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Finecrete- India’s Top Source Of “Eco-Friendly” Solutions For The Construction

Finecrete is mainly known for providing eco-friendly construction materials. Our excellent team is focusing more on green sources of living. We provide AAC Blocks, Feather Gyplast, Feather Mort, Feather Fix, etc. Our company's niche provides eco-friendly solutions to the construction industry.<br><br>

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Finecrete- India’s Top Source Of “Eco-Friendly” Solutions For The Construction

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  1. Finecrete- India’s Top SourceOf“Eco-Friendly” SolutionsForThe ConstructionIndustry www.finecrete.in

  2. AACBlocks AAC blocks are typically nine times largerthanstandardclaybricks. FeatherMortBlockJoiningMortar Feather Mort is a ready to mix, self curing cementitiousmortarformountingandbonding. Our Products FeatherPlastGypsumPlaster FeatherGYPlastiscomposedofgypsumhemidrateandspecial additives.Theseadditivescontrolit’sworkingandvariouscharacteristics. FeatherFixTileandStoneAdhesive FeatherFixisa marvellousTileAdhesive.Itisamixtureof cement,polymers,natural minerals andotheraggregates.

  3. FireResistant Its unique cellular structure provides excellent fire rating.AAC blocksdoesnotdisintegrateeveninfire. ProsOfUsing AACBlocks FinecreteAACBlocksarean excellent insulation material withlowdensityandexcellent insulationproperties. EarthquakeResistant Earthquake forces on structures are proportional to the weight of the building , hence light weight blocks shows excellent resistancetoearthquakesforces. AcousticProperties With its closed air pockets, AAC lightweight blocks can provideverygoodsoundinsulationwithanSTC(Sound TransmissionClass)ratingof44 ThermalInsulation Highest thermal rating in the industry R30. Its cellular structure provides well insulated interiors, keeping out warmairinsummersandcoldairinwinters.

  4. Pre-mixedProduct It is a ready to use mortar mix, all that it needs is a minimal amountofwater. ProsOfUsing FeatherMort Feather mort is made from cement,gradedsand,and polymericbindaswellasexcellent adhesionbetweentheblocks. HighThermalInsulation Thin joints regulate the transfer of heat through walls. It provides adhesionbetween blockstoblocks andblocks to otherporouscementitioussurface. NoShrinkageCracks AACBlock JointingMortarpreventsseepageandwater percolation during and after application avoiding shrinkage cracks. Affordable Compared to conventional mortar,theamountoffeather mortrequiredisupto3timeslesser.

  5. ProsOfUsingFeatherGyplast Itissuitableforapplicationoninternalwallsmade by bricks,AACBlocks,ConcreteBlocksandConcrete. CrackFreeWall Gypsum does not shrink or expand once the setting process iscomplete,assuringyou of crack free walls. Gypsum does notshrinkatall. NoCuringRequired FeatherGYPlastissupereasyto use.Gypsumisselfsettingand does not require curing. It sets quicklyandsaveswatertoo. SingleCoatApplication Thesuperiorqualitygypsum containedinourproductrequiresonly asinglecoating.Itissuitableforall interiorplasteringneeds.

  6. ProsOfUsingFeatherFix Itisusedontheinteriorfortheinstallationofsmalland mediumtiles,marble/graniteonfloors. NoShrinkage Shrinkagecracksareminimized due toitswaterretainingand selfcuringproperties. ZeroWastage AsFeatherFixTileAdhesiveiseasyto apply,thewastageofmasonry materialisminimal. HighThermalInsulation FeatherFixhashighthermal insulation allowing greater durabilityandfirmness.

  7. ContactDetails Phone:+919729990555 Website:https://finecrete.in/ Email: Info@finecrete.in Address: Factory/RegisteredOffice–Village& P.O.WaisorTehsil,MadlaudaDistrict Panipat–132113 Lilkis – Marketing Agent of Finecrete– SF-26, Ninex City Mart, Sec-49, Sohna Road,Gurgaon

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