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E-Banking. Damian Sztuk, Jakub Mazur, Boris Moroseac. Business model of conducting banking activity on 5 pillars : 1. remote B2C communication ( branchless ) 2. full integration in banking structure 3. paperless services 4. cashless payments 5. customer-based interactions.
E-Banking Damian Sztuk, Jakub Mazur, Boris Moroseac
Business model of conducting banking activity on 5 pillars: 1. remote B2C communication (branchless) 2. full integration in banking structure 3. paperless services 4. cashlesspayments 5. customer-basedinteractions E-banking – concept and fundamentals Computer networks
The less you can see the bank, the more important it is … Computer networks
From analogue to networked digital Computer networks
Erosion of bank information asymmetry Computer networks
Raising power of Web communities Computer networks
Direct sources of bank innovations Damian Sztuk
Desktop Internet banking is over … Computer networks
Mobile Internet banking is future … Computer networks
Mobile Internet banking – first phaseof J. Schumpet innovation cycle Computer networks
New paradigm of banking services Computer networks
Creativedestruction- J.Schrumpeter Computer networks
J.Schrumpeter- innovationdimensions • New functionality- existing systems but newsolutions • New distributionchannels- pure technology progress • New market- creating and meetingneeds • New business activity- integratingareas of activity • New market structure- changing role of leadingcompanies Computer networks
J.Schrumpeter- creativedestruction Computer networks
New functionality Computer networks
New distribution chanels Computer networks
New market Computer networks
Core-capabilities of e-banking • Integratingphysical and virtualchannels • New IT-infrastructure • Enchasingtransactioncontent • Conveyingvaluepropositions • Deliveringdifferentiated services • Managingcustomerrelationships • Positioninginattractivesite Computer networks
Triggers for e-banking adoptionin EU Computer networks
Distributionchannels Computer networks
4 clusters of on-line banking adoption Computer networks
Growth dynamic Computer networks
Infrastructuretriggers Computer networks
Professional activity Computer networks
Web 2.0 Computer networks
Behavioralfactors Computer networks
Passiveinteraction Computer networks
Prosumer – on-line consumer professional consumer Computer networks
“Progressive Consumer” Computer networks
Prosumer • Researching a productvalue, performance and pricethrough: • Social networks (twitter, facebook) • Consumer productreviews (Amazon.com) • Pricescomparison shopping engines • Prosumerresearchesallaspects of a products performance, price and socialacceptanceinrelativecomparison to similar products withinthe same category. • Prosumerissearching for thehighestqualityproductthatbestmeetstheirpersonalneeds for themaximumamount of moneytheyarewilling to spend. Computer networks
Preferences when conducting research on banking products and services Computer networks
Most influential sources in selecting banking services Computer networks
Gen Y consumer tendencies • Independently dependent- favorsocialnetworkingforums to conductresearch on bank offers • Practicallymotivated- preferpriceoverbrand and aretheleastlikely to stickwith a single brandeveniftheylikeit • Tech-Savvy- „DotNet” generation • SociallyMindful- atractiveusesocialnetworkingsites to increaseawareness of corporatepractices • Financial Freshmen- voicethehighestlevel of discomfort, relative to otheragegroups, aboutcomplex bank products and services Computer networks
Internet banking I Stage: source of information II Stage: distribution channel III Stage: I-banking WEB 1.0 IV stage: I-banking WEB 2.0 Computer networks
Theend Computer networks