingPool PrivacyPolicyTerms&ConditionsRefundPolicy