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Join our information night for Year 9 students and their parents to learn about subject selection options for Year 10. Gain control over your learning journey and choose from core subjects, pathways in mathematics and science, acceleration opportunities, electives, and VET/VCE courses.
Parent Information Night Subject Selections for 2020 Current Year 9 students
Principal Mr Craig Holmes Director of Learning and Teaching Mr Michael Goss
Order of Speakers Director of Learning and Teaching Mr Michael Goss
Laudato Si - A prayer for our earth • All-powerful God, you are present in the whole universe and in the smallest of your creatures.You embrace with your tenderness all that exists.Pour out upon us the power of your love,that we may protect life and beauty.Fill us with peace, that we may liveas brothers and sisters, harming no one. • We ask this prayer through Christ our Lord • Amen
Director of Learning Dr Bryan Wood Director of Learning and Teaching Mr Michael Goss
Year 10 • In 2020 you will be a Year 10 student! • As you progress through the school you will gain more control over your learning journey • The control that you gain is a great opportunity, but all opportunities come with responsibilities
Step 1: Core Subjects • Everyone in Year 10 will study the following core subjects: • English • Personal Development and Physical Education • Religious Education • Unit 1 Industry and Enterprise
Industry and Enterprise • This is a Unit 1 (Year 11) subject • Learning this subject will help you to gain work related skills • Creating a resume / CV • Writing a cover letter • Participating in job interviews
Step 2: Mathematics • Everyone in Year 10 will study Mathematics, but you can choose the pathway that best meets your needs
Step 3: Science • Everyone in Year 10 will study Science, but – once again - you will have a choice
Step 4: Acceleration • In Year 10 you have the opportunity to choose a VCE or VET subject • These subjects are normally studied in Year 11; in some cases it makes sense to accelerate your learning
Application Process • If you would like to choose one of these options, you will need to complete an application form • Completing the form does not guarantee you a place in the class – we need to ensure that it is the right ‘next step’ in your learning
Application Process • Important points to note: • You should be achieving a score of at least 75% in English, and in relevant pathway subjects • You must have shown commitment to your studies • The application will need to be signed by several people….
LOTE Subjects • It is not compulsory to study a LOTE subject in Year 10 • but… • If you are studying a LOTE subject, it is a good idea to keep going for as long as you possibly can
Remember, some subjects will count for two electives (VCE subjects, LOTE), and one of the elective spots is used for Industry and Enterprise.
How Do I Choose?!? • In some cases, students find the number of choices overwhelming • There are some very good filters that will help you to choose which subjects you should consider….
“I have no idea what I want to do” • That’s ok! • Aim for a broad range of subjects • Try to keep as many doors open as possible • The goal is ‘experience’
“I only want to pick easy subjects” • No, you really don’t. • All Year 10 subjects are academic • You need to build skills for the years ahead • Talk to the Careers team….
“I am going to be a doctor” • A narrow course can limit your options • Make sure you keep lots of doors open for the future • Sometimes trying something new • can take you in an entirely • different direction
Good Filters To Use Exploration: “This looks interesting…” Challenge: “I’m not sure if I …” Curiosity: “I wonder if...” Passion: “I really love…” Purpose: “ I want to…”
Good Questions To Ask • “I really enjoyed [subject] – what should I do next in order to learn more?” • “I’m really worried about my results in [subject], but it’s something I enjoy. What should I do?” • “I’ve heard that [subject] is a prerequisite for a course that I might like to do – is that true?”
Bad Questions To Ask “What is the easiest subject?” “Will I get 100% if I study [subject]?” “Who is teaching [subject] next year?”
Information www.thomascarr.vic.edu.au
VET/VCAL Co-ordinator Ms Natasha Le Noel Director of Learning and Teaching Mr Michael Goss
VET in the VCE • A student proposing to study a VET certificate should see Ms Le Noel (VET/VCAL co-ordinator) and include VET as one of their choices in their Web Preference Form. • A CareMonkey letter will be issued to families the first business day after subject selections close, with further information to finalise the enrolment process. This letter will include a links to an online enrolment information. It is important that you meet the deadline in order to get into your chosen course.
Vocational Education & Training in Schools(VETiS) • Year 10s are able to apply to start a VET course within the WynBay cluster. There are a wide variety of courses available, with most running on a Wednesday afternoon. • Please see the VET Handbook 2020, which can be found the College website for further information.
VET is a year long commitment • There might be additional costs involve • Confirmation of all costs will be given during the enrolment process • Some VET courses have classes during the Term breaks
PreCAL pathway Program • For students interested in VCAL, apprenticeships/ traineeships • For students who need more support in the classroom • Replaced the core subjects with a more hands on inquiry approach • Must select a VETis Certificate • All students selecting PreCAL will need to attend an interview
Head of Learning & Teaching Middle School Ms Tara Sherlock Director of Learning and Teaching Mr Michael Goss
This means you are wanting to study a VCE Unit 1/ 2 subject in Year 10. • You will need to complete an 'Accelerated Studies Student Application' form.
This means you are wanting to study a VET course in Year 10.
This means you just want to study a standard Year 10 Study Stream.
This means you are wanting to move into a VCAL pathway in Year 11 and 12.
Head of Middle School Mrs Jacinta Sheridan Director of Learning and Teaching Mr Michael Goss