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CHAPTER 7 THE ELECTORAL PROCESS. THE NOMINATING PROCESS. Nomination – the selecting of candidates for office A critical step in the American democratic system Precedes the general election when voters select officeholders. THE NOMINATING PROCESS CONTINUED.

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  2. THE NOMINATING PROCESS Nomination – the selecting of candidates for office A critical step in the American democratic system Precedes the general election when voters select officeholders
  3. THE NOMINATING PROCESS CONTINUED In the US, nominations are made in 5 ways: 1. Self-announcement – a person declares himself to be a candidate 2. Caucus – a group of like-minded people meet to select candidates 3. Convention – a political party’s members meet to select candidates 4. Direct primary – an election is held w/in a party to pick its candidates 5. Petition – a candidate gets a certain number of qualified voters to sign a petition
  4. ELECTIONS While the election process is largely governed by State law, federal law regulates the dates and some other aspects of both presidential and congressional elections. Elections are held the Tuesday after the first Monday in November of even-numbered years
  5. ELECTIONS CONTINUED Absentee voting is usually allowed Early voting is also allowed A precinct is a voting district A polling place is where voters actually vote, located somewhere in or near a precinct A ballot is the device by which voters register their choices in an election. Ballots must be secret – no one can see them but the voter. Most states use the Australian ballot, which lists the names of all the candidates in an election  It is printed at public expense, given out only at the polls, one to each voter, and is marked in secret
  6. ELECTIONS CONTINUED An office-group ballot lists candidates in a group by office, while a party-column ballot lists them by party. The coattail effect occurs when a strong candidate running for public office at the top of the ballot attracts voters to other candidates on the party’s ticket
  7. THE BASICS OF ELECTION PROCEDURE Elections are largely governed by State law Aspects of national elections such as dates are governed by federal law Voting takes place in voting districts called precincts Within the precincts, voters cast their votes at polling places (schools, churches, etc.) A ballot is used to register a person’s votes Most States use a form of the Australian ballot – either an office-group ballot or a party-column ballot Election procedures are clearly established by State law and, in some regards, federal law, as well
  8. MONEY AND ELECTIONS Money plays a key role in politics, but it presents serious problems to democratic governments Parties and their candidates draw their money from two basic sources: private sources and political action committees (PACs) Presidential candidates receive public subsidies, which are grants of money from federal and/or State treasuries
  9. MONEY AND ELECTIONSCONTINUED Federal campaign laws are administered by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) This applies only to the presidential and congressional elections Requires timely disclosure of campaign finance data and limit campaign contributions Loopholes in the law allow candidates to avoid some rules  soft money – not required to be reported, unlimited  hard money – must be reported, limited
  10. SUMMARY/ENRICHMENT Explain the difference between a convention and a caucus. (7-1) At what point do voters select office holders? (7-1) What is a ballot? (7-2) Which division of government controls most aspects of election? (7-2) Is hard money or soft money subject to reporting requirements? (7-3) Who gives public subsidies to campaigns? (7-3)
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