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SCaPeS. - S haping and C hanging of P laces and S paces -. SCAPES. is a research cluster of the Nijmegen School of Management, Radboud University Nijmegen Cluster coordinators: Prof dr Henk van Houtum , Prof dr Erwin van der Krabben. Globe as re-presentation. Global- ism.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SCaPeS • - Shaping and Changing of Places and Spaces -

  2. SCAPES • is a research cluster of the Nijmegen School of Management, Radboud University Nijmegen Cluster coordinators: Prof drHenk van Houtum, Prof dr Erwin van derKrabben

  3. Globe as re-presentation

  4. Global-ism

  5. With what worldly consequences?

  6. SCAPES researchers 2011

  7. Approaches Geo-andSocio-Political approaches Governanceapproaches FAQ Institutionalapproaches How is Space (B)ordered and identified with? Which Spatial Institutional Frictions occur? What is good Territorial Governance? Global Migration and (Re/De-) Borderings Global-local EnvironmentalandSpatialpolicies New Regionaland Urban Designs

  8. SCAPES Practices: • Von Humboldtlecture series • Internal (discussion list) and externalcommunication (ru.nl/scapes) • SCAPES research seminars • PhD programme • Second and third money workflow • Publicationstrategy • Media exposure

  9. A. Borders & Migration research On-going research: Research centre NCBR: Nijmegen Centre for Border Research (established in 1998, and currently widely seen as one of the centres of excellence in border studies, see www.ru.nl/ncbr. The co-founders and coordinators of NCBR, Van Houtum and Van derVelde, also are editors of the flagship journal in border studies Journal of Borderlands Studies (JBS) ) • Cross-borderdwelling (1 Phd) • Turbulent trajectories of migrants (1 Phd) • Cross-bordercooperation (cross-borderscapes) (NICIS, 1 postdoc, 2 PhDs and cooperationwithvariousmunicipalities) • Borderconflicts • Research and teaching cooperationwith Ghana and Indonesia • NORFACE (EU, conferences and dissemination) • Border Aesthetics (Norway, seminars, dissemination) • European external borders (EU, COST action) • Borders of unfamiliarity(EU, 1 PhD)

  10. B. Environment • Ongoing research: • Waterpolicies (Nl and EU, 2 PhDpositions) • Environment and public health (2 PhDpositions) • Partnerships in globalcommoditychains (3 PhDpositions, with Utrecht) • Climatechangeadaptationpolicies (2PhD positions) • Europeanisationthroughterritorialcooperation (1 PhDposition) • Otherachievements: • Center for Water and Society (withFaculties of Natural Sciences and Law) • Common research programme with University Utrecht on partnerships as governancephenomenon (www.unpop.nl) (5 PhD’s, 2 finalised) • Cooperation in French research programmes onnewforms of environmentalgovernance (CDE), oncoastal management (LITEAU) and newforms of participation (GIS-Participation, CNRS) • SCAPES / ESEP Lecture series onEuropeanSpatial and Environmental Planning

  11. C. Territorial Development & Design On-going research and newinitiatives Goodgovernance: land management and urbandevelopment • Land management forUrbanRedevelopment (1 PhDposition) and EU COST action • Land marketstrategieshousingassociations (2 researchers) • Land management forIndustrial estatesdevelopment (NICIS; 4 PhDpositions) • Shrinkingcities (1 PhDposition) • Database developmentDeteriation of industrialestates and residentialneighbourhoods • ‘ClimateProofCities’ (1 PhDposition, with Utrecht University) • NwoComplexity‘Slow foodmovements’ (2 post-docs) • Regionlabgelderland‘networkgovernance issues’ (province Gelderland) • Otherachievements:EditorshipRegional Studies Goodgovernance: transport and mobility • Infrastructure and urbandevelopment (2 PhDpositions) • Accessibility Randstad (1 PhDposition) • UrbanParkingdynamics (2 PhDpositions, with Tel Aviv University and Municipality of Antwerpen)

  12. The endless becoming

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